This blog is not intended to emulate the great classical thinkers, only a few exhibitions that can reach all kind of people.
Monday, 28 December 2020
Face things with patience is a training without end, because new situations usually appear that precises an adoption of serene postures. Patience depends on many factors, and the fit between what we want and what is multiple components come into play. Innate temperament is what makes it easier to increase and decrease a patiece response. There are people who are almost immutable and others who are nervous with great difficulty fitting in the face of adversity.
The cultural sphere is very important according to the proportion of understanding or ignorance to face it depending on what challenges. Seeing it more broadly allows for an approach endowed with more possibilities, that not having it can lead to rushing.
Not because having more studies implies easier to show patience, sometimes it´s the other way around, because when you see the shortcomings can be impatient just to fix it quickly.
The section richs/poors, it also makes the things differently. Those accustomed to delays, poor services, resolute postponements, from so much experiencing it they end up forging patience to the force.
The rich with capacity of selection and election, they are more likely to get impatient when events do not go as they would like.
Not everything that we want can be nor is it appropiate on some occasions. Patience is a barometer of our responses, where we must know how to restrict if the occasion requires it, do not rush in say or do depending on what, adapting personal desires to the environment, to circumstances.
Acceleration and speed do not fit well with patience. The sense of measure and precision call for a slower pace, because ultimately from the actions we claim a profit, an utility or satisfaction in some terms.
More years they must behave more experiences, see more broadly the pros and cons which is ultimately implicit contribution contained in the patience.
Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Acquire patience is a matter of time, that can only get it when we accept that the desidered not depends only on our will, but a coupling between the individual contribution and the means of action.
It´s a challenge to human self centrism willingly abide that things may not be as we want them to be. At the present time the events may not be as we would like, but they are always part of a larger gear, it is difficult to understand where there is no choice but to adapt continuosly to a string of situations outside our domain.
Increase the patience is lower the ego voice, understand that we must fit in with the collective from the respective individualities, that the environment does not revolve around our whims. And between the longed for and what is now possible must be forged the patience.
The area that puts the patience to test are relations. No one thinks or feels or acts identically to anyone else, and instead of wanting to impose criteria closing us to different alternatives, for the benefit of both parties it would be best to contrast diversity to broaden horizons.
It is common to be convinced that we are right in what we are saying because otherwise the discourse and focus would be different. And here is where lies mainly the source of conflicts, unable to put ourselves in the place of the other and less accept the diametrically opposit to our convictions.
We have inevitable links for assiduity, with some we understand better, and not in others, but in both they are just what we need, and often the most irritating is where we will find learning and subsequent benefit if instead of responding from the ego we shell out the messages taking advantage of them to establish more suitable postures.
Patience is to know wait, that every question has a time more or less long to develop, that we depend on others and the means of action, that we are limited, and if we flow with the universe and an order beyond the comprehensible, the patience always accompany us.
Thursday, 3 December 2020
As many times as we want we can say sorry, and this will not change the episode at all. To excuse oneself is to acknowledge that one has not been careful enough, is the first step to correcting oneself and the correction in subsequent events it will be the true value. What is punishable and what is not ? What is offensive and what is not ? For what concepts should forgiveness be sought ? Not having calculated some movements accurately, some misguided words. Impetuosness, lack of experience, lack of discernment, disregard, many may be the reasons which make express themselves in a non harmonic way. An ego offended by sensibility deserves no excuses, all it has to do is mature and see in perspective. Those arrogant, supremacist, when someone doesn´t say or do what they want demanding the thousand and one rectifications while they abuse and mistreat finding it a normal fact. Of all the aberrations they would like to carry out, that if it is to excuse itself. The same patterns are repeated day by day so that unfortunately selfishness and ignorance are entrenched in society, and we see how day by day medicority deteriorates links, and instead of providing solutions, it increases conflicts. Of what it serves to say sorry for looking good if what is neeeded is a change of behavior that we always wait and never arrive ? To say or not say sorry no longer erases what has happened. From the most insignificant to the most relevant it has caused a break in harmony, if we want to improve, we are equitable and willing to strive, discord can help you be more cautious by taking more careful measures. Superficiality and unconsciousness deprive us of seeing with due clarity and extent, being the causes of the banalities that surround us. Everything counts and has an impact, and when does not know how to measure the echo of what is said or done, then happens what happens. Attention in the present should make it easy to adjust parameters showing us neat in what we manifest, avoiding having to apologize for dissonances for the implementation of the correct.
Sunday, 15 November 2020
When someone apologizes it is because an error has occurred, a negligence, a blow, some misguided words or other motives where the offender recognizes the discomfort or harm by becoming consciousness with empathy that drives the subject to apologize. There are minor incidents, of medium or large size, according to the particular valuation of each. The much or little or nothing depends on what is considered important and/or significant. By not being able to reverse it what is said or done with was has entailed. If we have fallen with a push, if someone broke a glass, if we have been humiliated, saying sorry does not change the experience. The question is : Could it have been avoided ?If everything that happens has a purpose, surely the assailant and the agressor they needed to play the role of victim and executioner to have the opportunity to observe in depth where the origin can be, reveal it and be able to correct the precise. Action comes or back ? Karma paid for the victim or new by the agressor ? We will have to find out previous behaviors, ways of acting, relationships that have led us to the episode. There is a double recognition when we said forgive, I´m sorry. The incorrectness and affectation in the person who receives. If it was to wipe out outstanding debts, instead ob being annoyed by the inconvenience, we should that to the offender for the opportunity to release charges that sooner or later it was convenient to get rid of it. Is the agressor really ? Is the victim really ? Or is it to restore harmony ? It is a matter of following a process of events of what we have manifested. Insignificant or relevant incidents are signs. We have to be careful to the movements and possible consequences. Mismatches should be used to take precautionary measures thanks to the experience. Clumsy forms must be used to redirect expressions or actions. Apologizing is a good symptom that the offender recognizes the mistake and its incidence. To mend oneself is the contribution of becoming aware, passing from the incorrection to the correction. Each non flawless episode is an opportunity to increase the attention, learn, and calculate better what we say or do.
Monday, 2 November 2020
How are the words formed ? How we the choice made ? Why do different people have their distinctive language ? Is the word born of association between subject and object ? We have been creating words as new have tools have been incorporated and her function. Once a name is established it is valid for everyone serving as identification. We only store the words we understand. We work with minimum that for us represent a maximum of what we are able to express. Words serve of bridge between the internal and external, between the pesonal and social. Thought elaborate ideas that it extracts from words so that they have a later utility. Thought is the basis, words the intermedary between abstraction and concretion. Words pronounced or written with what they transmit they can tell us various facets about us, It´s a matter of deciphering them and drawing conclusions. Diversity has forced the creation of words as a distinction to know how to deal with each component. To relate involves to communicate, and even with signs or gestures, these also implicitly carry a word behind them. Words explain what we see, that we feel, what we want. How could we do if they didn´t exist ? Only with sounds ? and from the moment we identified these sounds, we would be already be creating a word. Words they must enrich us through knowledge. And broadening the perspective to generate optimal patterns of behavior for personal and social benefit by trsnsmission. What use do we make or will we make of words ? From what they give off the result will lead to gain or harm or indifference. By their deeds and words we shall know them.
Sunday, 18 October 2020
Words and actions are the means of expression, but there are things that we are not able fo find words because are sensations where some part remains inaccessible to consciousness
What we have said or written, what is not manifested in actions, has been able to remain latent, and in the end what counts is the evidence. Words serve to distinguish one thing from another, identify them and locate with respect to a context. The word is the beginning of densification from what arises from thought. And the action is materialization. We can only put words to the tangible and perceptible. The intangible and the imperceptible can exist, but if it is beyond the reach of our consciousness it is non existent for us, and therefore unidentifiable. Words and actions bear witness to expressions. Unrealized imaginations or projects are diluted without leaving a record. Words identify, link and communicate. The misunderstood such as unknown languages, prevent connections about what we hear or see written, and therefore these words if we do not their meaning do not serve us. Words allow us to move in the environment knowing the appropiate timely treatment in each case so that our movements are safe. Surrounded by immensity and thousand of words, we only use of a small amount as well as the diversity that surround us. What counts is that with more or less the purpose of development and progress be constant, nourished by words and actions that solidify the goal that dynamizes them.
Sunday, 27 September 2020
Words and actions they are the means of relationsship between us and others, between us and the environment. The conception we have of what surrounds us, the ideas and beliefs, it is elaborated through thought in the form of words, and then some of these will remain in expository theories, and others will want to materialize in actions. Before acting we must know what we want and what needs to be done, extracting the process of words that serve as a reference and support to know how to proceed. Just as words arise from within, action always takes place on the outside. Words want to express with a mental and emotional component in which cases. The actions give shape to the previous indications provided by the words. The tendencies of an epoch according to tastes and preponderances, if over time they change, it will also affect words and actions. What we say and do today indicates what we think, feel, or want now, and tomorrow may be diametrically different depending on the circumstances. Words are elastic, we can extend or compress expressions, but the actions are what they are. Two senses can intervene in the words ( heard when they are heard, and seen when they are read ) Actions depending on the context, can participate in all senses. Hands participate in written words and actions. The mouth does so in the oral part. The two lips and the two hands, indicate the two principles in motion, being transmitters and receivers. The mouth and eyes are the active part in words, and the hands in writing and acting. The ear the passive part that listens. The action takes place on the outside, after internal elaboration of the thought. The function of words is to link what springs from within for an external application. Actions densify what words mean. There may be words without action, although speaking is already a dynamazing fact, but is not possible to act without a precedent indicated by words. Words can tell truths or lies, actions are evidence. What is said or not, in what is done or not, we show the whole conglomerate of distinctive factors, and every day and every moment we need to be clear about what we want and what we want to do, because the imprints left will mark the future.
Sunday, 13 September 2020
We express ourselves by words and actions. The origin is thought, and this is possible thanks to the words, finding us in the dilemma that what was first if the thought or the word. The words are responsible for identifying, relate and link what surrounds us and thought is who order.
Thinking through words, without these it would not possible establish connections between us and the environment. The words connect the seed and the fruit. In what is said there is a mental component and a sentimental one depending on what is involved.
In the first instance we maybe attracted to someone by beauty, and case of establishing a relationship, words and actions they are the ones who will finally bring us closer or farther away, because the interactions are made by the combination of both factors.
Men and women fall in love with words and actions which give a value according to each. And observing what surround us, the bar is set vey low if we note the behavior of these people. And in spite of everything the enchantment emerges.
The key of feeling comfortable or uncomfortable, relaxed or tense, lies in the affinity that is established between those involved. Getting closer or further away depends on the fit between what we think and want, with what is said and done.
When choosing partners or friends, we must aspire to an understanding, to a quality of background, and seeing what predominates ¿ how is such poor aspirations possible ?
Mediocrity is evident in what is said and done, and despite the evidence many people are enthusiastic about nothing, and couples are formed without providing enriching exchanges. Bonds can last for years without going anywhere, where there is no development nor benefit from the basic emptiness, absence of project and inability to transit qualitative values.
Meaningful words and actions for some it may be the opposite for others. then is not words or actions, it is our conceptions, our ideals which determine its importance or not.
The words should serve to clarify, instruct, push us to improve. The actions must in fact execute the prior learning to build new presents that constantly expands the potential. Words are the engine, the actions the implementation.
Monday, 31 August 2020
The base forged in a past allows the present. And today we are preparing the ground for a tomorrow. Nothing happens with more, there is always a trigger which ends in a manifestation. Between the abstraction of the idea and the concretion in facts, will determine some results that will leave an effect. And in this state that we move between consciousness and unconsciousness, sometimes the echo is optimal and other times it leads to problems.
People in the current situation of impasse and uncertainty, only thinks of his own self interest, in material goals, in bars and beatches. After years damaging the planet, increasing pollution, widening the rift of difficulties between rich and poor, instead of making deep reflections by asking yourself how we got to this mess and we are now limited and conditioned by previous actions, the important thing seems to be to consume and go partying.
The virus is the trigger to rethink life personally and collectively. The suppoed " normality " was not so in the face of so much misery manifested in multiples ways. The message to be deciphered is how we want to live and what we plan to do to create sustainable alternatives.
It is not a question of producing to infinity, of overexploting resources and people, that milions and milions go from one place to another with the enviromental damage that it entails. The system did not work, we generated a bubble which has exploded. Pretend to go back to the point where we were without changing the background and the form, is not understanding what current experience reveal to us.
After the excesses come the restrictions, which is where we stand. Pending to satisfy physical desires and material goals, those affected are health and the economy for having abandoned living with spiritual principles. And pending only of earnings and cups, without thinking of setting different parameters where everyone is involved, we will not understand the reason for the experience nor will be able to extract a benefit from it.
There are no tribulations without transgressions. Humanity is being judged and tested for what we have done, and complaining by blaming external issues rinsing away our responsibility is not seeing it clearly.
The " normality " of continuing to destroy or regenerate. We have to decide what we want, to stop the whirlwind of where we were, or to reformulate the existence with sustainable ways and actions for the good of all.
Monday, 17 August 2020
If we stop and observe what we want and what we do, we will realize that we are continuosly making investments. Is not about money in any particular fund, but in how we manage time and resources so that they can produce benefits.
Between what we want and what suits us is the constant debate to be faced, because the desired does not mean that it has to bring gain or satisfaction, can do it the other way depending on what you are talking about and its impact on us. What we need to find out is where the appropriate lies in any area and prepare us to attract it.
From studies, work, different relationships, various activities, tastes, trends, employment in leisure, we are making investments for a purpose. Provide us with training to access a good profession. Select friendships or possible partners for exchange where we feel comfortable. Spend time on motivating tasks, leisure time. In one way or another we are investing, and this implies the pursuit of enjoyment, of some revenue to be obtained.. But why do we study, why do we work, why do we want friendships
The sensation of well being is the common denominator, Is lawful to seek it, the question lies in knowing how to do it.
If health accompanies us and have the indispensable money, is the evidence of connecting the different links well which lead to a good investment of the movements made. If on the contrary one or more of the aspects mentioned fails, we need to review what we are doing to see that it needs to be changed to reverse the situation.
When the different aspects, both internal and external flow, the investments are made correctly.
When problems accumulate, congestion persists, discomfort prevails and no solution is outlined, no matter how much effort is being made, it does not lead to the desired result, it is a sign of structural deficits and shortcomings.
We must invest with intelligence at every moment to make the day profitable, and persisting in this way we will invest in a life of development and improvement, accessing gradually to more optimal levels.
Thursday, 30 July 2020
All our efforts go in search of quality. No one wants miserable conditions, and the desire for improvement drives us to overcome ourselves. And this so easy to understand it must be extended to conversations.
What happens in the day to day ? The same stereotypes that make the questions and answers are repeated. We follow the standard patterns, improvisation is lacking, turning the exchange of what is said into one more procedure.
Many words, a lot of repetitiveness and very little resolution. It could save the chatter that leads nowhere, and if this tendency prevails it is because one can only give what we one has.
What level is there in couple conversations ? Is there mutual enrichment, an expansion of horizons, a development of consciousness ? Or just go commenting on the day, any anecdotes and little else ? What real interest is there between brothers to know their concerns, how do they feel ? Do we have friendships that can be expressed sincerely, or do we prefere those that tell us what we like to hear ?
To go well the meetings must be synthetic, short-lived and spaced in time, so before the boredom arrives we will finished them.
Focus on the underlying topic, say the precise. More time and more words it means no more satisfaction, as in the drink.
In regular relationships is difficult to find attractive reasons for conversation if people know each other well and the margin for surprise is low.
What exciting news can be discussed from day to day in the family sphere ? What depth is there in what is spoken in a couple, between parents and children, between friends ?
How many words do we utter in a day, in a year ? How many were necessary and useful ? How many sterile ?
We talk too lightly, and instead of addressing unproductive cheater, we should try to endow ourselves with a quality global, because then we could convey it in conversations.
Do we want exchanges with essence or content gaps ?
Tuesday, 14 July 2020
Through words we communicate, and with these we establish conversations. We transmite knowledge, opinions, sensations, and this happen each day several times.
We can find in occasional situations, crossing some words. Others asking or asking us for information. For work, family or friendly encounters. The reasons can be various, where the important thing is that the commented either more or less have substance.
We must know what we say and why we say it. To talk it means leaving our center, and if we are to make it for profit. This consideration is not taken into account in banal society that surrounds us, where straaw and little grain prevail.
Conversations can bring together or separate, resolve or spoil conflicts, show us sincerity or lie, encouraage or depress, raise or sink, all lies in the meaning of the words and the tone.
We should ask ourselves : how many conversations are necessary and how many are expendable ? Of all the speech what percentage is useful ? Of regular or sporadic meetings, how many provide learning ? how many make us think ? how many of us are excited for conversations ? how many indifferent or boring ?
A lot of people when they haven´t seen each other make the typical comment : we have to stay. The question is : stay to talk about what ? If there is not enough affinity, similar interests, a similar level, catching up on what´s new can be done in minutes. And once updated, where will the licensee to exchange arguments, or assumptions lie ?
Most have worldly interests, and these are limited and transitory. The conversations of those involved are repetitive, revolving around the same spheres. From time to time changes one tab and is replaced by another , but the background remains the same.
Is there a deep interest in getting to know the other ? we are able to externalize what is hidden inside us ? how many people with their intensity can make us vibrate with what they say ? how many want to go beyond the routine repetitiveness of many conversations ?
How we express ourselves, the topics covered, the footprint we leaves or the quick forgetfulness, highlight the level of each one, and the capacity for influence.
Talking sooner or later is inevitable , the question is for what and what to put on or take off when it happens.
Sunday, 28 June 2020
Why in such a preponderant way, people can not bear an observation, a reflection with the intention of improving some aspect ? for te evidence to going astray, and if you have and inflated ego you can´t stand it.
On the one hand they say : do not criticize, do not judge. and in other, laws, rules, judges, courts dictate sentence.
If everyone were flawless there would be no need for guidelines stating that it can be done and what not, we would already know how to proceed.
When an offense is committed, a fine is usually received. Then if someone does not behave properly should be go unpunished ? Shouldn´t those in positions of responsibility be virtuous ? Because they are in a hierarchical position, should they be shielded as if they were gods ? Can´t a company manager suggest changes to the director ? A child can not make reflections to a father ? A student can not question the teacher´s explanations ?
When we are adults we can not react like pampered young children. If we have to listen or read expressions that bother us, there is a message to review our behavior. The interlocutor may or may not be correct in the diagnosis. Can use careful or harsh language, and we must not remain in the packaging, but in the content.
If someone complains or criticizes us, it is an opportunity to find out if we are doing the right thing or if we need to correct ourselves. ¿ Or do we prefer the repetitive mistake with the inconveniences and losses it will end up producing ?
If we have a clear discernment and we are equanimous, we will know if what they tell us is true or not. And if is true, instead of anger us for what we dislike, we must be grateful that they want to help us improve.
Exercise a determined charge is not reason to be untouchable and incorregible. Precisely it must be impeccable for the good of those whom he may sprinkle with negligent conduct.
The more immature and ignorant, the less adverse comments are supported. The more mature and intelligent, the more open, the more accessible and more chances of being corrected.
For decades or centuries to pass, many countries, many people, they continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. The bad advice of the ego make them stay in error forever. Transforming it requires the desire which must emerge from the counsciousness, a firm will and determination, submit claims and distorted beliefs causes of errors. And this is not a simple or quick task, but a constant and perennial one.
Sunday, 14 June 2020
How many people are wondering where it is failing ? When similar situations are repeated that lead to tensions, discomfort, discrepancies and lack of understanding, do they discover the cause for reversing these trends ?
How many people recognize their weaknesses ? How many people sincerely admit it ? How many people really want to transform the different inaccuracies leading to problems ?
No one else can live for us, the essential always depends on us. Made to act individually, having to look outside for what we need internally, generates the indispensable self-esteem that pushes us to surpass ourselves. Is a constant personal task. In the search of resources to support us, with the desire to experience satisfaction, we establish relationships where we must know how to act with the maximum balance between thought, sense and purpose to dynamize. If there is harmony will be fluidity, but in any point there is not indispensable clarity, then the conflict can break out.
How does the mismatch occur ? Between what is intended to be obtained and its outcome. If we abuse, we want to take advantage, impose by force, if we harm others, is the clear exponent that acts incorrectly
The distorted view of believing the purpose and methods employed are correct, when the evidences shows the opposite, is the product of an immature consciousness focused on selfish desires. Unfortunately this is repeated daily in people of all ages, because maturity is not a matter of years in itself, but of attitudes, of approaches, of responsibility, of seriousness.
Material longings remain in the superficial and this compendium of selfishness and immaturity is generating negative behaviors which increase the darkness and gradually deteriorate the quality and abundance in health, finances and relationships.
The lack of light fattens the ego and at the same time means staying in a children´s stadium, and how can it be otherwise negativity increases producing deterioration in the areas that are most valuable.
Sunday, 31 May 2020
We are all individuals and we are all collective. The parts and the whole are present everywhere. And the challenge is to know how to adjust over and over again the contributions to be made between unity and diversity.
The aim of the parties is to provide a specificity for the set the work, and when the different members carry out their task in synchrony the result will manifest the intended purpose.
We share space with other evolutionary realms To more evolution more freedom, more faculties, and yet dependence of the collective is constant for individual development.
We all have skills and shortcomings, which are the key to exercising day in and day out in the pursuit of what we want to achieve. Shortcomings lead to dependence and to cover them we have to make exchanges, and it is through services where through offer and demand we can give and receive reciprocally.. And in the interactions of the parts the whole is complemented.
Civilization pushes necessarily to establish bonds, and through the singular contributions of each we cover the deficits. Is not possible the isolation, the contact is inevitable and indispensable, is a deep cosmic fabric to dynamize some peculiarities for the personal good and for the common good.
In nature money does not serve, and even if we lived in the forest, we would continue to depend on oxygen, water and food. What we lack, what we need, makes us come out of ourselves pushing us to join forces for their respective personal interests.
If there are conflicts it is a consequence of not fitting the pretensions and actions of the members, showing that is essential to collaborate in harmony.
Everyone seeks well being that means quality, and this involves constantly coupling the internal and external between each other, giving and receiving, in what and how we do it.
Multiplicity and unity must be coupled to mantain optimal conditions ensuring the introduction of more refined forms because it is the goal of the world of action where we are immersed.
Thursday, 21 May 2020
What we manifest on the outside has been forged on the inside, and the same happens exactly between the visible and the invisible. We can not see, touch or weigh what is cooked iternally, nor what happens in the invisble. Is a question of perception, which depends on global balance, goals, behavior and consciousness.
Focused mostly on the mundane side, how many wonder when and how the current mess in form of a virus originated And naturally, instead of finding out the cause to go to the root and know how to proceed, once again the effect will be treated.
The virus is the consequence of repetitive actions which have been deteriorating the environment.
Finding a vaccine will alleviate the number of infections, but if we continue with the debauchery of before which caused the explosion, will serve little purpose, because planetary disease are the excesses, the abuses, the immoderation that has taken us where we are.
The unbridled debauchery has been conditioning freedom. Time, space and movement limited as a counterpoint to rebalancing. And instead of being so impatient about material things, we should discover the trigger to straighten out what suits us, because if it doesn´t go to the bottom we´ll just put temporary pieces, and the vulnerability always leads to the essential point, health, economy and relations.
How we used the time so that we can not now managed freely ? What we have scattered in space for having to take these precautions away ? How have we moved so that we hardly move away from home ?
We can associate time to the health, space to relations, and movement to the economy.
When we are sick we can not dispose of time as we will. If we want stay close someone and is better to stay separate, it tell us that we have been invading the space of others or the nature, and restore order asks go away. Movement is freedom, and do it restrictively is multiple scope restriction. The paralysis of activities and the reduction as usual, affects economy. The question is : how were the movements, how were they made, with what pretensions, to end up where we are ?
Sunday, 26 April 2020
Crisis comes from the verb KRISI that means " separate " " decide " compared with krei ( to cut, to distinguish )
When we say that there is a crisis or it is in crisis, what are we expressing ? a context that use to work more or less well, and when an obstruction occurs it ceases to do so. And we have to go to the root and find ways to fix out.
According to the portion Likutei Torah 2: 48 says that every curse is a blessing of such high order as the content it can not be assimilated in the context of the limited spiritual level of our world. In the future, or in moments of excepctional spirituality in the present can be revealed the true good of the curse.
If in the current actual crisis, if we are only pending of how it affects pesonally thinking about what we can achieve or lose, without delving into why we should experience it and what wants to show the universe, surely we will only see it as a curse by the limiting and dangerous events of the moment.
When tragic events occur and judgment comes on the world it is an awakening for all us, and the challenge is to know how to take advantage of it.
Isolation and confinement is an opportunity for reflection, to find out the triggers for having reached such an extreme context. Strengthen the closeness of family ties, maintaining a social distance which comes to tell us to be careful of what we say or do for its incidence. Distancing is not approaching to possible contaminants.
The unbridled rhythm of the past has not made us better people, we have not been able to generate decent conditions for everyone, on the contrary, poverty has increased, and the society of two levels seems unavoidable.
It´s not about being impatient to get back to where we were before, because there is a lot of review, a lot of rethink and a lot to change.
The general halt must come together in rethinking the purposes : what do we really want ? where is the primordial and what is expendable ? where did the previous lyfestyle take us ? were we satisfied ? we will turn the page in a few days as if nothing had happened, or we will be skilled enough to introduce healthy transformations ? the human gender, as always, capable of the best and the worst, where will the balance tip ? will the refined or the instinctive part be imposed ?
Sunday, 12 April 2020
Everything has an origin, nothing happens at random. Therefore if we reached to an extreme situation is by a concatenation of preceding acts.
The mismatch begins in the mental body in the form of confused ideas or thoughts. Then it extends to the emotional body in the form of sensations, and if they are not harmonic it leads to physical afflictions in the health.
The reiteration over the years of wrongs actions has lead us to where we are. Nature has long warned us more often with strong with devastating episodes. And for those who are neophytes, they must know that the warnings are always gradual. There is a small touch first. If not heeded comes another one of more impact, and so the intensity is increasing until the signals are so beastly that if we don´t notice, we have lost the connection with the senses.
With our clumsy proceeding we have temporarily withdrawn free will to choose. We have mortgaged this possibility because we have not done what was needed, and finally the cosmic order has been raised by accumulation of errors confining us home with no room for maneuver what would be our desire. All without distinction we have become children who have to obey in a confined space.
We reap that we sow. According to the seeds will be the fruits. Then we must ask ourselves : what we have sown ? what seeds did we plant ?
Ilnesses are the product of blockages and disconnections. In many ways connected to the mess, it is the disconnection to the source, to the primordial one which has finally blocked us, producing the imbalance that breaks the harmony.
Everything that happens has been conceived inside, noting the effects later. And air pollution and enviromental degradation it has ended with the utmost drasticity so that once stop to observe what we are doing and where we are going if we keep doing the same without remedy it.
With more and more sophisticated appliances, with security cameras and an eagerness to control like never before, we have been out of play, the whole society from one day to the other..
Vulnerable, fragile, dependent, limited, conditioned, restricted. Much to observe, much to observe, much to awareness, much to learn, and above all immense lessons of humility for all that they should and should change us forever for so many nonsense, of absurd pretensions and harmful behavior.
Wednesday, 1 April 2020
Why should we improve ? Because is part of evolution. Our starting point contains skills and flaws, each one has to figure out how to enhance talent and where are the flaws that obstruct harmony.
In order to capture with facts the improvement we must want it, to awaken the consciousness to go to the weaknesses, and equip ourselves with the transformative instruments.
Everyone understands that they have to offer a service with some benefits, and if is not so there may be complaints and complications, and on the other hand not to be demanding in the case of incorrect behavior, our own responsibility, and those of others and the incidence involved.
Material rules with interests in the middle, agree the people unanimously. When is question of spiritual rules, the unconsciousness, the prevailing darkness in that regard, it is so far away that it is impossible to value it.
Everyone will agree that we have to produce, ¿ but how many are wondering what they need to improve ? Money comes and goes, external goods are temporary, food only serves day in day out, and the most cling to what evaporates, passing through the life without being corrected, pending to catch the volatility represented by the mundane.
We want possess that we can not possess, and what we could possess that is intangible and nobody can snatch us nor do we think or attach importance to it immersed in the superficiality and objectives with expiration date.
Apart from producing resources, our task consist in a deep introspection aimed at self knowledge, replacing harmful patterns with charities, and from individuality contribute to a better society, more uplifting, fairer.
If the efforts are focused on producing, neglecting personal improvement, then let us not complain it conflicts remain unresolved because of our unability.
Monday, 16 March 2020
We were born through parents, and then we must nourish by the contribution of nature. And of the maximum initial dependence we must try the maximum autonomy in spite of always being conditioned by the dependence on external factors. So as not to be a burden on other people and society, we must cultivate talents that serve as potential to acquire resources.
The basis of what we will later have to activate in practice is knowledge. theory as reference, where the learning of concepts it must facilitate the domain to be able to offer a service.
We give and receive, we carry out exchanges, having to extract a profit to cover daily maintenance and have reservations for a certain period.
We have to produce quantity to supply others and to supply ourselves with the obtained profits. Quantity represents the subject, quality represents the objective. We can do little or no, but the product offered must have quality which is intended by the potential client and pays a price for it.
And so every day we participate in this eternal round of trying to cover the essential and the secondary pushed by survival instinct. Of the previous days there is only the essence, just like the food. We rely on the goods that persist and also the learning. A non stop with briefs breaks of recovery.
We ever wonder what all this will be or will serve beyond keeping us physically ? Work, eat drink, pay bills, some distractions. All this tune us with matter, but if we do not get out of this circle, in the end these efforts will have been in vain.
To produce is to subsist, to improve as a being is to trascend. Amid obligations and occupations, in the relations, in the purposes, in what we think, feel and do, we must clarify where are the virtues and flaws, because to produce is to obtain material nourishment, and improve is to develop ourselves spiritually.
Friday, 28 February 2020
Equality in the origin and in the final purpose. In the middle process is where the differences lie due to the uniqueness of each one.
Equals in the conception and in the aim of learning with the contributed to the society. The way to get there is personal and non transferable, where equality must be complying the guidelines aimed at establishing peace, harmony and understanding.
Equals deep down, we all have to learn give us maximum autonomy, fit in the environment, making connections in order the internal potential can be manifested outside, nourishing the individualities and the collective.
Equals in the basic desires : everyone wants health, welfare, resources for a quality and quantity, satisfactory relationships, and approaching or distancing depends on behavior, of the direction we give to the expressions.
There are many points of view in the face of facts ¿ How is it possible to see the same from some criteria, arguments and convictions so different from each other ? The object of analysis is the same for everyone, and from there can be as many opinions as people.
What equals us is the similar level of consciousness, uphold the same ideals, have the same tastes in different areas, always with their own distinctive peculiarities.
Only in the number 1there is unity, from 2 you enter into diversity, and when we related are two units in search of a merge.
All difficulties and conflicts result from not knowing how to connect the parties as a whole. Selfish interests with narrow eyesight, so that if were wide it wouldn´t act like that, is the constant generating of all kind of chaos that are around us. And then, to alleviate the destructive effects of a harmful proceeding, is when leaders pronounce " equality " to minimize or reduce the privileges of the powerful through more dignified treatment of the discriminated.
We must search equality to balance, to raise the level, to act more justly, taking into account that can only be approximations, so that the differences will always be present.
Sunday, 16 February 2020
There can no be equality where there is diversity. Some politicians say "equality " as do some groups, but this is not the basic word to use.
We should ask those who ask for equality what is their view of it, and what is the purpose behind it.
We are only equals in the essential. Everyone needs oxigen, water, food. Everyone depends on the exchange to cover shortages. And despite being the same in substance, we are also different in the amount to receive according to each one.
We can not be equals because we are created in a unique way. there is not identical face; no fingerprints repeated; all voices are different; apart from the physical differences between men and women, neither thinks the same nor feels the same nor acts the same; very high or very low people; very fat or very thin;very smart or very short; very rich or very poor.
In fact the term is not equality, rather it is respect, consideration, and not be discriminated for any of the habitual reasons. Equality of deal and opportunities, and from there if it is work, select the best,; because ii is the quality and service that is important.
In other areas observe the peculiarities of each case, the members, that mutual agreement can be reached, without privileges on the one hand or abuses on the other.
Apart from the basics, equality is a utopia. Each one has a particular evolutinary level, their karma, an specific conditions. There can not be equality between someone highly engaged in a work of personal development and social contribution, with someome primary driven by instincts. And neither those who in the name of equality as an excuse, they are trying to achieve profits that are not really right for them.
Ensure that they are fair, with the differences of all kinds, this is the goal and we must strive in this regard, proceeding with intelligence, sensitivity and equanimity.
Tuesday, 28 January 2020
The type of desire indicates characteristics of the person. Desire to have more or be more ? The desire is of inferior nature or for spiritual concerns ? Desires that allow improve in one area at the expense of paying a toll mortgaging other areas ? What are willing to pay to obtain the desired ? Once obtained, will the time spent have been worth the effort ?
Desire is synonimous of some lack. When it is full there is no desire. We can have knowledge and yearning to exend them. We can have money and want to increase profits. To preserve what we have now is the only desire at the present time, What can be achieved later is a future projection.
Desire hinders freedom because it depends on a contribution which depend on third parties. In the strictly material aspect and of personal development, then the tools, the means, the knowledge that can serve as the basis first must come for someone .
To more simplicity less desires. to more sophistication more desires. To a greater or lesser measure we are trapped by the web of connections, and necessarily we need to nourish mentally and financially for the exchange to access the service we are looking for.
Desires are forged according to a set of factors. Means of action, executing possibilities, level of education, health, economy, and especially the degree of consciousness to discern what, how and why to achieve the desired result.
How many wishes have been fulfilled over time ? How many of these have answered the assumptions of what they could generate ? How many have been favorable in the triggers ? How many have been a disenchantment ?
We must know how to discern in order to desire the appropiate. Desire is emotional at the base of imagined sensations when it is experienced, being quite different between the internal visualization and the external experience.
We must want what makes us progress, the one that introduces quality, becoming successive enhanced version for a purpose which is beyond current perception, understanding and awareness.
Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Desire is wanting, and in order to achieve it, is required an action mobilizing resources that allow the obtaining of the intended.
Everyone has desires because we have lacks and dependencies, and is the survival instinct the invigorator between subject and object. The nature of desires in essence is similar between each one, the different is how we face the persecuted.
If we had all the needs covered we should not strive, we would not have to relate and we would only be consumers in a life without a purpose of growth. It is precisely what we do not have and it depends on the exchanges with others, which pushes us to instruct ourselves and provide with resources, because the interaction between giving and receiving, is the key to individual and collective functioning.
Once we get the basic services, other secondary wishes they are the ones that make the difference between us.
The most part of desires are for personal enjoyment, where the trigger is the " sense of satisfaction " Between before and after is where we need to know how to measure and decide what can be convenient and what not, and we will do well to ask when the possibility exists of convert the " supposed welfare " in a detriment. ¿ Where can this desire lead me ? Is it essential or dispensable ? Do i need it ? For what ? For what purpose ? Can it be beneficial or evil ?
Is it to short term degradating then ? Is it a noble or innoble desire ? To satisfy the primary or a refined goal ? To get the desired can I transgress laws or rules that end up hurting others ?
Desire tests the intelligence, sensitivity, emotions and the executive action which will determine the result. We suppose that certain conditions will bring us some kind of good, but all the external, transient, depending on a person, is volatile. Having a partner, children, an occupation don´t guarantee happiness, and often is a source of conflicts. The links established serves for a later purpose, but they are not an end. Filling gaps, covering deficits, is a personal task that goes from the inner to the outside and returns to the inner.
Desire the necessary, the right one, the one that improves, this must be the focus. Act for a healthy end by attracting it in the right way during the journey.
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