Wednesday 29 August 2018


In the name of religion, country, family, the power established gives green light to issue all the decrees, laws and regulations destined to favor specific interests.
The excuse of a common good, of an interest that supposedly must unite, open a way where it can fit the imaginable and unimaginable, always with an interested interpretation, arbitrary and partisan.
These " supposed saviors " who are believed to be authorized to impart and impose its doctrine, they did more harm than good. From dogmatic positions they value their ideas exacerbating, amd in the same proportion despise those who oppose it; because they of course have the truth and the others are wrong.
How start a discussion ? No need answer because everyone knows it. If the conflicts persists is for the goose of domain, to impose, that implies one part against other. And until don´t internalize deeply that from the respective individualities must search the collaboration and understood to create bridges there will no be peace.
All evil are born of selfish acts. For me but not for you. And this in name of purely interested must be converted in name of real common good, and from here the imbalances and the constant dairy barbarities they can start to straighten out.
It doesn´t matter whatever means religious, familiar, patriotic, economic, the personal actions influence in the society, and this in us, therefore the most wise and profitable is think and act as a result of agreement to such evidence.
We don´t must proceed in name that I want or will if this suppose to harm or to mistreat others for our own profit. The actions they have to be considered and executed in name of the correct to every moment and circumstance with the aim to fit the diversity to end at a suitable ending for the different involved parties.

Sunday 12 August 2018


Why we want to see the comfortable, the easy one, the one that fits my character, tastes and ideals ? What can we really see with clarity, with width ? Knowing is a question of wisdom,  and if we didn´t acquired, what we´ll see will be distorted. The worst of all is to believe to be  in the truth  and express the opposite in the exhibitions and actions.
One thing is to want and the other to power. No matter how much you want to see a certain context with sharpness, if we are not compatible for whatever reason, what you will see are suppositions or ficticious stories adapted to our idyosincrasy, capacity and interest.
When there is purity and good intentions, it´s more feasible  to see it clear. Confusion comes from impurities and bad intentions. If we want to see clear instead to manipulate, distort and lie to obtain some hypothetical benefits, what we have to do is be honest and find the right one in the situation.
As always selfishness and ignorance they are the triggers of conflicts, and if they are produced, it´s because we have not known proceed harmoniously.
When there is a dissonance, a mismatch, it´s the indicator that different ways must be introduced that allow to synchronize optimally the creators that come on stage.
To see clear is a question of lace, of meaures, of perspective, and if to our dairy environment there are so many caotic episodes is precisely for reductionist approaches, limiting the ability to see with broadness the consequences to do or not do according to what.
What we want to see ? which adjust to our wishes and criteria., what you can not do is cheat because it does not occur that we want. We are not here to get away with ours whatever it is.and be consented children.
The situations that are presented they are to expand perceptions, knowledge and readjust the precise one to continually build new better versions.
We must observe the individual and the alien, the near and distant, the interactions and the triggers, because see with clarity ask leave the plot itself and interest to determine the optimum in each case taking into account the equanimity and integrity to get it right the diagnosis.