Sunday 18 October 2020


Words and actions are the means of expression, but there are things that we are not able fo find words because are sensations where some part remains inaccessible to consciousness What we have said or written, what is not manifested in actions, has been able to remain latent, and in the end what counts is the evidence. Words serve to distinguish one thing from another, identify them and locate with respect to a context. The word is the beginning of densification from what arises from thought. And the action is materialization. We can only put words to the tangible and perceptible. The intangible and the imperceptible can exist, but if it is beyond the reach of our consciousness it is non existent for us, and therefore unidentifiable. Words and actions bear witness to expressions. Unrealized imaginations or projects are diluted without leaving a record. Words identify, link and communicate. The misunderstood such as unknown languages, prevent connections about what we hear or see written, and therefore these words if we do not their meaning do not serve us. Words allow us to move in the environment knowing the appropiate timely treatment in each case so that our movements are safe. Surrounded by immensity and thousand of words, we only use of a small amount as well as the diversity that surround us. What counts is that with more or less the purpose of development and progress be constant, nourished by words and actions that solidify the goal that dynamizes them.