Sunday, 14 June 2020


How many people are wondering where it is failing ? When similar situations are repeated that lead to tensions, discomfort, discrepancies and lack of understanding, do they discover the cause for reversing these trends ?
How many people recognize their weaknesses ? How many people sincerely admit it ? How many people really want to transform the different inaccuracies leading to problems ?
No one else can live for us, the essential always depends on us. Made to act individually, having to look outside for what we need internally, generates the indispensable self-esteem that pushes us to surpass ourselves. Is a constant personal task. In the search of resources  to support us, with the desire to experience satisfaction, we establish relationships where we must know how to act with the maximum balance between thought, sense and purpose to dynamize. If there is harmony will be fluidity, but in any point there is not indispensable clarity, then the conflict  can break out.
How does the mismatch occur ? Between what is intended to be obtained and its outcome. If we abuse, we want to take advantage, impose by force, if we harm others, is the clear exponent that acts incorrectly
The distorted view of believing the purpose and methods employed are correct, when the evidences shows the opposite, is the product of an immature consciousness focused on selfish desires. Unfortunately this is repeated daily in people of all ages, because maturity is not a matter of years in itself, but of attitudes, of approaches, of responsibility, of seriousness.
Material longings remain in the superficial and this compendium of selfishness and immaturity is generating negative behaviors which increase the darkness and gradually deteriorate the quality and abundance in health, finances and relationships.
The lack of light fattens the ego and at the same time means staying in a children´s stadium, and how can it be otherwise negativity increases producing deterioration in the areas that are most valuable.

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