Tuesday, 13 August 2013


Be attemtive is to be in the now, at the moment, which ultimately is the most important thing, because the rest or is part of remembrance or is an imagination that we don´t know if it will be real.
In practical terms we have to strengthen the attention to the movements, the details, because the present actions forged the basis of the future, and with a definite purpose has been to fit in with the surrounding preserving the desired projecting new expectations to come.
We have to ask ourselves ¿ why deviate the attention to not fruitful topics, empty of content, losing opportunities to widen the perspective and the potential ?
Often deviate from the desirable or of what is important, is the result of feeling frustratred, lack of any, and sometimes a degree of unconsciousness that not measure properly values to be preserved.
All, little or much, took a detour from time to time of the real objective, of what can report an individual progress.
Regulars deviations who opt for distractions or secundary occupations, away more satisfactory occupations. That is why the dissatisfaction is what predominates, inevitably it is so to ignore the eternal goods focusing in the transients.
Success in any area is always the sum of a continued preparation to acquire domain through practice, time and will, where the attention has to be present from beginning to the end, because it depends on the result.
If we are distracted by other things that do not come to the case, we lose the concentration and not mastered the situation, then is the situation that dominate to us having dispersed.
The attention is not applicable exclusively to external elements, in the first instance has to focus on us, observe how we are, how we feel, because it is all a matter of measures and constant laces that arise from the inner operating abroad. To more connection in what emerges from within, more possibilities to act rightly in the actions to be executed, which ultimately is the desired purpose.

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