Monday, 12 July 2021


There is no day that execrable facts occur. ¿ What motivates people to behave in this primary way ? When not one thing another. The different ones are not supported, either by ideology, by sexual orientation, because they go in the opposite direction to personal interests. ¿ And how do you proceed in the face of the anger it generates in some ? Attacking in diferent ways. Men who instead of debating with simplicity the differences and try to find links of union and understanding, they choose to beat and kill women who are not shown as they wish. Attack someone completely unfounded for not having the sexual inclination they want to impose by force this gang of justices. Generalized lynching when atttudes, expressions, habitual tendencies are questioned. Band closure to follow the usual guidelines before listening and reflecting on different ways healthier and more beneficial individually and collectively such as food. It is not surprising that we have to experience what we experience, and the most instead of stopping to think what message is behind it and what we need to modify and improve to replace health and economic problems for welfare and wealth, only revelry are pending, and fill the drawer with money. Normality is not what is was before because it ws lived precariously in multiple sectors. And all this incivility, rudeness, intolerance, agression, criminal acts, they are committed by those who believe they are normal. And if before and now we are as we are, it is precisely because there is too much mismatch between what is wanted and what can be, between what is right and what is not, and if we don´t know to distinguish differences proceeding istinctively, this primitivism cannot become civility.

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