Tuesday, 28 December 2021


What do we expect from ourselves, from others, from life ? Probably more than it will eventually be. We can only wait according to the chain of links between the effected in a past tense and the consequences that derive from it. We are subject to inescapable laws and cannot escape to cause and effect. Depending on the cause will be the effect, it is inevitable, and we can only expect a trigger in line with what was stated in the case. Then there is the law of action and reaction. Every action is followed by an equal and an opposite reaction, supporters and detractors they will always be present in any kind of approach no matter how absurd which may be some. The environment in which we are immersed has some characteristics with advantages and disadvantages, and what we can expect in terms of events will depend on the room for maneuver and the ability to proceed. We must also have individual and collective karma. Each has a singularity and a function to perform, and must be performed in a specific context. The place where we are links us to a collective karma at the cultural level and a vision that affects the code of values and therefore in the conduct. The past provides us with current bases and current resources, constantly projecting us forward with purposes that we don´t know if they will occur and where we will end up or what we will end up doing. We can expect to observe some precedents, our capacity and projection that certain situations are outlined but dependence on third parties and a universal order beyond our consciousness which fits the parts and the whole, they place us at every moment in the place, circumstances, experiences and precise relationships that will be appropiate for each one. The terms sudden, unexpected, unthinkable, they simply express that we don´t see the link between a previous fact and the trigger. There are no coincidences and nothing happens without a foundation, it´s a matter of focusing on the process, knowing that the fruits correspond to the seeds, and this is what we should expect.

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