Monday, 18 March 2013


Our achievement potential is large, in fact do not know how far we can get in terms of ideas, inventions and improvements in all sense. And despite making great works and notorious transformations, it is also true that majority develops minimally his capacity.
We are surrounded by people dedicated to cover the basic demands of subsitence, and this means devote time and attention in the search for what is primary. The limiting constraints away the possibility of cultivating skills beyond the labor market, disposing of many services to operate necessary devices for particular and social level, while the bulk of thinkers, creators an artists, is reduced to a small group.
As we are designed, the proportion is precisely this. Only is necessary a few entrepeneurs, but a lot of employee, similar to a few artists but a working majority.
What would happen if invested the terms ? That there would be a great theoretical production of ideas, and missing people to carry it into practice.
Every one in one way or another must fend for staying, but live has to mean something more to eat, have a house, and money to pay bills through what has been achieved by a few benefits.
A part of the job if is not vocational or creative, each one internally has some talent, which remain to be discovered while we are focusing on the most elemental.
We are doing, but the prevaling dissatisfaction of many people it is not a question if they have more or less money, is the observation of see how dilutes the time without extract our potential neither a rewarding life for their efforts.
Perhaps we have been social servers, where all partake of the gear for self sufficiency us, but only few in the crowd are able to express the capabilities that are maintained in lethargy to arouse them, and this entails survive, without ever coming to achieve the purpose of living with a sense of meaning and significance.

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