Tuesday, 15 December 2020


Acquire patience is a matter of time, that can only get it when we accept that the desidered not depends only on our will, but a coupling between the individual contribution and the means of action. It´s a challenge to human self centrism willingly abide that things may not be as we want them to be. At the present time the events may not be as we would like, but they are always part of a larger gear, it is difficult to understand where there is no choice but to adapt continuosly to a string of situations outside our domain. Increase the patience is lower the ego voice, understand that we must fit in with the collective from the respective individualities, that the environment does not revolve around our whims. And between the longed for and what is now possible must be forged the patience. The area that puts the patience to test are relations. No one thinks or feels or acts identically to anyone else, and instead of wanting to impose criteria closing us to different alternatives, for the benefit of both parties it would be best to contrast diversity to broaden horizons. It is common to be convinced that we are right in what we are saying because otherwise the discourse and focus would be different. And here is where lies mainly the source of conflicts, unable to put ourselves in the place of the other and less accept the diametrically opposit to our convictions. We have inevitable links for assiduity, with some we understand better, and not in others, but in both they are just what we need, and often the most irritating is where we will find learning and subsequent benefit if instead of responding from the ego we shell out the messages taking advantage of them to establish more suitable postures. Patience is to know wait, that every question has a time more or less long to develop, that we depend on others and the means of action, that we are limited, and if we flow with the universe and an order beyond the comprehensible, the patience always accompany us.

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