Often we find ourselves with disjunctives on decisions to be taken if not mastered the subject enough, if it is a new situation, or in the same actions repeated daily.
The goal of what is mobilized is to do well, but many times the topic in question is dependent on a process more or less long and several intermediaries. On our part can have determination, a careful approach and a correct proceed, where does not guarantee the success if there is a reliance on others.
We have situations where do is a necessity, to preserve an order, obtaining resources, etc. And other variants where not to do is advisable because it can result in a loss or worse conditions.
The dilemma to do or not to do often is a kind of emotional connection about relationships. The doubts on whether or not show us active or passive, wait with patience or energize what is in impasse.
The uncertainty of the outcome, the not conviction, the lack of security, make us stop to observe the possibilities according to the election, that neither discover until its conclusion in one sense or another.
There is also to do and not to do in unimportant matters, things off where the decision not affect usually in great manner, neither the individual nor the underlying issue.
Both in the to do and in not to do, we should clarify the later consequences, in ourselves and others. Act with equanimity, ensure harmony and be at peace internally and externally.
Everything that we mobilize and has consequences entails a responsibility, therefore, before to externalize what first is invisible, we have to see the short term and long term impact. Unfortunately too many things are made with negligence, product of the unconsciousness, lack of attention and disconnection of the complete picture, and the errors that can drag.
Whatever the situation, whether it is appropriate to do or not to do, we must put the five senses, the discernment and concentration so that the final decision assume the correct.
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