Sunday, 8 September 2013


If various repetitive actions do not provide a positive outcome, it is a matter of observing the approach and see if they generate harmony or discord if  the efforts are in vain because it did not obtain what we thought.
The inertia, the lack of reflection, the conviction of being successful in the proceeding, the urgency in seeing the fruits, makes to repeat again and again patterns that don´t lead to the objective nor are efficient.
Due to the constant setbacks, it imposes a stop to verify where is the error, and from here if we know discover it, change the incorrect patterns by the correct.
Those that tend easily give excuses have to be brave and face, making sure that there is no danger, and that after the feeling of well being is much better than the bittersweet caused to avoid hypothetical conflicts.
Then there is the group inclined to postpone almost as an automatic mechanism. This position does not resolve the issue in the present and it accumulates with oher that arising below. If a decision has been made to carry out a meeting, you have to be diligent, demonstrating the effectiveness, and treat the other party with consideration; because several postponements are a sign of indifference and little valuation of the interlocutor.
Others inclined to lie. Always find justifications although not hold back by any side by adopting a defensive posture to not face the facts with the true.
The falsehood is never a good system, and the lies are only acceptable in extreme cases, in irrelevant facts depending on context and the person.
Propose and don´t make, generate expectations that are not carried out, lit fires extinguished, because there is no real desire, only apparent words with lack of enthusiasm and commitment., leaving a feeling of informality of the proposer.
We must be determined, sincere, trust in the process, and show us real, because if we are not, the barriers remain obstacles that will prevent real and satisfactory connections trapped in the labyrinth without way out.

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