This blog is not intended to emulate the great classical thinkers, only a few exhibitions that can reach all kind of people.
Tuesday, 28 December 2021
What do we expect from ourselves, from others, from life ? Probably more than it will eventually be. We can only wait according to the chain of links between the effected in a past tense and the consequences that derive from it.
We are subject to inescapable laws and cannot escape to cause and effect. Depending on the cause will be the effect, it is inevitable, and we can only expect a trigger in line with what was stated in the case.
Then there is the law of action and reaction. Every action is followed by an equal and an opposite reaction, supporters and detractors they will always be present in any kind of approach no matter how absurd which may be some.
The environment in which we are immersed has some characteristics with advantages and disadvantages, and what we can expect in terms of events will depend on the room for maneuver and the ability to proceed.
We must also have individual and collective karma. Each has a singularity and a function to perform, and must be performed in a specific context. The place where we are links us to a collective karma at the cultural level and a vision that affects the code of values and therefore in the conduct.
The past provides us with current bases and current resources, constantly projecting us forward with purposes that we don´t know if they will occur and where we will end up or what we will end up doing. We can expect to observe some precedents, our capacity and projection that certain situations are outlined but dependence on third parties and a universal order beyond our consciousness which fits the parts and the whole, they place us at every moment in the place, circumstances, experiences and precise relationships that will be appropiate for each one.
The terms sudden, unexpected, unthinkable, they simply express that we don´t see the link between a previous fact and the trigger. There are no coincidences and nothing happens without a foundation, it´s a matter of focusing on the process, knowing that the fruits correspond to the seeds, and this is what we should expect.
Thursday, 16 December 2021
Just as we are interacting between the inside and the outside, we also do it between the dense and the subtle. We move in a material environment pursuing specific goals, and knowing how to procede to achieve this depends on the interior to act as a guide between the idea, the process and the result.
The instinct for survival makes us constantly seek out nutrients in order to provide us with the best possible conditions, and this task requires incessant exchanges in the environment with another and nature. Staying physically means feeding on dense elements, but also subtle in terms of instruction, between the emergent from the inside manifested on the outside, we must find the right measures of the means at our disposal and the goals
Where we spend time, effort and resources, it is a form of food. If we live only to work and subsist the nourishment will be only dense. If we have concerns of overcoming some ideal, to make a useful contribution to society, become a better person by acquiring virtues through relevant studies leading to increased consciousness and transform us gradually, we will be feeding the subtle.
We must ask : we want to pass for life only to mantain an insubstancial presence, or do we want to find a meaning beyond the observable and visible by the five senses ? Accumulate days to accumulate without a profit, without a purpose, without progressing in attitudes, relationships, behavior, is this the life we want ? Sure not, but unfortunately that´s the case with the exception of very few people who want to break in and out this purely basic exixtential circle immersed in battles, controversies, petty interests which prevent us from advancing by being stuck in the different primary expressions of what is linked to the matter.
Feeding the dense is easy, we are all obliged if we want continuity. Feeding the subtle depends on internal concerns, on implicit evolution, of consciousness, and the proportion of the higher nature established in the depths ob being.
Saturday, 4 December 2021
The purpose of what we express is to raise sparks of light, and this is not known to most.
A wordly society prepares us to subsist but not to trascend, and confusing the medium as if it were the goal, with a training focused on the material, what is observed daily is due to the limitations chosen by unconsciousness and being trapped by a set of circumstances that condition us.
A lot of waster chatted, repetitive, predictable conversations, because there is no ambition to introduce new knowledge and broaden horizons to facilitate greater efficiency
Everyone longs for well being in the main areas ¿ what do we do to achieve this ? stuck to screens and the wide range they offer ? what is the use of all this ? does that make us better ? can we improve ourselves and the relationships ? And between message and message, the day to day is full of aberrant events. Shedding energy on the outside, in machines that facilitate the conditions respect to past times, human behavior remains unchanged in the usual lows.
What advantage can we take about what we say ? what percentage of the run is useful ? for what purpose do we say what we say and do what we do ? What we say and do has an impact on the environment, and the echo will cause a certain impact.
The conversations we hear in any field reveal what the person has accumulated, which approaches or identifies certain theses. And in politicians or socialites who are to be well versed, just have to realize the true level.
An uneducated society, increasingly evading external means that move away from a connection with our interior, which seeks the minimum effort and the maximum profit and don´t want complicate challenges, without goals of overcoming beyond material characteristics. Superficial appearances can be interpreted as saying a lot and do a lot, but if this not translates into a tangible and consistent profit, they are useless words and actions.
Thursday, 18 November 2021
Apart from great artists and discoverers which have revolutionized society, and the great diverse social works, differs greatly to the behavior and contribution of what the majority represents.
We must always pursue a beneficial outcome of what we express with words and actions, and we have to check it in the echo of these.
The mouth and the hands play a preponderant role, they are in charge of what we say and what we do. The mouth located in the head is linked to the mental part. The four elements they manifest through the mouth. What comes in ( solid and liquid ) correponds to the female elements of earth and water. What we internalize for nourishment, for continuity.
Words emerge from within by previous experiences, by knowledge, by the conception forged over time according to our potential, ideals and idiosyncrasies. The impulse to express oneself is provided by the element of fire, and the pronounced is associated with the element air. What comes out of the mouth ( fire and air ) corresponds to masculine elements
The hands in the middle can connect with the heat and feet. Bring down ideas by giving concrete form. Orders may come through the mouth, but executions depends on the hands.
What we say, the tone, the content, the echo it can leave, indicate characteristics of the person. We can get closer or furher away, get excited or bored, excite or frighten ¿ and in the space before pronouncing the words and once said, do we stop to think about the possible impact it can cause ? Surely not noticing the day to day of people of such influential as anonymous people.
What we say and what we do make up individual and collective life. We can do and undo, build or destroy, improve or make worse, and despite the importance of what can be generated one only has to realize of the unconsciousness and ignorance which surrounds us to realize the amount of nonsense that are to say, and the little consistency of the many actions performed.
Monday, 1 November 2021
What does it mean to retain ? Not letting a person or thing go. Preserve in the memory or in understanding.
Sometimes is it advisable to retain and others no.Whatever it is to prevent or avoiding dangers is a good measure. Wanting to hold someone against their will does not.
To retain si synonimous with to calm down, to paralyze, to place in reduced places of concentration. The underlying question is what and for what purpose. Accostumed to dictatorial regimes we should ask the opressors the reason it pushes to systematically reduce opponents
It is good to retain knowledge that is applicable, experiences that serves as a reference to proceed with a larger margin of maneuver. Which serves the potential and bring about improvements is important to retain it. And the part to avoid it is clinging to situations, relationships or utensils which have already performed their function and now they are rather and obstructive harm.
Who is brave does not hold back for fear of losing and fixing negativity that a possible change will be worst. Cowardice paralyzes, prevents you from seeing clearly and the immobility does not resolve the background context. Wanting to retain by force using execrable methods so that a couple does not leave, or to keep territories occupied with the complicity of allied countries, laws and various extortions, they are samples of how far human misery goes on too many occasions.
We can´t force anyone to be with us if they don´t want under threats and less with agressions. Relationships must be established freely because no person is in possession of any other. There are no sacred ties nor is any country sacred, and whoever thinks otherwise, a part from being a misfit, has a mental problem.
The worst thing is that for petty interests one wants to subjugate and impose,important only selfish desires with a total disregard for the desired.
We can not retain the seasons, the passage of time, meteorological changes, and who intends it on people, to preserve a certain context with means against nature, it will be able to prolong the durability but not to prevent the explosion that sooner or later will provoke to act in opposition to the foundations of order and harmony.
Sunday, 17 October 2021
Indifference is neither yes nor no, neither cold nor hot neither like nor dislike, neither in favor nor against, in short, a neutrally is adopted that does not opt for anything by keeping a distance from the underlying theme. With indifference it does not matter the outcome, nor whether there is improvement or a worsening, if one or the other wins, if there are gains or losses due to not feeling involved.
Indifference is closer to cold because there is no enthusiasm nor is it given the indispensable value to take side. In many social aspects that concern us all we should be vigilant for them for optimal conditions, and instead the usual individualistic and selfish tendency with a restricted view when searching only for a small plot, it makes many inhibition problems persist.
When something touches us closely we are not indifferent because the desire is to have, preserve, and dispose of appropriate conditions. Indifference occurs not to understand and not vibrate in the background and in/or the form, and in the absence of emotional involvement it is easier to show detached mental attitude.
The significance and relevance of an era can become indifferent over time for various changes. And exactly the same in relationships. Important people with certain ties, we find that they have passed into oblivion, because enthusiasm, affection and affinity have evaporated along the way.
At what times, in what areas should we be indifferent and when should we become involved ? We will have to observe our reactions, the validity or not of certain atitude, and readjust as many times as necessary our response to events that occur.
Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Everyone wants to feel good, which is synonymous of satisfaction, and this is a task of continuous coupling between ideas, desires and concretion, and between desire and the feasible.
Between exchanges and actions we face the day to day, having to find the particular fit in the environments where we move. Satisfaction it is not provided by the fact of having much or more, the quantity must be the ideal one in each context, where the important thing is the final quality of a process. Overeating, drinking too much, prolonging parties believing it is a plus, it entails no more satisfaction, quite the contrary.
Behind the excesses there is a feeling of emptiness that you want to fill with material means that will not succeed, as immoderation in these case is the indicator of spiritual poverty which will not fulfilled by overburdening us.
Perform meaningful tasks, solve dilemmas, improve situations, advancing in some field can provide satisfaction, because ultimately what it´s all about is being better manifesting in facts. Each one with his personal valuations will determine the reasons for his supposed satisfaction that will have to be seen in practice if it really is so. To experience satisfactory situations we need to be endowed with different resources. Think clearly to know what, how, and energize the relevant. a fundamental emotional balance between desires and behavior. And goals that are the product of global harmony from the inside out and from the outside in.
Some people say that feel proud after some success, but really want to say that they are satisfied. Talents are for sharing, and we actually compete with ourselves. Others they can be called rivals, and the test is to measure our abilities.
Dissatisfaction is not filled desires, and instead of feeling disillusioned it is better to observe the context in depth, what we can extract, and we will probably realize that is the appropriate in this moment.
Satisfaction it is not in the receipt but in the given. The various useful contributions, offer help, support, knowledge, motivate someone to improve, broaden prospects. Passengers satisfactions because we are always in process, and for this reason they are never complete. The constant effort to refine oneself in all areas and pass it for a common benefit is the pursuit of satisfaction.
Thursday, 16 September 2021
Satisfaction is a feeling between a desire and result. To ascertain whether this is healthy it is necessary to observe what is the desire and the consequences of satisfying it.
Satisfaction it is synonymous of well being, an innate longing that everyone wants to experience, and considering the ties and the echo of our actions, we must checking the values given to what we consider can be cause for satisfaction.
If the considered satisfaction for us entails a harm to someone, is an erroneous purpose. What we energize must lead to harmony and not generate negativity in any aspect.
Satisfaction we must not look for it in others people dependencies, in the subject to fluctuations. What comes from the outside acts as an intermediary between the own individual manifestations and a goal of gradual progress. Having a partner, children, work, money or other issues, it serves for a learning task, of broadening consciousness if we know how to see the contributions of each one and what they want to show us for a transformative potential, but they are not the end because they are the medium. Satisfaction we must generate it ourselves independently of the factors around us.
Such person or such situation is not the contributors of satisfaction. They can make us feel good, comfortable, but subject to others, in a few moments of joy we should not look form them in dependencies.
Satisfaction it should not be raised in selfish terms, in acquisitions, in receive, to have, these obtentions provide joy faded fleeting quickly. Satisfaction must be forged from internal work that strengthens eternal intangible values that bring us closer to neater behavior towards us and others.
Is good to have material conditions that provide quality, resources to choice between several options, bearing in mind that these are subsistence goods, where the purpose of efforts and the experiences is refine our expressions to improve indefinitely which is what will give meaning and what is achieved will be what will give satsifaction. The internalized previously transformed externally.
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
According to the time of opening or closing, and it is seen that now it is time to be a puritan. On the one hand they proclaim freedom of expression, and on the other they censor covers,photos, posters, songs and whatever it takes fos these dictatorial democrats. The next step will be go to museums and cover up the paintings they consider indecent, and when start with these nonsense and give in, they are forging dangerous precedents that we know from past experiences.
In dictatorial states everything that should not be persecuted is persecuted, while the oppressors commit all sort of criminals acts that should be banned and punished, but this is legal.
Many of these outraged puritans scandalized by insignificance, they tend to be provocative with offen offensive language, but this is freedom of expression and should not be vetoed.
We are reaching a point where spontaneity, effusive samples and also jokes they will rub the typology of crime. Between the invention of inclusive words and the extreme prudence of others and some movements, if in ittself the relationships have been full of conflicts, with the current precautions the only thing that is generated is inhibition, coldness, distance, indifference and a reinforcement of individualism before life gets complicated with gestures considered punishable under the vision and judgement this crusade of new saints.
With so many precautions by witch it may fall upon us with the current inquisitors, the best for no enter in polemics is to show up as an autistic and show ourselves openly only with whom we trust.
All this is one more example of so much social idiocy which far from diminishing grows, because it is the deposit accumulated internally for years of wrong nutrition which prevents us from discerning clearly and knowing how to distinguish where the right lies and wher the wrong lies.
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
Gain time and waste time. What do some understand to gain time ? The time factor is a permanent mathematical measure that can not be extended or reduced, it is simply what it is. Therefore it is we who are subject to the specific quantities that this one mark us. We can not gain time because in any case it is the time that gain us subjecting us to some delimitations.
Our task it consists of managing time. Immersed in a constant dynamic of beginnings and ends, we have to fit the claims into periods that vary, where each moment is fulfilling its function within a wide diversity.
From a limited egocentric perspective, those who catalogue gain time to speculate, slow down, postpone, with the aim of achieving a supposed benefit, they don´t know how the process and the impact of third parties on their claims will develop. In additon, each one has individual supervision with characterisdtics and a function to execute, where each experience occurs when the time is right, and from the superficial side we can not know whether it is gaining or losing when the facts are presented.
When we say waste of time embezzling it with unproductive attitudes which do not revert to an internal or external profit. And despite the evidence, it can sometimes act a springboard to want to change precedentss if we become aware of the dissatisfaction that certains behaviors leave us.
The daily challenge is to win over time, precisely this is its function, because if we are not better at what we do, by increasing qualities, by behaving more correctly, it means that we are wasting it. Remain stagnant for decades without expanding the potential, with a simple face to face subsistence with no direction or any goal of true overcoming, it is a waste of time.
If the time is gold at every moment we have to live it as such, if it is not to devalue it. And at the end of the journey we have to ask ourselves : have I gained or lost through time ?
Friday, 30 July 2021
Nothing of what surrounds us now has appeared without a reason. There is an origin, a first moment that it will forge next a new situation in the short or long term, small or large.
According to the seed will be the fruit, and the natural evidence it is exactly the same in mankind. With the unconsciousness on the one hand, the personal desires of another, and not to foresee the consequences of some pretensions, is configuring the environment. The reflection on the outside is a product of the accumulated of the incidence or impact caused, and of the skill or clumsiness of the actions committed.
Each one is unique and has a particular function, but that uniqueness it is forged by the influences received of interactions, of the cultural sphere and of the distinctive stamp itself who is in charge of sifting everything.
We find all kinds of combinations in the social sphere : people with a natural goodness and others inclined to evil. Workers or lazy. Who watches over others with empathy, and the one who disregards. Smart and short prawns. The manifested, the externally evidenced, it emerges from within, and we can only express what we know and what we have.
Why are there so many chaotic episodes ? Why don´t we learn from history ? Why we don´t know how to solve the simplest ? Why seeking comfort generates discomfort ?
What is the use of so much technology and so many tools at our disposal, while milions of people go hungry, other have to move to find more comfortable situations, refugees, persecuted minorities, endless wars, pollution, unemployment, and more other questions it keeps the majority of the population in a precarious context.
The day to day and what happens is a reflection of who we are. And if poverty prevails more than wealth, it is because deep down, we humans, we are more poor than rich. Poor by ignorant, for not knowing how to see in perspective the implications of our pretensions, to think in selfish terms instead of looking for the whole.
And material rich are also poor if neglected and they do not help to alleviate the disorder that accompanies us, because it is not these transient goods that must be accumulated.
Monday, 12 July 2021
There is no day that execrable facts occur. ¿ What motivates people to behave in this primary way ? When not one thing another. The different ones are not supported, either by ideology, by sexual orientation, because they go in the opposite direction to personal interests. ¿ And how do you proceed in the face of the anger it generates in some ?
Attacking in diferent ways. Men who instead of debating with simplicity the differences and try to find links of union and understanding, they choose to beat and kill women who are not shown as they wish. Attack someone completely unfounded for not having the sexual inclination they want to impose by force this gang of justices. Generalized lynching when atttudes, expressions, habitual tendencies are questioned. Band closure to follow the usual guidelines before listening and reflecting on different ways healthier and more beneficial individually and collectively such as food.
It is not surprising that we have to experience what we experience, and the most instead of stopping to think what message is behind it and what we need to modify and improve to replace health and economic problems for welfare and wealth, only revelry are pending, and fill the drawer with money.
Normality is not what is was before because it ws lived precariously in multiple sectors. And all this incivility, rudeness, intolerance, agression, criminal acts, they are committed by those who believe they are normal. And if before and now we are as we are, it is precisely because there is too much mismatch between what is wanted and what can be, between what is right and what is not, and if we don´t know to distinguish differences proceeding istinctively, this primitivism cannot become civility.
Monday, 28 June 2021
The great humiliators of all times justly all they know to do is humiliate any dissident who does not think like them, that doesn´t say what they want to hear and doesn´t do what they want they feel humiliated when someone expresses the opposite, when events go against them, and when all efforts to have subjugated and controlled his opponents get out of hands.
They that go in the opposite direction in the highway, where it is always the others who are wrong and they are always right. Those who consider themselves omnipotent, the best, where no one is allowed to question them because they are infallible, accompanied only by all those equally foolish and alienated from the slightest common sense, at the moment that the sensible analyze, reflect, and issue coherence based verdicts, then anger,rage, pride, all the weaknesses of the ego they give way to a huge fire where the water is unable to turn off. Viscerality is instinctive, animal, and if it prevails it is impossible for the person to be able to discern, of being equanimous or behaving civically.
Those who have been oppressing for centuries, who have acted ruthlessly wherever they have been, replacing indigenous cultures to impose theirs, always despising, insulting, assaulting in many ways anyone who is not one of his, all they know to do is get angry, gesture, shout whenever trilerism and perversion do not bring them what they desire.
As said the King David : " you have eyes but don´see. You have ears but you can not hear " Blinded by not wanting to see what one does not want to see and deaf to not listening what they don´t want to hear.
And so to spend years, decades, centuries, for not solve the bottom of the conflicts so that retaining the miserable gains, that is the key of the question, serves as a free bar to apply all the dirt imaginable and unimaginable.
Friday, 18 June 2021
In the day to day we have to measure different elements for various components to perform their function fulfiling a purpose. To find the optimal point in each case we need some measures, and with a knowledge of case to know what needs to be added or removed, along with relevant resources, we are carrying out operations to increase or decreasse in search of harmony in the whole.
We can only measure the visible and tangible, in the three dimensions of time, space and movement. Operations take place in a limited context, because the invisible and limitless are not measurable.
The mathematical operations are in charge of the calculation to sometimes locate a weight, size, distance or time, the precise information that facilitates our action for each area adjusts it in the best way to the most suitable for its function and benefits.
Success or failure is a matter of numbers, debating between minimums and maximums, with what we have and know in the medium of action we must adjust the factors that come into play precisely to obtain the intended result.
To get the measure right requires attention and concentration, as well as the tuned senses. Achieve the fit of diversity for a unitary purpose. Between us and the instruments that come into play and the goal that is pursued.
The physical aspects can be measured, but no emotional or mental ones. When we say that someone is very smart is a subjective appreciation that we cannot see, weigh or touch, and is it to see the supposed intelligence in which such a person expresses or does. And the same when someone say " i love you so much " is the same as the previous one. Where does the " much " lie with what parameters and comparisons is it based on ? Or " i am very tired " how can you tell if it is a lot or a little ? with respect to whom ?.
Well being or discomfort, understanding or disagreement, harmony or chaos, it tells us if we know to properly fix the measures or not, which depend on correct thoughts, feelings and actions in balance between all of them
Sunday, 30 May 2021
Intolerance implies imposition " this no, that yes ". Behaviors or situations categorized as incorrect they must be neutralized by measures that counteract it.
Incivility is fought with civility, aggressions with respect. Expressions considered inappropriate are not tolerated ¿ but what are these really ? If in a given culture the same acts are not punishable and in other parts they deserve punisment ¿ who measures and who is right in the assessments '
There are impartial intolerant and partial intolerant. Those who are equanimous in the face of similar events sticking to some principles. And the partials that are tough on opponents or about what don´t like, and on the other hand if theirs do then they are condescending and it doesn´t matter.
There are two types on intolerant and two types om impostors, intolerant driven by selfish interests or desires, not to claim the just suitable or convenient, rejecting anything that jeopardizes their claims. And the intolerant who moves thinking about the whole and the adverse consequences depending on what acts, and to combat it it needs decrees, laws and regulations.
Who measures what is tolerable that what is not ? At what point are the boundaries crossed ? How can we know if the diagnosis is correct ? Is intolerable means " this can not be, can not be done " it is to be assumed by the consequences and the impact. What exactly is wrong ? the background, the shapes, both ? what is the retort of the intolerant ? what do they offer ? Impose what we want according to subjective values or ideas, if it leads to contempt, humililiation, invading the land of others, this can not be tolerated, is intolerable.
The dictator we carry inside repel what is far from our tastes, crieria and values. However, it is one thing to dislike and another not tolerate. Between acceptance and non acceptance it implies greater factors of rejection of what is manifested.
One would no longer have to be intolerant if everyone made sure to be right, nor would impositions be required when each behaved neatly.
Both intolerance and imposition they may arise from primitivism or civility. Observing the posture and the result we will know if it inclines in one or in the other direction.
Sunday, 16 May 2021
What is not tolerated ? What is said or how is it said ? What is done or how is it done ? What highlights our mistakes, inaccuracies ? What is the underlying reason for feeling so offended ? And the retort of not accepting what is said or done, is imposing another way of saying and doing.
What we say or do is absolute truth, absolute justice, what is really right ? Behind these manifestations are too many egoic influxes and much mediocrity of believing it untouchable. Day by day we witness these nonsense. Of insignificant comments originate wildfires. Of a simple protest the dissidents must be severely punished. What does not sound good to the ear must be removed, covered or punished.Then those who only think of censoring speak of freedom, by oppressing, liquidating, so that only his dictatorial desire reigns to say and do whatever they want, but opponents must be suppressed.
How do conflicts originate ? By the dispute between two discordant parties deffending different interests where the strongest want to make the weakest give up so that their ideological and power claims are imposed by force. And so the years pass. So much for filling your mouth with good intentions or pronounce the word democracy when the facts show the rudeness of the methods in search of unworthy objectives.
And the reasonable citizen until when we must continue to tolerate brutality, indecency, the unjust justice and the gang of conjurers who govern ? Perhaps we organize ourselves and let the abused be the ones who impose the canons of conduct that truly sould reign.
Monday, 3 May 2021
What do we want and what should we want ? Does the impulse come from inferior or refined nature ? Will the beloved leads us to what we need ? With very limited knowledge, disconnected from the root of our idiosyncrasy and pending to decipher the why of situations, relationships and circumstances for its purpose ¿ how many of us truly know what to ask for and be more appropriate according to the individual peculiarities and goals to achieve ?
We want what is external to us, for if we have it internalized we don´t ask for it. According to the longed for will be to internalize it temporarily or projected indefinitely.
Preserving or achieving what we don´t have involves some kind of exchange, an effort where we have to offer or give something in return. If they are transient things or small quantity decisions can be made quickly. In large scale investments or in acquiring long term commitments, we will have to weigh pros and cons extensively for the consequences and the possible incidence in different sections.
Everyone depends on the essentials, and the particular conditions of each one with room for maneuver, the individual function to be performed and the claims to be set through time, it will make us want some things or others.
There will be things that will accompany us briefly, others a season, others perhaps decades, and only a few constantly. It will all depend on the service and the fulfillment of the purpose, whether it is a context, objects or relationships, pointing out that we don´t have to cling to anything because it may disappear whether we like it or not.
Accumulate days is established in DNA. Most don´t ask why and to do what, and we must want to raise the bar of nonconformism in order to not susbsit and enough. Find out in depth the goal of weight and value of why we are the way we are and what we must carry out that gives meaning and benefit to experiences and efforts.
Linking constant beginnings and endings, one routine after another it must be much more than covering files and keeping us going, amd what we should want is to illuminate what is behind it of what we do and see endowing the existence of meaning.
Saturday, 17 April 2021
Wanting requires appreciation. Without appreciation there is not desire, and if we don´t give value or even rejection, prevents wanting. Wanting is the key that set us in motion, wheter by own will,need or obligation.
We want what nourishes us : food, resources, knowledge, affections. And also other elements that are not indispensable but desirable.
Wanting involves selecting and choosing according the possibilities, tastes and desires.
Wanting contains several phases : maintain or increases the existing one, eliminate some of what we have or get the unavailable now. We want quantity and that it contains quality, and being able to access these depends on current evolutionary circumstances of each one to have mental clarity and fundamental resources to carry out the approach and appropriate actions to facilitate it.
We must want optimal material conditions to execute the individual function according to the place we occupy and the social contributions to perform. And on the journey discover the potential and shortcomings to find the intended purpose of goals that go beyond the apparent.
To want is to add or multiply in what we intend, and subtract and divide in what we want remove. We have to see clearly if what we want suit us, otherwise we will be embezzling resources that should be invested in the profit. A bad investment instead of entailing gains become losses.
We want things for us o for give it to someone. For personal use or external items, and before to decide the acquisiton by investing time or money, observe the purpose and practical application.
Wanting implies quantity with the exception of the intangible ones which cannot be measured such as silence, peace or tranquility. The quality of the quantity that is measurable depends on the materials, its precise treatment and location for the intended useful service.
We want immediate things,in the short medium or long term. We want prolong well being and reduce the discomfort. We want health,good conditions, and getting anything there is always an exchange between that we can offer and the goal to achieve, and the better eqquiped we are in every way best benefits we can get.
Tuesday, 30 March 2021
The proper functioning of what surround us it´s a matter of fit. Several individualities with the respective singularities and contributions, need the support of other individuals, where the resources and shortcomings of each other to carry out exchanges that supply the desired, if they fit together, the purpose of the established links is achieved.
To fit is from duality, 1+1. Externalization pushes us to be linked by dependencies, and in a constant offers and demand on a personal and commercial level the ideal coupling must occur in each context.
Surrounded by animated and inanimated objects, of people and animals, all have a function and benefits, trying to relate to us in a timely manner for profit and harmony. Subject and object conveniently coupled is the milestone to pursue at all times.
Between sender and receiver, give and receive, there must be a nexus that allow the proper connection, because the bonds pursue some kind of fit; otherwise the links are useless.
We fit with others through tastes, ideals,specific affinites, feelings, goals. If it is the opposite we will not be able to fit. Tastes, ideas, different trends, it will be difficult to fit if there is no point to unclog it. We can fit by equality or similarity, and also by differences when each party provides what the other needs as a complement.
We feel comfortable with who we fit into one or more points according to our idiosyncrasy, and especially the way we think and value what we have. And on the opposite side when others differ discomfort immediately arises. This is due to the egoic forms of reaction. We may dislike it and disagree with the exposures and/or manners of someone, but the opportunities to extract messages and profit it can come from both what is pleasing and unpleasant to us.
The fit on an epoch with friendhips and couples, when the paths diverge, proximity becomes distance, and passes to the non fit, indicating that the fit must be continuosly monitored.
In one way or another we all look for the right way to adjust us, because discord is what does not adjust, and therefore does not serve. Reach an agreement between the parties that intervenes, know how to behave, make a fair deal, these and other factors they must lead to fit , because if we are not skilled by proceeding properly, the result will lead to non fit.
Monday, 15 March 2021
Much ignoraance and little knowledge is the prominent tonic. The majority interests are personal and material. Vision and focus arise from limitation and are superficial. In the face of this evidence, what communication can emerge ? Reiterative arguments, always wandering in routine matters, what final profit are we able to extract ?
Where everyone is, interests, the concerns, certain inclinations, the ability to understand, values, is what we show in conversations, and if we stopped at one point and didn´t move, the only thing we do and keep doing is going around to the same subjects that do not contribute novelties nor a broader perspective to break inertia.
In an encounter catching up requires a few minutes, the posterior extension with insubstantial banalities is to add filling comments and empty the backgrounbd chatter of content.
We can only give what we have, and listening everyday a lot of linked words to say nothing neither provide reflections nor useful learning, it simply reveals the very long pending path of development that is indispensable to realize to consider ourselves evolutinarily advanced.
Global limitation keeps us in this society of constant conflicts with the consequent relationship problems.
The years go by and the utensils of daily use change, more comfortables, with more benefits, and instead of applying it as well in our behavior improving the precise areas, we continue with the multiple expressions that lead to discord.
As a result of not knowing how to behave, the retort are demonstrations, strikes, demands. It has ever been able to succeed if it was unsustanaible to preserve the existing, without a force to impose, succumbing to the minority of power but with the executing force.
As well as useless repetitive speeches, the same form of vindication in actions which mantain the prevailing immobility, should think about a change of strategy, a different approach that overflow the status quo, because only with words and some threat, is not enough to demolish the armored wall of those who govern, and to make this possible is necessary to increase individual and collective wisdom, on the contrary, perpetuation of dialectical and also everyday boredom.
Sunday, 28 February 2021
Mobility means the pursue of some kind of achievement. To do for do not exist, consciously or unconsciously the dynamizing motivation is the extraction of a result at the end of the journey.
If there is no interest, if we are indifferent, if we find out that efforts will be in vain, we don´t get started. We have inserted into the deepest of us profitability, which can bring a benefit, feeling of well being, although depending on what is involved later it can cause discomfort.
We need to see clearly the goals with pros and cons, if it is worth the process we will have to speed up and the possible results. If perhaps it is better to focus on other more profitable areas, because every action has consequences, and these will be in line with the correctness or incorrectness.
What do we want to extract ? What advantages will be gain by pursuing certain goals ? We can not receive attacks quiet and silent, because they are only possible by what we say or do. Someone may say that there are people who have received insults or aggressions without giving rise to it being so. What we don´t know is the history of each one and the triggers to end up receiving.
Sometimes out of commitment, out of friendship, out of affection, we do not seek to extract anything for ourselves from the action executed, in these cases, the extraction of the task is done thinking about the satisfaction of the other person.
In any field, whatever the activity, from the most relevant to the most insignificant, if there is no possibility of an extraction in the form of benefit or enjoyment, there will be no indispensable motivation to set us in motion.
Our pretensions need a means of action, provide us with physical and mental resources, and establish connexions with people and utensils as a support for the dynamized end up bearing fruit.
Shortcomings and dependencies force us to fit in the individuals with the collective. And this must serve as a reference for the coupling and the harmony extends to all areas to set the optimal guidelines focused on the common good
Monday, 15 February 2021
What are the characteristics of the infant stage ? Maximum dependence, unconsciousness, ignorance, desire to selfish receive, global limitation on being in the process of formation.
The progressive maturity where should lead us ? Precisely to the opposite factors. Parents are the basis of support,and the spearhead to project us socially depends on us once we acquire the indispensable development.
How many adults remain unconscious for ignorance ? A lot. And if is so it means that childish reminiscences are still present.
How many people already of working age remain self centered without considering others in the need to perform equitable exchanges in the eternal give and receive ?
In each epoch we should be in line with its specificities, what can not be is to increase the age but not mature.
Child self centering is normal due to deficiencies, for emotional responses, but then we have to be responsible for what we want, of what we do and the consequences, and this mean taking into account the incidence of our actions in the environment.
When we blame someone for the events by shedding responsibility; when we demand in bad ways; when we have to win even with traps; when we deceive, exaggerate, distorts the facts; when an observation or reflection can not be endured in order to improve as if we were perfect and had to correct nothing; when each movemment is only in our behalf. All these manifestations are a reflection of chronic infantilism. Who is truly mature is serious, responsible, assumes the consequences of the task, it does not seek excuses, but solutions, and instead of complaints, focuses on expanding horizons in the experienced.
Sunday, 31 January 2021
Immersed in duality we face the day to day between the certainty and uncertainty. We have the certainty that we have to face specific tasks, we know how to do it, but as long as the hypothetical future does not become present, uncertainty will remain as to how the facts will unfold.
Certainty is unity, the verified, the known. Uncertainty is duality, perhaps yes perhaps no, because it has not been completed or has not been verified.
We want security, but the subject to movements and changes cannot be assured. What is permanent, indestructible, strengthens the confidence so that is it predictable. The subject to oscillations, not controllable by us, depending on nature or other persons, inevitably keep us in the uncertainty.
We begin the day with a few purposes, a new day to fill, but we don´t know what will happen, what contingencies may arise, of the planned what will be executed and what will not.
The conditions of the moment, adjust and readjust continuously. In a second what was firm, solid, consistent, can deteriorate or disappear. Our life made to make constant connections between the left behind and the next novelty, it does not guarantee durability. Now we are here present and tomorrow we don´t know if we will continue in this world. Everything is transitory, provisional, but we must proceed from action to action, from one realm to another in an everchanging present. The certainty acquired by knowledge and experience are the resources employed in the purposes, and as we fill in the gaps, uncertainty becomes certainty.
The spiritual precepts are intangible, and we see through experiences the results. They serve as a reference, they are permanent and eternal, being a mainstay of certainty when checking them over and over again.
The actions commited for material purposes must be based on spiritual principles. The principles give us certainty, the process underway is uncertain, with the certainty that the result will be in line to the approach or distance respect to the basic principles.
Thursday, 21 January 2021
For more planning, each new day must be filled with knowledge and resources. Let´s look for what we don´t have, uncertainty for certainty of how to proceed.
We obtain certainty through experience and results. We rely on precedents. Uncertainty can be an unfinished process where external factors can bring unforeseen surprises. Certainty are evidences from a past, and uncertainty it has connotations for the future. Certainty is an element of security, and uncertainty is synonymous of insecurity.
Let´s be more or less aware, everyone knows there are some patterns to follow which serve as a referent to act to fit into the collective. If we follow the postulates trying to be correct, we can have the certainty of good results at the end. Instead, the transgressions materials or spirituals, sooner or later lead to a debt to pay. The uncertainty is not know when neither how nor in what proportion.
Certainty requires testing : weigh, see, measure, because if we can´t weigh, see or measure,then they are assumptions or perceptions, and if they not materialize in facts they are only speculations.
Certainty wants tangible demostrations otherwise we can not be sure. From uncertainty to certainty it passes on the basis of concretions. And for more mastery or knowledge, if it depends on third parties or the environment, uncertainty will hover.
The dependence on nature, on exchanges, makes us vulnerable and it keeps in uncertainty about what we will get in the short or long term. Between the desire and the reality we are constantly debating, in a changing environment at the mercy of uncontrollable elements, and for more knowledge of cause, uncertainty accompanies us every day.
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