Monday, 8 July 2013


Gives us time to accomplish a purpose, in which we discover what is our role and how we should prepare ourselves to run it.
We come to the Earth with some latent qualities and also with defects to fix, because if everything was already perfect would not have sense to make any touch nor the various efforts that we are forced.
The most influenced by worldly factors, goes through life without knowing who has come to make, taking care to survive and have fun. In the interactions and activities is where it has to decipher the message, but do not know deduct the content nor is aware of subtleties that are indicating more optimal positions for the individual and face to others through exchanges.
What potential we extract from us ? Really very low, because the lack of self knowledge, the minimum introspection, targeting to the external and superficial, centered on mundane issues, devoting the little free time to banal talks and insubstantial occupations, losing constant opportunities presented to us to become better people.
Raising the objectives thinking only in personal profit, where selfish interests take procedence over a mutual service, it is not surprising that maintain the same positions for decades and decades, despite note that are not the best if they are generating conflicts rather than solutions.
The human being will can do a lot and do very little by the wrong approach of the objectives. The profit motive focused on the self, separes from the rest, losing strength, collaborators and opportunities, only by some gains that neither satisfy nor be benefit, by the way in which they are achieved and such are invested later.
Each one has come to make a purpose of individual growth hold on the collective through some services. What was not implemented is still pending, for this reason is so important to know manage time and resources to accomplish our task, which consists in the progressive consciousness and the improvement of the manifestations.

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