Thursday, 17 January 2013


If we are where we have to be, and we have what we have to take, envy is a erroneous stance; it implies wanting what we are not, and have what we don´t have. To pretend what is of others without effort, and look forward to the fruit saving the previous work, this is childish.
The envious in question has done merits to dispose of what he/she would like to ? It suits ? It will be useful, or is only to satisfy the desires of the ego ? The positive approach is to assess what we have and not what is missing, show gratitude for the service thay they reported, everything and everyone to fit inside a huge order, and through the differences perform a specific function of special contribution to the whole.
Want to be like other, or have of the other, is violate the cosmic diagrams, a presumption focused on alleged pleasures that if we don´t have access is because they are not facts for us. And if we want to achieve them, not will give us free, we must forge skills, desire, discipline and determine whether or not we get, and then check if the supposed panacea was as we imagined.
Nothing of that which surrounds us in this moment has occurred as a miracle or a set of hands, is a consequence of previous links, and instead of look at the goods of others, we have to ensure ours with the tools at our disposal.
To run the personal work we need some resources in line, certain relationships, and an appropriate place to act. What serves some not serve others, and with this understanding did not like what we don´t need or what is not convenient focusing on our plot and peculiarities.
We can only be us with everything that implies, look at someone for their virtues and wanted to acquire is good, but although we educate and training to this goal, the hallmark will be ours with the inevitable differences.
We have to crave our best version, preparing to do so, and the rest will come in the form, measure and timely.

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