Thursday, 16 December 2021


Just as we are interacting between the inside and the outside, we also do it between the dense and the subtle. We move in a material environment pursuing specific goals, and knowing how to procede to achieve this depends on the interior to act as a guide between the idea, the process and the result. The instinct for survival makes us constantly seek out nutrients in order to provide us with the best possible conditions, and this task requires incessant exchanges in the environment with another and nature. Staying physically means feeding on dense elements, but also subtle in terms of instruction, between the emergent from the inside manifested on the outside, we must find the right measures of the means at our disposal and the goals Where we spend time, effort and resources, it is a form of food. If we live only to work and subsist the nourishment will be only dense. If we have concerns of overcoming some ideal, to make a useful contribution to society, become a better person by acquiring virtues through relevant studies leading to increased consciousness and transform us gradually, we will be feeding the subtle. We must ask : we want to pass for life only to mantain an insubstancial presence, or do we want to find a meaning beyond the observable and visible by the five senses ? Accumulate days to accumulate without a profit, without a purpose, without progressing in attitudes, relationships, behavior, is this the life we want ? Sure not, but unfortunately that´s the case with the exception of very few people who want to break in and out this purely basic exixtential circle immersed in battles, controversies, petty interests which prevent us from advancing by being stuck in the different primary expressions of what is linked to the matter. Feeding the dense is easy, we are all obliged if we want continuity. Feeding the subtle depends on internal concerns, on implicit evolution, of consciousness, and the proportion of the higher nature established in the depths ob being.

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