Tuesday, 14 July 2020


Through words we communicate, and with these we establish conversations. We transmite knowledge, opinions, sensations, and this happen each day several times.
We can find in occasional situations, crossing some words. Others asking or asking us for information. For work, family or friendly encounters. The reasons can be various, where the important thing is that the commented either more or less have substance.
We must know what we say and why we say it. To talk it means leaving  our center, and if we are to make it for profit. This consideration is not taken into account in banal society that surrounds us, where straaw and little grain prevail.
Conversations can bring together or separate, resolve or spoil conflicts, show us sincerity or lie, encouraage or depress, raise or sink, all lies in the meaning of the words and the tone.
We should ask ourselves : how many conversations are necessary and how many are expendable ?  Of all the speech what percentage is useful ? Of regular or sporadic meetings, how many provide learning ? how many make us think ? how many of us are excited for conversations ? how many indifferent or boring ?
A lot of people when they haven´t seen each other make the typical comment : we have to stay. The question is : stay to talk about what ? If there is not enough affinity, similar interests, a similar level, catching up on what´s new can be done in minutes. And once updated, where will the licensee to exchange arguments, or assumptions lie ?
Most have worldly interests, and these are limited and transitory. The conversations of those involved are repetitive, revolving around the same spheres. From time to time changes one tab  and is replaced by another , but the background remains the same.
Is there a deep interest in getting to know the other ? we are able to externalize what is hidden inside us ? how many people with their intensity can make us vibrate with what they say ? how many want to go beyond the routine repetitiveness of many conversations ?
How we express ourselves, the topics covered, the footprint we leaves or the quick forgetfulness, highlight the level of each one, and the capacity for influence.
Talking sooner or later is inevitable , the question is for what and what to put on or take off when it happens.

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