Wednesday, 28 August 2013


Hardness considered by some, it may be softness by others. The view, the value given to relating factors, depends on a wide range of items of subjective criteria.
Hardness, softness of forms, in the attitude. The tone, the words, its incidence, are not the same in different people, and the same thing that involves an impact on someone can be indifferent in another.
We must be prepared to face situations, having the necessary adaptability to respond forcefully if the occasion requires it, or in any case with condescesion. What is important is the final result, that ensure to establish what is right and appropriate in every moment.
The hardness or softness in relationships will be in function of the partner. If prevail good manners, the softness has to prevail. If it is backwards, or prevents the contact or hardness can emerge.
The requirement toward ourselves is necessary to extract more performance with the aim of achieving best conditions. Would be an initial hardness for final softness.
The effort, preparation, the domain of what we do, are fundamental, and getting results is thanks to a process. The indolence, laziness, go down, is a bad softness.
Harshness as a synonym for strength, endurance, ability. Softness as a synonym for flexible, adaptable, easy to fit. The balance is able to express the best version of both in the different variants that we encounter.
Hardness not seem bad, it´s necessary to sustain, to resist in certain areas,  and redress the wrong done to others in an effort to establish the correct.
The softness does not have to be good always, will depend on its impact. Not wanting to face or scolded, it can be much worse than show a dosi of rigor in certain moments.
It´s a matter of having clear ideas, be consistent in taking the proper posture to extract the optimal result in the many and varied facets that we face.

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