Saturday, 28 December 2013


In a conditioned environment by many factors that continually located within a few small plots, the path to freedom is the deep yearning that springs us to a greater or lesser extent in us. The question  is : how can increase the percentage while respecting the standards and laws.
We have freedom of choice in the thought, in the expression of feelings, and in the action according to the level of individual conscience. To more consciousness more possibilities, to less consciousness less potential to move freely.
The need to fit the parts to the whole force to establish an order for the proper functioning, creating laws to that effect and at the same time this means responsibility. The diversity limits the degree of freedom because it is attached to the fundamental coupled to the environment and treat all with dignity.
The larger freedom is about ideas, and in spite of everything will depend on our ability and current developments. On the material level freedom is limited, subject to many elements. In the subtle, in the invisible are concentrated the larger proportions of freedom. As density increases it reduces the percentage of freedom.
Nor for the fact to have or do we are more free if this ends up behaving negative consequences.
Freedom to decide what, how, but if it is harmful will lead us to slavery.
The whole life is a continuous learning to free us from restrictive conditions, and although we have many studies and money, also will be a little freedom because we are subject to many enviromental facets as well as to the dependecies of other and nature.
In reality it is more the longing to the experienced. We want or we would like to be able to act with greater freedom, but if is not enough prepared mentally, if is not enough mature, serious, truly responsible, it is better to be restricted but with a safety, that it should not be put at risk by not foresee the consequences.
Freedom entails demands for which not everyone is ready, and that is why we are immersed in a context where necessarily we can not do follies for the risk that can cause.

Thursday, 19 December 2013


Watch is a need to prevention. The animals moved by the instint captures signals that allow them to go on the attack or on the defensive. We, as humans use more the mental part, rely on the discernment in order to carry out the steps that provide safety.
The majority focuses the vigilance only to the body movements, but it begins in the inner. The impressions we receive from outside impacting us, and as we fit we will express then a certain attitude.
We must be attentive to the movements that occur in us, observe if it calm down or alter, if they make us feel good or bad, if it is egotistic approach or altruistic. According to the base will be the action, so if the origin is harmonic as well will be the happened, but if the root has conflicting connotations, the result is also true.
From the abstraction to the specification. First a thought occurs, then an intermediate stage that suspended if we want it or not, whether we like it or not, if it suits us or not, and once we decided, the action has to translate into action.
Vigilance ask concentration, agility to decide, move promptly. What surrounds us exerts a function, this limits the space, and in the empty spaces is where we have to fit in with other people, animals, objects, etc.
When we get in troubles, in whatever form, is the result of not having guarded properly what we thought, felt and doing with the connotations that will end up reporting. This is something that will serve as a warning, reviewing the case and see where we have failed.
The dangers can appear at any time, in the most unsuspected, either by the movements themselves or by external factors, therefore the vigilance is essential to preserve the integrity. And the same thing exactly transferred to thoughts and feelings, if we leave that enters dirty, the experiences will also be in line to the internally stored.
Many people don´t take conscience of what it says, what it does, what is triggered then, and the chaotic environment and constant controversy.
It is already said in the Scriptures " keep watch, because the devil, like a roaring lion, is ready to eat us alive.
In the internal version we have to watch where we can be in danger, because if there is no attention we can be devoured.

Sunday, 8 December 2013


We never must be satisfied with the achieved level, because we don´t know where we can reach and the immense rewards that representing.
If we really want to welfare and satisfactory conditions, must cover greater challenges, because maintaining requests an effort, and improve requires an extra portion.
The requirement is not focused in one or two  areas, if we want quality we need to be clear that is in all terms. From the inner we have to establish the clarity, the ability to understand, the breadth of vision, discernment as a basis for the actions to plan and realize, and this means knowing how to carry out connections between us and the rest, the pretensions of the individuals with whom we come in contact.
Have qualitative external elements let´s you live with more comfort, but these will be insuficient if they are not in line with an inner quality expressed in our demonstrations. The requirement is to do better, be fixed purposes on a larger scale, because stagnation don´t go anywhere, and if it´s not going to any side we live by inertia without developing the potential.
Limited to rhe search of resources needed for their survival, establishing a widespread conformism renouncing to discover the latent talents, covering the dossier of subsistence without experiencing trascendence, that gives meaning, substance and objective beyond access to material goods.
Longing, desire to be more of what we are, to do more of what we do, not on the labor side in first term, but how to be. This has to merge from within, only depends on us, and if not rooted in the concerns, of course it is not possible the mobilizations that implies after.
The self demand is who can catapult into a continuous progress, without this we are condemned to a simple wandering where it will not be possible develop widely nor access to the most optimal expressions that facilitate more enriching and satisfactories experiences.

Friday, 29 November 2013


We want to get many things, and at the time of truth very few can be materialized. ¿ What happens between wanting and powering ? To densify an idea to practice need some mateials and know engage them to obtain the desired result, and if it falls a part or both, it is not possible concrete the desired.
We would like all kind of things, and in the first place we have to learn to discern on their desirability or not, and if appropriate, necessary or by interest, equip with the essential preparation to provide the best available care and treatment.
We want good relations, well ¿ but what we do in this way ? Selfishness, the unconsciousness, mess up again and again with unfortunate behavior, that instead of reporting satisfaction is quite the contrary. We want to be involved , but we can not because we don´t know act properly.
The rest of aspects thay may be as many as we think, exactly the same. In any context enters an specific medium with their characteristics, people that are part of scene with us and our intentions. Move defly making the appropiates laces, taking clear where we start, with what we achieved and where we go or, to be precise and to make successive links.
There are things viable and other non viable, is a matter of common sense, we are only just to see what can be feasible and that don´t.
We could get a lot more on several fronts, and if is not as vell is due to some kind of lack that deprives more closer to the goal. Individually and socially there are always many gaps remaining to fill, and will continue until that we see the manner to fill and catalyses for transforming all the empovering situations thanks to expertise and knowledge to be.

Monday, 18 November 2013


A great number of people does not move from the same course and the same lessons as if it were impossible to learn more, to cover more and introduce better conditions. With a restricted freedom of movements, aspirations focusing strictly on the elementary, without real concerns of overcoming, repeating identical movements until the exhaustion. All areas are impregnated, repetitive talks, complaints, eternal dissatisfaction; ultimately powerlessness to change the own conditions living in a climate of constant frustration.
The worst is that from generation to generation, these parameters are go on, observing how mediocrity, the decay and conformism, make life a weight annoying where survive seems really heavy. It is the negative view and the attittude to it who is generated, when they should strive to enter relevant factors applicant to increase the potential in the desired areas.
It is very boring give turns and turns to the same things in the same way without conclusions, and in the end it does not go anywhere. In a variety of topics you can vary the staging, change some character but follow the story and the talk, while maintaining the survival structures without incentives that planned toward breakers objectives. Thus it is impossible to get rid of automaton routines that promote a renewed version, different with other possibilities.
Living means taking risks, and not moving undertaking new challenges opting for what is known without advance is death in life.
Why need the abundance, the wealth that offers the nature in all senses, if after a mentality of poor restricts us to the indigence although we have house and resources ?
We leave to win to not loose a minimum. The opportunities to expand are continously escaping, by fear to delve in other areas. To preserve the elementary does not attune to the essential. And so day after day, year after year, make up this environment gray, when we could make it bright and shining, but this depends on the consciousness and some lofty ideals otherwise the change is impossible.

Friday, 8 November 2013


To live with, and this includes all us without exception. From the respective indvidualities, isolated or in crowd, we are separated in the presence but also united to share the essential. We are designed in such a way that we must seek the independence of movements as a unit, with the accurate support of others for our own maintenance.
From different singularities, with the diversity of criteria, valuations and approaches, each of us has to find the appropriate fittings in a constant give and receive to cover what was desired.
Knowing how to live in family, in society, is an art that requires continually trascend the ego without renounce to our lace, idiosincrasy amd supply the needed.
The problems arise when we want to impose the strength, submit to other by interests or whatever reasons. When there is no respect or a decent treatment, prepares the ground for the conflict in not acting with equity.
We would have to ask before getting in motion : what i´m trying to do is correct ? Can hurt someone else or is neutral ? I see only my benefit or the common good ?
From actions of others depends the order and efficient services, therefore we have to ensure for a optimal exchanges, because here is where lies the final quality. Instead of thinking what benefit would draw from, we have to think about how can I contribute to improve this or that thing.
The difficulties and adversities come from separative approaches. My in front of the rest, when it should be all contributing with all for the mutual nutrient.
The degree of harmonic awareness shows the evolutionary level, personal and social. The relationship with others is dialog, clip differences for a common good. It´s not a question of winners or losers, but collaborators that work to create the optimum state depending upon the time, circumstances and needs.

Monday, 28 October 2013


We have to face material and spirituals tests. With a reduced level consciousness, with some basic knowledge to proceed with any degree of effectiveness, we must manage in the physical realm adjusting again and again the shortcomings, individual desires and needs in the environment that it can provide.
Efforts at level material are intermediaries between the coverage of basic subsistence amd spiritual goal beyond our faculties of understanding and perception. Through learning experiences, if we have the ability to decrypt the background of the events with teir intrinsec purpose, we´ll reveal the ways that allow us to locate the appropiate behavior. Not focus on selfish profits, but raise in the terms of successfully proceed in relation to an harmonious whole.
The spiritual tests involve transfer limitations, from ignorance to knowledge, from poverty of ideas to the fluidity, from mediocrity to brilliancy. The environment influences on several fronts, but the desire to improve, to progress, to live with a neatness, depends only on us.
The mundane tests are the exposure of what we have to address in the density, with their instruments and operability. The spiritual tests are subtle, and if we have not previously worked for a long time with fervor to be in tune with, we will not have the ability to understand the messages that show us everywhere with evidence.
If we don´t introduce changes, it will not possible to make gradual changes aimed at improving our conduct and conditions, by demonstrating that we are stagnant, not making any progress, and therefore there is no overcoming.
Lack of knowledge of what we could achieve, the focus on the mundane, conformity with the style of life empty of content, keep us in a state of perpetual lethargy. The test is to go from lower to higher stages, and this requires an immense preparation and much more than the will.

Saturday, 19 October 2013


The tests have the objective of measuring skills, and where we are more trained will have more chances that those dominated to a lesser proportion.
Sufficient or insufficient according to some minimum standards requirements for general guidelines.
Be prepared, knowing how to develop the potential is the purpose.
Combining the various components that come into play and the means of action. First we prepare a learning then we see that in practice.
The continuous test are the relations with the environment, objects, animals, nature and people in general.
The claims of each one are the base, and from here movements occur, having to proceed effectively in order to achieve a consistent correction in our movements.
The approaches will determine the action to be accompanied by the preparation to be able to obtain satisfactory results.
We have to educate to the max to deal with all kinds of tests, and know how respond each time by the circumstances, Apply the knowledge acquired when we need it, improvising if necessary with the culmination resolutive as objective.
We are moving between what we have and what we want, the own and alien, and we must cover deficits through exchanges, having to dispose of resources, of benefits, to balancing our particular debit and credit.
The external factors are the facilitators, but the challenge is personal, no one else can do the function by which we are here or preserve the physical subsistence.
The particular characteristics are mobilized by desired, and in the connections to perform is where we will demonstrate the current level of training, understanding and the executive powers. In some areas we can be very prepared, other moderately, and some with deficiencies, the important is to be prepared in which we need.
The feeling may seem to face competitors and competitions, but actually the test is only with us.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


The dictionary defines as the action of cheking or demonstrate certain qualities or skills in a particular field.
To research to validity. of the utility, of the benefit in a continuous process of natural selection to establish an order with a few features.
What is good endures, and that is evil succumbs, and our efforts have lead to a goal, and thiis should be a benefit.
Tests are faced on the outside with the accumulate inside, and that it´s fit for a purpose in the area of action with the right tools to our reach. Subject and object must hold on in the constant persecution of objectives.
The shortcomings, the dependency, push us to establish contacts, and in knowing how to perform exchanges properly is where we are put to the test. The other,, the environment, are the means to develop individual potential, but in everything that we are talking about and what it entails is chosen by us, and by more influenced by numerous factors test are ours.
We have the free will of what we think, the sensations received, the impressions caused by other people. Therefore, the battlefield is external, treating it as stored inside.
The tests are used to locate, identify the level of preparation, domain, so you can chose the most gifted to the intended purpose.
We don´t need to wait us to test, in the desire to do better in a personal context, we have to look for new challenges regularly to go beyond where we are. If not do this, we can not see that we are capable, remaining stagnant because it doesn´t have the enthusiasm of wanting to go on to higher levels with more performance.
We are tested to respond effectively in order that interactions allow operation and services between the parts and the whole.

Saturday, 28 September 2013


Decide implies a link between the present moment and their circumstances with the configuration of a new situation which will entail a variant.
Decide suppose choose between one or more options, is a matter of choice in each case what is the most appropriate according to different parameters.
The assiduous questions of what we want, what we need incline us to opt towards areas well defined with the conditions, instruments and possibilities of each one. There will be relevant topics for their incidence, by the long process, and other short. The question is to be placed with the right movements for the consequences which requires precision, in order to obtain an advantage of the energized.
The proper functioning in any field is a set of previous decisions and what we express in the present with the subsequent incidence. We can not make missteps, therefore, before deciding, we must clarify which is the intention, if it is desirable, in where we can lead, the incidence in the involved if there is, observe the margin for maneuver, and make a determination taking responsibility.
The daily routine makes us act by inertia due to the repetitiveness, it must resolve if we choose this or that, just run mechanical actions.
Generally the majority of decisions have a relative incidence, and even involving changes, can manintain the essential stably.
The degree of maturity and instruction, reinforces the ability to guess the decision. The margin of success or failure is directly proportional to the clarity,  to the extensive and careful discernment and the noble or ignoble pretensions pursued.
There are occasions where agility is required, others have time to choose what and how. A continuous monitoring to facilitate the individual harmony and the external fit, where every thing counts, from the most insignificant detail to the more magnificent.
Life is made up of moments where multiple events occur, and be impressive and remembered, indifferent and forgotten, have in common that are result of decisions.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013


When we approach to we move away from, not only in the physical aspect, in any context. It´s not possible to be in two places at the same time, which leads us to continually decide the actions to carry out according to a few purposes.
If we want to achieve a certain goal we need to know how to run the appropriate steps that bring us closer. There will be factors of immediate effects and others will require a time, in both the common element is the movement and the fit of a few intermediaries between idea and execution, subject and object.
Get closer to what you want, to what we like. Stay away from what dislike, as not suitable. We must always weighing between the two trends to decide on the strategy to adopt optimal conditions. In fact all tests turn around this polarity, lean to one side or the other with the consequences that can be derived.
We take many decisions, some larger, other insignificant, and this requires that we evaluate pros and cons, and the wisdom in the approach, the decision depends on the degree of understanding, of open mindedness, the overall balance. As we establish contacts is the key to the success or failure.
Approach can mean part of the journey made, an interest shown by someone in various forms, shortening distances with a specific purpose.
Get away from the objective, as expected, indifferent, distant.
Approach or away can be good or bad, where leads will give the answer. What seems to be advantageous or a prejudice is determined by the precedents and the differences made in a context of change.
We have to approach to everything that facilitate higher expressions in us, strengthen the virtues, introducing harmonic values, contacts more authentic, enriching and rewarding relationships. We have to move away from the opposite, what it does fall into a low level, of the defects, of conflictive behavior, relationships empty of content.
We must decant the balance using what we think, what we feel, and what we do. It depends solely on us.

Sunday, 8 September 2013


If various repetitive actions do not provide a positive outcome, it is a matter of observing the approach and see if they generate harmony or discord if  the efforts are in vain because it did not obtain what we thought.
The inertia, the lack of reflection, the conviction of being successful in the proceeding, the urgency in seeing the fruits, makes to repeat again and again patterns that don´t lead to the objective nor are efficient.
Due to the constant setbacks, it imposes a stop to verify where is the error, and from here if we know discover it, change the incorrect patterns by the correct.
Those that tend easily give excuses have to be brave and face, making sure that there is no danger, and that after the feeling of well being is much better than the bittersweet caused to avoid hypothetical conflicts.
Then there is the group inclined to postpone almost as an automatic mechanism. This position does not resolve the issue in the present and it accumulates with oher that arising below. If a decision has been made to carry out a meeting, you have to be diligent, demonstrating the effectiveness, and treat the other party with consideration; because several postponements are a sign of indifference and little valuation of the interlocutor.
Others inclined to lie. Always find justifications although not hold back by any side by adopting a defensive posture to not face the facts with the true.
The falsehood is never a good system, and the lies are only acceptable in extreme cases, in irrelevant facts depending on context and the person.
Propose and don´t make, generate expectations that are not carried out, lit fires extinguished, because there is no real desire, only apparent words with lack of enthusiasm and commitment., leaving a feeling of informality of the proposer.
We must be determined, sincere, trust in the process, and show us real, because if we are not, the barriers remain obstacles that will prevent real and satisfactory connections trapped in the labyrinth without way out.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013


Hardness considered by some, it may be softness by others. The view, the value given to relating factors, depends on a wide range of items of subjective criteria.
Hardness, softness of forms, in the attitude. The tone, the words, its incidence, are not the same in different people, and the same thing that involves an impact on someone can be indifferent in another.
We must be prepared to face situations, having the necessary adaptability to respond forcefully if the occasion requires it, or in any case with condescesion. What is important is the final result, that ensure to establish what is right and appropriate in every moment.
The hardness or softness in relationships will be in function of the partner. If prevail good manners, the softness has to prevail. If it is backwards, or prevents the contact or hardness can emerge.
The requirement toward ourselves is necessary to extract more performance with the aim of achieving best conditions. Would be an initial hardness for final softness.
The effort, preparation, the domain of what we do, are fundamental, and getting results is thanks to a process. The indolence, laziness, go down, is a bad softness.
Harshness as a synonym for strength, endurance, ability. Softness as a synonym for flexible, adaptable, easy to fit. The balance is able to express the best version of both in the different variants that we encounter.
Hardness not seem bad, it´s necessary to sustain, to resist in certain areas,  and redress the wrong done to others in an effort to establish the correct.
The softness does not have to be good always, will depend on its impact. Not wanting to face or scolded, it can be much worse than show a dosi of rigor in certain moments.
It´s a matter of having clear ideas, be consistent in taking the proper posture to extract the optimal result in the many and varied facets that we face.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013


Be attemtive is to be in the now, at the moment, which ultimately is the most important thing, because the rest or is part of remembrance or is an imagination that we don´t know if it will be real.
In practical terms we have to strengthen the attention to the movements, the details, because the present actions forged the basis of the future, and with a definite purpose has been to fit in with the surrounding preserving the desired projecting new expectations to come.
We have to ask ourselves ¿ why deviate the attention to not fruitful topics, empty of content, losing opportunities to widen the perspective and the potential ?
Often deviate from the desirable or of what is important, is the result of feeling frustratred, lack of any, and sometimes a degree of unconsciousness that not measure properly values to be preserved.
All, little or much, took a detour from time to time of the real objective, of what can report an individual progress.
Regulars deviations who opt for distractions or secundary occupations, away more satisfactory occupations. That is why the dissatisfaction is what predominates, inevitably it is so to ignore the eternal goods focusing in the transients.
Success in any area is always the sum of a continued preparation to acquire domain through practice, time and will, where the attention has to be present from beginning to the end, because it depends on the result.
If we are distracted by other things that do not come to the case, we lose the concentration and not mastered the situation, then is the situation that dominate to us having dispersed.
The attention is not applicable exclusively to external elements, in the first instance has to focus on us, observe how we are, how we feel, because it is all a matter of measures and constant laces that arise from the inner operating abroad. To more connection in what emerges from within, more possibilities to act rightly in the actions to be executed, which ultimately is the desired purpose.

Sunday, 28 July 2013


Between the objective and its achievement or not, there are a series of steps or stages to obtain it, and we don´t have all the tools required, therefore we are forced to make connections that facilitate the approach to the desired.
From the most essential to the most unlikely, in one way or another, at one time or another, we have to establish relationships that fit the purpose with the result. We are all intermediaries, we are all dependent, and thanks to the gaps we have to strive in externalising the personal skills to share the respective singularities, nurture based on multiple inputs that allow to cover deficits, and have the necessary.
Nature with all the compoments is the source for supplies, and from here we have to get in contact with whom we can exchange, in a constant challenge of supply and demand. The intermediary is the bridge between what we want and its getting.
We are continually creating links, where for more powers that we have, always need the support of other people.
Which indicates that any success is not only product of a talent, is a consequence of various contributions during the journey that provide tools and resources. In reality there is an immense team in the shadow that nourishes us with all kinds of materials.
Everything we have to assess much more our blessings, thanks to all individuals. We would not have what we have or what we would without the continuous support of anonymous people that caters us like us to they.
What we know we have received from transmissions, and the utensils that allow the actions derived from the intermediaries, without them will not possible to establish connections, therefore synchronize need-dependence-intermediaries-exchanges, it is what allows to keep us and project ourselves between what we have and what we don´t have and we want to have.

Thursday, 18 July 2013


Training, this is the work to be carried out during the entire life. From ignorant beings to conscient, from prosaic to refined, a never ending task where there is always more possibilities to expand.
From the maximum dependency to a essential autonomy, from the ignorance of the environment to know how unfolding in it. Everything is a process with many stages, but can be done longer or shorter, extracting a greater or lesser performance depend on the skills, desire and global evolution.
Parents, teachers, friends, habitual relations, serve as clarifiers messengers to guide us in the behavior to take. Draw conclusions and apply them call for a degree of interest to improve, for this reason some can take advantage of the experiences by polishing aspects which required adjustements, and others for more opportunities that submitted don´t know to see the bottom, losing the options which will be happening that are usseless.
Training extends to all areas, because the goal is to go constantly to higher levels of expression, cultivate more powers by introducing qualitative factors.
We are designed in such a way that the development has no limits, that is why we have to want to overwhelm us, aspire to more, because the conformism is remain stuck, and what we spend or don´t give importance is lost.
What we have now is the result of previous efforts, and to obtain something you must have some merit. If we want more than anything, we have to mobilize the appropriate resorts to achieve the desired increase. The path between the present and new culminations, is where we need to prepare to follow the particular construction of what we can be. Training ourselves, check results, claryfing where are the abilities and short falls, and with goals more or less determined, persevere in the polishing to be increasingly trained going through the time if we focus on the benefits.

Monday, 8 July 2013


Gives us time to accomplish a purpose, in which we discover what is our role and how we should prepare ourselves to run it.
We come to the Earth with some latent qualities and also with defects to fix, because if everything was already perfect would not have sense to make any touch nor the various efforts that we are forced.
The most influenced by worldly factors, goes through life without knowing who has come to make, taking care to survive and have fun. In the interactions and activities is where it has to decipher the message, but do not know deduct the content nor is aware of subtleties that are indicating more optimal positions for the individual and face to others through exchanges.
What potential we extract from us ? Really very low, because the lack of self knowledge, the minimum introspection, targeting to the external and superficial, centered on mundane issues, devoting the little free time to banal talks and insubstantial occupations, losing constant opportunities presented to us to become better people.
Raising the objectives thinking only in personal profit, where selfish interests take procedence over a mutual service, it is not surprising that maintain the same positions for decades and decades, despite note that are not the best if they are generating conflicts rather than solutions.
The human being will can do a lot and do very little by the wrong approach of the objectives. The profit motive focused on the self, separes from the rest, losing strength, collaborators and opportunities, only by some gains that neither satisfy nor be benefit, by the way in which they are achieved and such are invested later.
Each one has come to make a purpose of individual growth hold on the collective through some services. What was not implemented is still pending, for this reason is so important to know manage time and resources to accomplish our task, which consists in the progressive consciousness and the improvement of the manifestations.

Friday, 28 June 2013


Hope is something that now it is not and we want to be there, and some present situation of our liking that we wish to preserve.
The concept of hope contained in the bottom, is a call to optimism, to the trust. What is good to keep it, and the difficulties or adversities can change for the better.
Inject positivism is very good for attracting the vibrations that will facilitate the achievement of the intended, but we should also be looking each specific topic with the pros and cons, the margin of maneuver, verify that you have, what needs, and if you can get the individual preparation and/or collective as concerned to meet with guarantees the purpose; for more hopes that we have, if you are not sufficiently trained, if we don´t have enough resources, and adverse conditions are heavier than the favorable, the hope in itself does not change the picture.
There are factors where the success of what we pursue will relapse in us, in their own actions and powers, and despite having to fit with the environment, the responsibility will be our. Then there are questions which depend on the action of others for your result, adopting a passive stance, expectant, and the first must be active.
It is normal that we pretend the things going well in every aspect.. Subject to the universal laws, only will be possible if there is a relevant confluence.What now surrounds is formed in the past, is the cause. And what we are running it will have an effect. Therefore, if we want harmony, constant well being, the cause has to contain them.
If what currently surrounding is chaotic, is simply the result of having proceed with erroneous ways, and then the hope of transforming lies in the ability to print order in the approach and in the implementation, stating whether the resources we have now and that we can generate can make feasible the desired change.
And the other law of attraction where equal attracts equal and opposite repels, means that if we act with correction the result will report correction, but if we act with negligence, also will be in line.
The hope of preserving, acquire or change, according to each case, it will depends on tune with the laws and what they requests of us.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


What has value ? What is classified as important, but sometimes in this view, may not be so.
Really has value which conditions, limits, enslaves, provides gains from one side and losses in another ?
The valuations depends on the age, formation, concerns, the type of target, the scope, and especially of the consciousness level.
Incidence around will give us the answer. If it is beneficial, keeps or improve, will be positive. If the supposed value restricts. empty more than full, is more an utopic desire than real, in this case will be negative.
The behavior responds to a motivation, to interests, obligations or needs. We can not measure the equivalent between the value and behavior. The relativity of a value will depend on various factors, the own code of priorities, what represents or may represent, the ideological content of the affective component, etc.
To achieve the sought we must proceed with correction, considering the possible impact on others, in the collective, where ethics is primal, moving to some noble ends taking into account the neighbor to not abuse or hurt.
Value is what does not expire, which is immutable, so that you can count, what unites, which is capable of arousing in us the best version, that brings out the appropriate behavior, recognizing the immense goods to us.
Life is a potential to develop, and this wiill depend on the attitude of the acquired skills and purposes.
There are internal and external values. The external may fluctuate, but the inner are always with us if we are in balance and the desire to excel the essential catalyst to increase them. With internal values we trade for access to the external values.
Value is what allows us to be increasingly polite, more upright, proceed with more harmony, influence more positively in us and the environment by what we express ; because all of this is the result of the behavior. And when the ability to fit the values and the behavior prevails, fade away the doubts on that has value or not.

Saturday, 8 June 2013


The behavior has to go in line with what we value and also we don´t value.
The values in each one depends on a set of similiar factors in someone, and different in others, depending on the different influences, the own concerns and objectives. What can be of great value in a specific area of the planet, it may be irrelevant in another by wealth and poverty of some of other. The importance is relative if this fluctuates by more or less when it comes to the same subject.
Why does it have value this or that thing for us ? What requirements are needed to value an object, or a resource ? It is an abstract concept where individually we consider valauable or not. Even the life, valued as the main to preserve ¿ is really important if the person wasted health, talents, and instead of generating satisfactory conditions makes it losses ?
It is a complete issue that is subjective, and hardly occurs an unanimity of views. The place of residence, the property available, the idiosincracy of the country, make decant a few items, where the interesting thing is to see that impels us to give value to according that; because this same value can be harmful to direct involved, which would cast doubt on its validity.
That we are capable or we would be able to achieve desired ? It would be worthwhile depending on which efforts ? With what purpose ? We are confident before hand that if we get the intended will be for a better situation to the current ?
There are transitory values and eternal values, material values and spiritual values. We are always in the middle between all of them, and while we must insure that primary consideration, we also have to give a high goal for the purposes to not be simple animals to the search for cover the physical needs of subsistence. And in this section has a decisive influence the economic constraints and the inner concerns to give you a little present value or very present.
The outside has its origin in the inside, and the search for values outside are addressed by the values that we have within. This tells us that we must find the appropiate action to the balance between the internal and the external to the " value " end reporting a satisfctory profit.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013


Opportunity is the option to obtain a benefit. If we make certain operations, certain movements, we can extract an advantage, otherwise the meaning of the term could not be given to it.
Sometimes the opportunities worth the effort as a counterpart for their contribution, and on other occasions may be indifferent or even better is rejecting them. In each case, it has been to observe the type of offer and the impact it can have.
Many people used to want things easy, associated opportunity to sort of a gift, a prize, when behind there is an exchange that involve having to give. There are temptations where we have to discern whether we agree and if they are useful, because the opportunity involves an effort.
The opportunities comes from the actions and relations. Act is to enter in contact with what surround us in the search of purposes, and in the attempt to fit in the most appropriate way is where we can extract the fruit of what we want. Opportunities are always present, the advantage depends on the capacity of observation, the attention and knowing how to read the content beyond what is visible and perceptible extracting a message application in practice.
Successes and failures, situations of welfare and malaise, fluid relations and obstructive, facilities and difficulties, which we believe is pleasant or unpleasant, the good state of health or disease, it is gambled on where is the balance, in both senses there are one or several opportunities that we are put to test our abilities to expand the field of vision by adopting proper posture to go to a better context of where we are located.
When going through a " crisis ", we have to put an extra supplement to transform the experience of the moment. This calls for alternatives, take risks, widing the scope of action that can provide the opportunities to change a trend of loss by a gain. Sometimes it gets the purpose and other don´t, anyway, and will end producing what we need. for our development. Which means that the apparent loss may actually be a benefit by what happens later. Should not rushing to conclusions halfway, at the end of a journey more or less long we will see where the objective is.

Sunday, 19 May 2013


Effectiveness is to fulfill the requirements with which has been designed, because otherwise it would be useless. To achieve effectiveness you must have some knowledge, a certain domain in the field where the action gets prior training to granting resources will be mobilized through goals.
Effectiveness is a synonymous be able to adjust subject and object with a determined purpose. Useful, timely, fit, that offers a service for which has been created, which has been prepared.. To capture efficiency is an essential requirement, and this means acquire a broad theoretical learning to defy the resolutive skill with agility and quickness.
Focused in the interests more relevant, the effectiveness focuses first on the studies and the profession, because if you are not competent enough, the options for access to a good occupation and income is reduced. This is a good thing by the individual and collective benefit.
Life occupies more paragraphs that these, and where is should be efficient is to install the harmony in one self, because we transmit outside the state in which we are inwardly.
Constantly conflicting episodes are present everywhere, demonstrating that we don´t know coupling means in order due to lack of vision, erroneous ideas, selfish approach, by excess or defect, the question is that interactions not meet expectations, where the methods and the ways are not the appropiate to achieve the desired efficiciency.
Correction is the result at the end of the path of any act or project, therefore we must be accompany the desire to excel in a constant line between abstraction and concreteness, between the materials of use and its optimal implementation in the culmination of a process.
Effective is good, appropriate, commited to fulfilling its features in a specific area. And we also have to work hard to bring the efficiency in everything we do, because this reflects the degree of preparation, attention, responsibility and appreciation of what we have with the multiple contribution that we provide in different areas.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Adjust suppose accomodate, adapt two parts, two positions, with the aim of unplugging or fit to benefit from the service that must accomplish the appliance or subject in question.
On a personal level the adjustments have to be made with assiduity, when the imbalance appears, in the aspect that is, introduce the mechanisms of compensation to restore the appropriate state. Warnings are an indicator to react, a notice that forces us to pause, giving the opportunity to correct, to repair, before the consequences get worse. This tells us that is not always possible to do the things correctly the first time, and if evil is not irreparable, we have at least another opportunity to get the proper operation if there are any changes.
In a changing environment, conditional on may occasions by external influences, dependencies of third persons, it is vital to open the new developments to adopt the right position, be flexible and not close in band with restrictive approaches. And at the same time be able to maintain our integrity, because if is not possible adjusted for whatever reason, it has to be consistent and fair with some principles.
Adjusted for win, adjusted so as not lose, not at any price. First it had to weigh pros and cons of the movements and the outcome that you can provide, and must be skilled in decision and action.
It´s a good thing to submit various episodes that we push to look for alternatives to the usual. Do the things the same way, like automatons, slow down the improvisation, deprived of experiencing other variants, petrifies us and makes us vulnerable to challenges by the stiffness embedded.
It is advisable to change habits from time to time, broke old schemas if they limit, to try us voluntarily to go beyond in order to gain access to new possibilities. The adjustments required or chosen with freedom, are needed to break static postures, enjoy the process and develop powers in the different facets where we are involved.

Sunday, 28 April 2013


Trend is inclined to, and this will depend on various factors as the case may be, the time, interests, tastes, etc.
Trend is often associated with prominent, to follow a path, guidelines, where what counts is where it has emerged and what direction it takes to determine the outcome.
Trends can be in three levels : up, down or stabilize. According to what question can be favorable or unfavorable, in a particular area raise can be positive, while in other it may be otherwise, and whether it is lower, it is all a question of context, its incidence, and what that entails.
All we want to boost the virtues in us by the benefit which is, but we know how to do it. If the tendency is to think of its own interest, without taking into account the influence of some movements in others or in the environment, sooner or later there will be a conflict, and the potential benefits will have a price to pay for it in the fund will be a loss : peace, trust, and relationships.
Before we undertake a project of contouring where it will lead us, if we are able, if we have adequate preparation, the outcome will depend basically on the movements and their result.
We should acquire an extensive knowledge of us to strengthen the talents to develop, and at the same time reduce the incorrect expressions that can harm. Foster a trends and eliminate other to equip our particular building of better benefits
The trends are acquired for various reasons, many of them by inertia or by unconsciousness, for this reason we must be attentive to what we do and see the causes and effects, so that instead of being a slaves we become managers; and instead of going down hill the current us back, moving toward the healthy way. This has to be the training, and prepare in all manners constructive actions.

Thursday, 18 April 2013


The upper bodies must be in tune with some special requirements that we have to acquire. The first step is to have high aspirations, if not arise the desire in us, may not tapping the potential for lack of the indispensable movement. The second step is to find out which tools are needed to establish connections. From here to energize the will in the service of a cause aimed at the improvement of all kinds of expressions.
The lower bodies are concentrated in material matters, in the transitory. The upper are concentrated in spiritual topics, in the eternal. Through the physical body and its maintenance, we have to nourish our bodies of the factors that allow the relevant conditions for our role in the collective, but the momentum and the objective have been pointing to a high ideal.
If the interest are strictly worldly, we have not inspirations neither clarity and perspective to see beyond what is strictly elementary.
The upper bodies are those that are forcing us to want to be more than mere individuals to attract the intangible that is where lies the satisfaction of the experienced in the material world.
The atmic body channels the energy of the will where arise the objectives of our existential purpose. The physical body is the clear expression of what merges ot the atmic body. If we are satisfied to encompass the strict subsistence, then do not mobilize the power contained within the atmic body.
The budic body makes us realize the need to care for and help others. If everyone thinks as well to meet and assist our neighbors, immediately end the conflicts and gaps.
Instead of thinking in our own interests by putting the individuality on one side and the rest a part, to ensure all for all covering the needs of each one with a permanent support where the global keeps the units in mutual benefit.
The causal body is the enclosure of the higher knowledge, everything great and noble becomes part ot the substance of the causal body. Understand the principles and triggers, facilitates the appropriate position to harmonize the parties with the whole.
The lower bodies focused on the particular demands. The upper on the unit to connect with the source and ulterior purpose.

Monday, 8 April 2013


Accustomed to living abroad, most associate the word " fed " to nourish the physical  body. And apart of this we have other bodies that requires one specific feed according to their function.
The lower nature has its equivalent in the higher nature, where the individual development about us approaches or distance depending on the level.
Everyone knows how feeding physically, what perhaps many do not know is that is protected by the etheric body, invisible to the eyes, but that is responsible for ensuring the vitality. According to the quality and quantity of the swallowed will have certain conditions.
The equivalence in the higher nature of the physical body is the atmic body. The contributions that requires lies in focusing on the internal force connecting with higher dimensions, in order to develop powers in the form of insights, inspirations and intuitions, opening us up to infinity.
The emotional body corresponds to the buddhic body in the higher sphere. Here it is to trascend the wishes focused in us by the impersonal in the form of universal love.
The mental body has its equivalent in the causal body. In the lower level access to a learning limited, but the causal body unveils the mysteries and questions if we are able to tune a basis for education and training awaken the conscience gradually.
Food goes from inside to outside and from outside to inside. We attract the conditions of the same vibration where we stand by the efforts and desires. If we introduce positive elements, is what we feed, and the back exactly the same.
The food of quality are extracted from the clarity of ideas, equanimity, noble feelings, everything that produces welfare driven by the desire of correction.
The deficits, the discomfort, are the result of no eating the proper foods, either in the mental, emotional or physical. It begins with a misconception that permeates the emotions, translating into a disonant action that has an impact on relationship problems, money or diseases.
If we want to live by providing favorable conditions in all senses, the key is eating properly in the different bodies with the correct, and access as well to what we want.

Thursday, 28 March 2013


There are three aspects that all we would like to have : wisdom, beauty and strength, because nobody wants their antonyms of short, ugly and fragile.
The three attributes attract admiration, because it requires the availability of a power of attraction, through either the intellect or the body. In addition to the immediate external print, these gifts contain more singularities.
Wisdom as a set of virtues obtained gradually manifesting in neat actions, where the optimum measure and the harmony is the keynote.
Beauty as a balance of forms between thought and feeling as evidenced in the physical.
Strength at all levels forged by an adequate nutrition in the mental aspect, emotional and physical.
The integration or coupling between our individual plot with the collective, facing any situation with capacity for discernment, emotional stability and upright conduct.
The day to day will be presenting diverse challenges, sometimes with some features that will require a high degree of concentration and clarity to resolve it, others will be minutiae of easy execution.
Endow us of qualities of the three attributes demand some requirements, , nothing is given free of charge, there is a trigger that allows this.
Physical strength can be developed with training, reaching  limit according to the constitution itself and other factors. The beauty aside of the shown externally, depends on accurate manners, in words, gestures, in what we are capable of transmitting. The wisdom is one of the most difficult things to obtain, calls for a constant demand, encompassing the three at a time. Through the power of  thought we attract  favorable conditions, develop the inner strength that shape in external force, and the general stability facilitates a feeling of closeness, understanding and warmth.
Wisdom is the basis, the beauty is what we makes clear, the force the outcome of the forged from the abstraction to the realization.

Monday, 18 March 2013


Our achievement potential is large, in fact do not know how far we can get in terms of ideas, inventions and improvements in all sense. And despite making great works and notorious transformations, it is also true that majority develops minimally his capacity.
We are surrounded by people dedicated to cover the basic demands of subsitence, and this means devote time and attention in the search for what is primary. The limiting constraints away the possibility of cultivating skills beyond the labor market, disposing of many services to operate necessary devices for particular and social level, while the bulk of thinkers, creators an artists, is reduced to a small group.
As we are designed, the proportion is precisely this. Only is necessary a few entrepeneurs, but a lot of employee, similar to a few artists but a working majority.
What would happen if invested the terms ? That there would be a great theoretical production of ideas, and missing people to carry it into practice.
Every one in one way or another must fend for staying, but live has to mean something more to eat, have a house, and money to pay bills through what has been achieved by a few benefits.
A part of the job if is not vocational or creative, each one internally has some talent, which remain to be discovered while we are focusing on the most elemental.
We are doing, but the prevaling dissatisfaction of many people it is not a question if they have more or less money, is the observation of see how dilutes the time without extract our potential neither a rewarding life for their efforts.
Perhaps we have been social servers, where all partake of the gear for self sufficiency us, but only few in the crowd are able to express the capabilities that are maintained in lethargy to arouse them, and this entails survive, without ever coming to achieve the purpose of living with a sense of meaning and significance.

Friday, 8 March 2013


Often we find ourselves with disjunctives on decisions to be taken if not mastered the subject enough, if it is a new situation, or in the same actions repeated daily.
The goal of what is mobilized is to do well, but many times the topic in question is dependent on a process more or less long and several intermediaries. On our part can have determination, a careful approach and a correct proceed, where does not guarantee the success if there is a reliance on others.
We have situations where do is a necessity, to preserve an order, obtaining resources, etc. And other variants where not to do is advisable because it can result in a loss or worse conditions.
The dilemma to do or not to do often is a kind of emotional connection about relationships. The doubts on whether or not show us active or passive, wait with patience or energize what is in impasse.
The uncertainty of the outcome, the not conviction, the lack of security, make us stop to observe the possibilities according to the election, that neither discover until its conclusion in one sense or another.
There is also to do and not to do in unimportant matters, things off where the decision not affect usually in great manner, neither the individual nor the underlying issue.
Both in the to do and in not to do, we should clarify the later consequences, in ourselves and others. Act with equanimity, ensure harmony and be at peace internally and externally.
Everything that we mobilize and has consequences entails a responsibility, therefore, before to externalize what first is invisible, we have to see the short term and long term impact. Unfortunately too many things are made with negligence, product of the unconsciousness, lack of attention and disconnection of the complete picture, and the errors that can drag.
Whatever the situation, whether it is appropriate to do or not to do, we must put the five senses, the discernment and concentration so that the final decision assume the correct.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013


The order is the natural state, the chaos is breaking this order. Locate each thing in its place to exert its function, and when there is not nor does it have to do is when chaos happens.
To establish the order we need to know what we want, with what can count and have the ability to fit the components involved. Clarity, will, and executing capacity, are fundamental to achieve and preserve the conditions that we pursue giving them an useful service.
The chaos is a disconnection, which causes do not see with clearness, and in consequence the actions product of erroneous criteria lead to tensions and conflicts that would be resolved only with common sense.
There are chaos because there are space between us and the people. If we close this space, we can delete the origin; but this is only possible if the causative darkness gives way to an extent clarifyng mind.
Order is synonymous of well done, careful, correct. Chaos is synonymous of evil done, neglected, uncomfortable. The order is to place the individual parts in confluence for the good of the whole. The chaos separates and then neither the parties nor the all perform the function that corresponds becoming useless.
The order is a matter of civility, good manners, organization, proceed with neatness for the benefit that suppose. Ultimately the contribution of all to all in perfect synchronization.
The order is what must prevail, which must always veil. The chaos os temporary, and when it occurs in the context that is, the efforts are being directed to restore the harmony. If the chaotic conditions are lengthening is living in an indefinite provisional that cause discomfort, low performance and stagnation.
The order we have to forge is within with a global balance manifesting it externally. If we have not introduced the essential stability, there will be gaps where the chaos can be expressed, repeating with asiduity or sporadically if imbalance persists.

Sunday, 17 February 2013


The concept of maturity is not inexorably linked to the fact that we have more experience or more age. This is not synonymous of take advantage that we have learned and has helped us to improve.
The mature attitude is a matter of conscience, and the implicit understanding that behaves, and then has to come the responsibility.
What is the degree of individual and social conscience that prevails ? Who is really responsible ? In the way of speaking and acting is evident, and the way to live is a clear indicator of the current degree of maturity.
Relationships are the most obvious proof of the level achieved, over time directed to polish us, to show us more comprehensive, to reduce the egotistical portion thinking more in the other, to introduce progressively more dose of kindness, spirit of service and harmony.
Immature means that it is at the beginning, that requires a process to reach an optimal state. Unable to provide the maximum to be on the way of development.
Mature is the product, object, person, who has spent a number of stages to obtain the growth point, flavor or ideal expression.
When our manners are not appropriate, we demonstrate immaturity, therefore to be a point is a balance of proportions.
The physical growth has a limited duration, from which it is to maintain a good condition. The mental and spiritual development is perpetual, there are no limits, and taking into account the low level of human knowledge by the desconnection of the Source, it is absolutely fundamental to continue expanding the consciousness to acquire the maturity in order to be more neat in all the demonstrations, for the good of the individual and collective.
In our individual growth, we must always learn more, do more, so we are always immature for more that we do and know. And this is the greatest incentive that we strive continuosly to mature increasingly applying the supreme guideliness.

Friday, 8 February 2013


Discipline is a set of rules to follow. And what is the purpose ? Preserve the order and obtain a performance to the efforts made.
The etymology of the word discipline indicates to us that comes from disciple, by the indispensable record of regular work and merit to achieve through the fit of theory and practice.
The discipline can be focused to retain or increase. Keep the good form, health, financial, etc, based on a control, and austerity measures or increase the sections we want to expand to access a better context.
Activities not subject to a discipline not reported their potential nor give the fruit that they can offer. The discipline has to deploy as a sign of self-esteem, understanding and far reaching vision. What we did yesterday has an impact on today, and what we do now will affect tomorrow; therefore if we want to be accompanied by favorable conditions, it is necessary to establish a regularity as teaches the organism, with it´s synchronized operation.
Without discipline don´t get anything with consistency, where the same indolence inmerges the subject in the mediocrity, since achieving excellence in the field is necessarily accompanied by a part of skills and discipline.
Know how to act is extracted from the knowledge, and their only has value when it´s application provides a result.
It´a about winning, go over, or at least not lose. The laziness is a momentary comfort just generating a great discomfort by not implementing some periodic movements that reported welfare and optimum conditions.
This is a world of action, and want to avoid it is counterproductive, because the gear mechanisms stop working by an inadequate use.
The discipline has not behave exhaustion, this would be detrimental. Find the appropriate term in each one for a profit, this is the objective.

Monday, 28 January 2013


The ambition is subject to a set of factors and where we point will indicate characteristics of the person.
Ambition may be directed to external or internal objectives, material or spiritual, but is not to opt for one and leave the other, because this would make us incomplete, we have to want cover both directions. One has to acompany the other, since they are continuosly interconnected.
We are going to look for nutrients out to nurture within, and by the internal expertise we headed to the outside. The materials and experiences are elements of the periphery, serving us to connect with the center.
The vital ambition not lie in the fact to access a job, money, a house, couple, etc. These items can serve as intermediaries, where the ultimate goal goes beyond. The ambition to pursue is to become someone increasingly perfected in all expressions, and is the first we must desire with great force from the depth of us, and so attract the aprropriate tools that facilitate the proper preparation.
Most driven by the need to obtain resources, focuses primarily on worldly goals, but these depend on others, subject to fluctuations, and never know with whom and with which we can count. In contrast, the search for perfection only depends on us, it is cumulative, and no one can substract it, and their slaughter is infinite and eternal, there are no limits.
We live insubstantial lives because we are going behind the ephemeral and fragile values, moved by inertia, without reflect where we are going, what we do and what will be the purpose.
Focused only on the material never find lasting satisfaction, because there will always be gaps, dependencies and frustration. It is important to have for be, and be for having, fill us in to fill us out, and in this double direction know how to proceed to each time by establishing the harmony.

Thursday, 17 January 2013


If we are where we have to be, and we have what we have to take, envy is a erroneous stance; it implies wanting what we are not, and have what we don´t have. To pretend what is of others without effort, and look forward to the fruit saving the previous work, this is childish.
The envious in question has done merits to dispose of what he/she would like to ? It suits ? It will be useful, or is only to satisfy the desires of the ego ? The positive approach is to assess what we have and not what is missing, show gratitude for the service thay they reported, everything and everyone to fit inside a huge order, and through the differences perform a specific function of special contribution to the whole.
Want to be like other, or have of the other, is violate the cosmic diagrams, a presumption focused on alleged pleasures that if we don´t have access is because they are not facts for us. And if we want to achieve them, not will give us free, we must forge skills, desire, discipline and determine whether or not we get, and then check if the supposed panacea was as we imagined.
Nothing of that which surrounds us in this moment has occurred as a miracle or a set of hands, is a consequence of previous links, and instead of look at the goods of others, we have to ensure ours with the tools at our disposal.
To run the personal work we need some resources in line, certain relationships, and an appropriate place to act. What serves some not serve others, and with this understanding did not like what we don´t need or what is not convenient focusing on our plot and peculiarities.
We can only be us with everything that implies, look at someone for their virtues and wanted to acquire is good, but although we educate and training to this goal, the hallmark will be ours with the inevitable differences.
We have to crave our best version, preparing to do so, and the rest will come in the form, measure and timely.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Live is a permanent project. Facing each new day involves filled with activities designed to maintain in  certain cases, acquiring other or increase what is appropriate.
The projects can be of continuity or innovation. Preserve the foundations, or create new in a desire for renewal.
We cannot remain static, the movement is essential, and what we have done now or ingested foods of a meal, only serves for a specific time where the needs pushed forward to the search for new resources and trends.
Project is what will want, which is now an idea and later can be a concrete evidence. In the way of its preparation intersect other projects because eternal present is a link of actions between the left behind and what serves in the new and different situations that arise.
Projects go through different phases with the intervention of the 4 elements. The air is the seed in the form of thought. The water the desire to experience it, the feeling. The fire the force that puts in action. The earth the solid final realization.
Each stage has connotations that affect the interests of the moment. Projects always accompany us for the same vital force and the yearning for persistance. Leave what has already done their service and get new tools, new ways to recharge ourselves, restart and perpetuate its own existence.
The character of each one, training, concerns, resources, and the location with its possibilities, will mark the inclinations of what we would like to experience. Some, with preparation, determination and possibilities will translate into action projects. Other, more theoretical, can mentally imagine that will make many things and at the end be diluted by that thought if it is not accompanied by action, fades as the passing of a cloud.
The goal is to impregnate the idea of desire in boost the invisible making it visible. If the projects lead into progress, will have made the appropriate, if behave losses will be issue of revising the causes to revert it in future gains thanks to learning.