Monday, 31 December 2018


The criticism is useless if there is not a transformation and improvement.We can express disagreements, that they´ll leave all the same if there is not subsequent action with the will to straighten the dissonances. 
In front of two antagonistic positions criticizing each other. who is well routed ? The one who looks for the final harmony with a focus and overall incidence.
Of everything that we got to criticize, what is true and what is false, what is exaggerated and what does not, what is real and what is imaginary ? Too lightly think of anything from a very limited perspective, believing that we know enough of the subject when in fact is much more the ignorant than the well known damaging much of the comments, and finally undermining the background  by the forms.
If we don´t see the bigger picture how can we have the boldness to crticize a small portion of a context that escapes to our perception and understanding ? What happens individually and collectively has a goal, is a part of a chained plot to push up to the higher level in our expressions.
We can discover the origin, the cause of a crisis, in the indidual and social, but the fact of criticize the one that generate chaos, frustration and tension it does not help to solve the dilemma that puts us to the test forcing us out of comfort for the uncomfortable.
Mistake,stumble several times, is part of the learning. When we are not sufficiently accurate we must stop, observe where is the error, correct and prepare to keep climbing new steps.
We are not here to satisfy continually the ego desires. Our function is turn us into righteous, and this needs to be replaced the judgment with the component of implicit criticism in mercy, but only will be possible increasing the wisdom that allows to see clearly injecting the essential sensitivity doses towards others and their circumstances.
When harmony rests inside is manifested outside, this is what must be done at any time and there is no longer any criticism because we are only pending to do the right in every moment.

Monday, 17 December 2018


What drives to criticize ?  The eagerness of perfection. ¿ How can we know what is appropriate in each case taking into account our shortcomings, ignorance and imperfections ? In the background  most of times, it is because others say or do what we do not like from our ideal perspective according to the idiosyncrasy forged over the years.
There are occasions where criticism has a foundation for its evidence, but in these cases it should be more an observation, a reflection, to correct what damages.
How is possible that in front of the same fact someone criticize and others defend it ? Who is right ? If one of the parties expose irrefutable arguments, how can the other misrepresent the happened before the evidence ?
Everyone criticizes and everyone has been criticized. We are sure that we have the possession of the truth, but this is an ego product. To know where the corect or incorrect one lies requires a consciousness in constant expansion, to instruct spiritually, do not let yourself be affected emotionally to preserve the equanimity, and leave personal interests out of context to issue the fair verdict.
Criticism is a judgment, fixing ourselves in a small portion. We don´t know what is the hidden trigger of why are occurring certain facts, why have been pronounced certain words or performed actions and the echo caused.
If at all times it happens what must happen, which seems incorrect from a superficial observation and lack of referents, it´s correct from subtlety.
If crticized in principle according to our beliefs, tastes and convictions, after a while it becomes a profit ¿ was it citicized or was it an opportunity ?

Monday, 26 November 2018


We are acmulating days, where the important is not the quantity but the quality of these.
In the increase of add life ¿  we do this by acquiring virtues, improving habits, treat others correctly, set new plans for personal improvement ?
What are doing good during the day to be remembered, worth it ? We are wandering because there is no other remedy, or we have a concern that allow us to go beyond subsistence ?
How many of us know why is it here and now in this dimension, the cause of their presence and  the specific task to perforn ? How many between us made this question ? Why we want to live ? For what ?
We live conscious, semi-conscious or unconscious ? What motivates us to preserve our continuity here ? With what purpose ? Why the desire of many earthly years when close relationhips are a disaster in a great number, when we are unable to modify harmful ancestral behavior for us and those around us, when having the most information and access to knowledge we don´t know how to live healthy nor make a productive use of these potential resources ?
We improve the tools of everyday use, but we continue immersed in the discord. Before there was a kind of danger, and now there are others created by voracity and clumsy.
Why we want accumuilate days ?  To follow the same spiritual poverty ? To perpetuate the petty,selfishness, ignorance ?  To fight against each other in order to impose their own desires ? Or we want accumulate days to clarify the sense, the goal and the purpose of a transient existence where the more deep is beyond of our comprehension and limited consciousness of this physical world ?

Monday, 12 November 2018


Not to do what we have to do how many things we have to do ! Want to preserve the privileges obtained with bad manners damaging a large part of the population, generating considerable conflicts, where far from solving the problematic background it gets worse by shielding the established position with the means of indispensable force without the slightest sensibility or consideration, exercising power without ethics or moral, manipulating laws and what is convenient to perpetuate.
Only is good and valid the one that suits and interest to the stablishment, and if they are threatened don´t doubt to act with all despotism, lies and perversions, imaginable and unimaginable, turning what can be solved in sensible form and longing for justice, in a nightmare and permanent revulsion with the purpose of maintaining wicked interests.
Affairs that can be solved with dialogue, with respect, follow without finding an exit for years or decades because they are imposed over and over again the brutal forms that don´t have any consideration  using all means at their fingertips to preserve petrified conditions that are rotten from the root spreading increasingly to all areas.
These few dominators get dirty and dirty the population with primary approachess and the bestiality that show the words and actions.
Those who believes themselves great they are portrayed with their smallness, preventing the advancement of those who have progressive projects because in the society continues imposing the rudeness to the intelligence, the violence to the peace.
And so the time goes by, those who try to live like deads in perennial immobility, and those who want to move forward and they can not because again and again the aggressiveness and barbarism still prevails unfortunately paying all us the consequencees.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018


We find always between two parts. The one that begins and the one that ends. Between the action and the rest, silence and noise, day and night, give and receive. When we are in one side of the balance the other is not there, but is also a link between what is and goes giving way to a new situation. In fact everything is a link and there is no emptiness but a change. This indicate the transitory nature on one side, and the need to harmonize continuously so that wherever we meet during the day we are coupled in an appropriate way.
Do we know how to extract profit from each part ? When we start a project we are well enough ready to get a profit in a short or large term ? The end of a stage, a cicle, of a job, of a relationship, have they brought some kind of expansion and improvement ? The daily occupation is driving me wherever I am supposed I have to go there for my peculiarities, talents and purposees ? Or I simply try to survive without any other defined objective ?
The words, the conversations in which I participate, are edifying, inspiring, or it´s a simple talking to talk ? Is it better what I say or what I don´t say ?
We often do not know how to be comfortable neither in a side nor in the other if we have acquired before an inner tranquility that is accompanied by an uplifting project of personal and social implication. The dilemmas between what we do or not, what we take or let, what we want or what we reject, it submerges us in this going forward unavoidable but not satisfied and disconforme powerless to straaighten out the general context as we would like to being immersed in the immediate with a narrow margin of maneuver to reverse it.
We  will never develop the potential in full, why in the way the own shortcomings and those who cross in the way, they keep us in lethargy of not being awake as it would be necessary nor complete asleep. And so, if we don´t know to take advantage of what each part of the polarity offer, we will remain incomplete with the feeling of unsatisfctory void that accompanies us continuously.

Monday, 15 October 2018


What is left of all experimented ? Whatever it is from everything preserves only a minimum essence.
Of the ingested food only the indispensable for good function remain, and the unserviceable is eliminated.
If we attend a conference, at the end will only remember some nuances, and after a few days it will still wane more.
Of the learned in a course for more dominion what we got to get, we will retain a portion, the rest will be forgotten along the way.
What do we keep in the memory of a trip ? For more than we liked it, finally only sparks of a landscape, a monument, a restaurant. Very little compared to everything seen.
Of a friendly encounter, of enriching debates, for more than in a moment we had them savored, a small fraction is what will remain if there is something left after one time.
What have we taken advantage really of the day ? What benefit we have obtained ?  It´s more the rage useless in banal occupations or in edifying actions ?
Nor do we take advantage of our potential nor of everything that is at our fingertips. Pursuing trivialities we are disconnected from the essence. Putting the secondary as the objective, on the way we lose the main thing.
Only the subtle is preserved of which we live, which is or can be useful. Also disagreable memories, and they are just keep to awaken consciousness and decipher the message to discover the subtlety.
Let´s misappress the valuable one as if it were not, hurrying in the indispensable one by the prevailing superficiality, and in the end everything will be diluted if we have not been able to feed and cultivate the essence.

Sunday, 30 September 2018


This question should be formulated by all us : What makes us be how we are ? Really what we show is what we really want ? Why think, feeling or act in a certain way ? Where has been forged and how the ideas, the feelings manifest as they do ?
We believe that we know us, but if we proceed moved by instincts, for low passions, for primary samples, really we are far from connecting to the internal essence deeper in us.
The immediate environment and personal desires, where all the approaches are minimized is not possible leave of a life of pure subsistence.
We don´t know why we are how we are and not  otherwise, at least the most who do not access to the knowledge that allow to decipher beyond the appearances. Everything has a reason, and if we don´t discover it we will act to the blinkers, with restricted capabilities, and therefore a minimum efficiency.
From where emerges the dictator, the authoritarian ? What pushes us to be cordial, comprehensible ? Why there are countries with high level of education, respect, civism ? Why are others where part of the population are rude, closed, aggressive, unable to progress ? To what obey these differences ? Where is the origin ? What is the trigger ?
Busy simply to keep the physical continuity, we never go deep into the why of the why, in the origin of the origin. We don´t even know nor do we want to, it seems that it only matter to go happening and such a day will be a year.
The human potential can be immens, but our manners, conformism, impotence to modify inertias, keep us permanently on the superficiality and great unconsciousness. And we are going through day to day without knowing where we are going and if truly the efforts they are rooted in the appropriate direction or is it simply an impetus forward between lignt and darkness at an outcome that depends in part of us and from anoher of the collective axis.

Monday, 17 September 2018


In this society surrounded by immatures, one and the others accuse mutually of do this or that blasting the responsibility above.
We see diary incendiary politics that burning fires where interested, lying, manipulating and inventing stories of science fiction to generate a climate of tension that favor certain pretensions. And with an extreme cynicism say that are the others. Is like a thief who is caught with the money and the wallet at hand and says that they gotten a trap.
Go projecting what is said and what is being done transferring it to the adversary don´t can pass in any mode.
Perhaps the most unwary and who think like they, but the tactical aggression, scorn and disdain of those that are simply different is the evidence of who are behind a language and trench modes.
Each one is responsible of the pronouced words and actions carried out. You can not go all day saying that the other is an evil and I am a saint. That my arguments are valid and those who don´t fit these they should be eliminated anyway.
That I am the democratic one when I just repress, to coerce, to condition and forbid the dissent, and those that are open, respectful and shows an open mind it turns out they are criminals.
Entangle, cheat, distort, want to impose at all costs some skippers jumping the ethics, the moral and the most basic norms of civility, indicates the social typology supported by a mass that overthrows the tactic of confrontation.
In a healthy society ideas are being debated, the afraid is not present to face challenges, the differences are respected.
In a sick society there are abuses of power, ones have privileges and others are mistreated, you can deffend an idea but do not apply it if goes against the stablishment.
The cavernicola behavior perhaps make win votes in the short term, but in the long run the background conflicts only can be solved with wisdom, equanimity and eagerness of justice. Whatever that is not so is impose the force brute over the intelligence.

Wednesday, 29 August 2018


In the name of religion, country, family, the power established gives green light to issue all the decrees, laws and regulations destined to favor specific interests.
The excuse of a common good, of an interest that supposedly must unite, open a way where it can fit the imaginable and unimaginable, always with an interested interpretation, arbitrary and partisan.
These " supposed saviors " who are believed to be authorized to impart and impose its doctrine, they did more harm than good. From dogmatic positions they value their ideas exacerbating, amd in the same proportion despise those who oppose it; because they of course have the truth and the others are wrong.
How start a discussion ? No need answer because everyone knows it. If the conflicts persists is for the goose of domain, to impose, that implies one part against other. And until don´t internalize deeply that from the respective individualities must search the collaboration and understood to create bridges there will no be peace.
All evil are born of selfish acts. For me but not for you. And this in name of purely interested must be converted in name of real common good, and from here the imbalances and the constant dairy barbarities they can start to straighten out.
It doesn´t matter whatever means religious, familiar, patriotic, economic, the personal actions influence in the society, and this in us, therefore the most wise and profitable is think and act as a result of agreement to such evidence.
We don´t must proceed in name that I want or will if this suppose to harm or to mistreat others for our own profit. The actions they have to be considered and executed in name of the correct to every moment and circumstance with the aim to fit the diversity to end at a suitable ending for the different involved parties.

Sunday, 12 August 2018


Why we want to see the comfortable, the easy one, the one that fits my character, tastes and ideals ? What can we really see with clarity, with width ? Knowing is a question of wisdom,  and if we didn´t acquired, what we´ll see will be distorted. The worst of all is to believe to be  in the truth  and express the opposite in the exhibitions and actions.
One thing is to want and the other to power. No matter how much you want to see a certain context with sharpness, if we are not compatible for whatever reason, what you will see are suppositions or ficticious stories adapted to our idyosincrasy, capacity and interest.
When there is purity and good intentions, it´s more feasible  to see it clear. Confusion comes from impurities and bad intentions. If we want to see clear instead to manipulate, distort and lie to obtain some hypothetical benefits, what we have to do is be honest and find the right one in the situation.
As always selfishness and ignorance they are the triggers of conflicts, and if they are produced, it´s because we have not known proceed harmoniously.
When there is a dissonance, a mismatch, it´s the indicator that different ways must be introduced that allow to synchronize optimally the creators that come on stage.
To see clear is a question of lace, of meaures, of perspective, and if to our dairy environment there are so many caotic episodes is precisely for reductionist approaches, limiting the ability to see with broadness the consequences to do or not do according to what.
What we want to see ? which adjust to our wishes and criteria., what you can not do is cheat because it does not occur that we want. We are not here to get away with ours whatever it is.and be consented children.
The situations that are presented they are to expand perceptions, knowledge and readjust the precise one to continually build new better versions.
We must observe the individual and the alien, the near and distant, the interactions and the triggers, because see with clarity ask leave the plot itself and interest to determine the optimum in each case taking into account the equanimity and integrity to get it right the diagnosis.

Monday, 30 July 2018


What is an opportunity ? A situation between what is not now but can report some benefit as we proceed and the result that happens.
The opportunities are between what we do or not, and sometimes will be better to act and others best to wait.
On the way between a start and an end how can we see where are  the opportunities ? Depending on what we want, the environment, the tools with we count and how to deploy a process with its connections.
We don´t know exactly when or how we can find new options, because everyone with their conditions, character and goals, can demonstrate the possibility or not of accessing to new purposes.
Of the multiple opportunities that are presented what proportion are we capable of making profitable ? This is personnel and never can know exactly what we have been able to make the most of and that it has vanished along the way.
What can be an opportunity ? Why ? What conditions require ? The answer can be as varied as singularity of everyone. The important for ones is indifferent for others.
Between the existing and potential to establish connections, the ability to relate is essential.
Busy at times with unproductive tasks, loose opportunities of new learnings and do instructional tasks.
Know how to say and do in the right measure and timing is basic in order to achieve the experiences with understanding, vision and action to concrete the improvement.
From the most insignificant may arise opportunities on conditions of laying the precise conditions so that all the auditors perform their function aimed at this end.

Sunday, 15 July 2018


Constantly all togheter without exception we are loosing opportunities to correct and improve in many areas to not be able to see, understand, and decipher the content of words and actions, the personals and the others.
Let´s go from one corner to another, from one activity to another, spending the day working or looking for it, and the remainig time occupy it in unproductive tasks for an expanding faculties aimed to create a more satisfying environment that the current one.
In a childized society, where you can not do the slightest observation or reflection to many people by bothering for the most insignificant, it´s impossible modify dissonant features. slaves of the ego that only wants praises and facilities the situations are presenting to learn and conscience, wasting them over and over again wanting to cover the bottom of the question.
Don´t like the tone, the words, that remains in evidence, but the anger don´t change nothing. Repeat obstructive forms it will continue to lead to obstructions, and the beams do not affect the transmitter they also affect the receiver.
Of the daily work how we make a profit the time ? Could we have done more ? Embezzle the free hours in insubstantial occupations ? Take advantage of the times available to study, create or do voluntary work ?
What we offer to build to our relationships ? What expansion do achieve in the different interactions ? Of all meetings with friends, couple and others, how many are enriching and many irreplaceable ?
Only can offer that we have. If the preparation is high the potential will be so, but if the potential is low, for much we want obtain something, will have to stick to the prevailing level.
We want quality or quantity ? Talk to talk or instruct ? Kill time or take advantage of it ? Empty content relations or with a purpose of growth ? These and much more questions we have keep doing ourselves to keep losing opportunities, or either transformingit into profits.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018


Everyone wants a good performance which refers to each one in needs and pretensions. The exchanges must by synchronized : betweeen us and the tools of usual use with the service that offer, and the interactions with other persons with the respective contributions of background.
When something does not fit in the manner what should do, stop performing its function. The solution is fix it or replace it. This is valid in relation to machines and people. The day to day is a succession of connections with mechanical utensils and people. Technology is to serve us and the humans to serve them and also for us to be served in the respective dependencies.
We have to ensure the good functioning of what surround us, and if there is a breakdown, a deterioration, an accident, we must search solutions quickly. What can not be done it´s let it get caught up what is obstructed, from a clogged sink, going through broken devices or broken relationships.
Postponing the resolution of which need attention for hidden or obvious interests, for incompetence, for fear according to what subsequent consequences, to prefer the bad known to a worse hypothetical arisen from the imagination and a leak vision, for informality or by mediocrity that slow down the pace by delaying the solution. Many may be the reasons, and possibly in some many things which are kept in perpetual jamming
be a product of several aspects at the same time. When there is a problem between subject and object, between a person and another, between one position an another, between collectives, between states, if only we are pending of what affects the self to get triumphant out without considering to you, it´s evident that what has lead to the dilemma will not be resolved.
So many things are delayed indefinitely for the greed of the powerful, by the weakness of the mass before the force of stablishment, and also by the immaturity of good part of population that applauds enourage speeches letting themselves fool with all the perverse that is behind the curtain.
Until don´t learn to combine diversity with careful treatment where the aim is the search of harmony, there can never be definitive resolutions putting only patches.

Thursday, 14 June 2018


To maintain some privileges until where can get there ? How many basic rules of respect and coexistence can be transgressed ? Until where can degrade the behavior ?  To defend selfish interests must be altered the peace and order ? To preserve a petty ends it´s worth it to degrade with unforgivable actions ? In search of unlawful profits on the way you lose much more. because when anger stirs up the soul leaves the body being unprotected. But is clear, who moves for these desires don´t have consciousness of this fact so the ignorance keeps him in blindness, hence the clumsy actions one after the other.
The more persevere in the hardness, in intransigence, more it gets dirty, and the bottom line problem grows, because is not the viscerality that solve the problems, but with intelligence.
They catch the world without iunderstanding that what we have it has been received from the cosmic order,and it may think that have the right to dominate and abuse, when realy it´s part of a plan. Obsessed with preserving goods, unable to see beyond the interested plot itself, they don´t realize that when the actions affect negatively others block the support. that is what they intend to do go in favor, actually sooner or later will go against it.
If we want to get some priivileges provided by a certain place or resources, they have to win by merit. Use all sort of  traps, dirty game for the benefit itself, harming those who act correctly, aside from corrupting the elementary norms of relationship, contaminate the environment both with words and harmful actions, and going in search of instinctive instant satisfaction, the devastating effects will be extended indefinitely until not changed the axural forms for the harmonic ones.
Selfishness and ignorance deviate from the straight path one time and another, and all the problems around always derive from these. Want privileges that not correspond to us is to go aganist the cosmic order, and not appreciating what was assigned to us wishing what belongs to others, in the end it will lose it, and will also be taken what it was yours. In search of some miserable ends, miss the opportunity to flow to refined ones.

Wednesday, 30 May 2018


In hebrew the word MELEJ means " king ", and if we change the order and write LEMEJ means " idiocy "
What do these differences express ? In the word MELEJ the letter MEM initial is associated to the head, indicating that the " king " before issuing an opinion reflect to see in perspective the situation and decide how to act with coherence, righteousness and justice.
The initial letter MEM is associated to the emotions. If someone before to think is left dragged for the emotional impact caused by some facts or words can not see the context clearly, and instead of a lucid reasoning manifest the instinctive aspect from that which is threatened.
Those who are under the influence of the letter MEM they do not pretend to win or impose themselves to the force, they want debate ideas, argue, exchange positions civilly in order to find alternatives that allow improve areas that need a transformation when it is confirmed that the current context don´t serves and keep the same not only does it take anywhere, but is degrading and worsening further the situation.
Those that are under the influence of the letter LAMED only focus on disqualifying any adversary that not say or do what they want. It´s a dreadful attitude constant of small child consented that must always do what he wants, and others exist to serve him in his whims.
While the MEM show good manners, argue, respect the differences, want pacific solutions and democratic, the LAMED devote to disqualify sistematically, making the most primary aspect appear, distorting and adapting everything to your liking in order to satisfy an insatiable desire to impose his will even suppose to step on rights and what is ahead.
The eternal struggle between civilitzation and barbarism, between wisdom and  foolishness, between knowledge and ignorance, between light and darkness, between those who want harmony and those to satisfy privileges achieved with violence, don´t hesitate to maintain the tension, the confrontation and the chaos, under the premise of miserable goals.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018


Whatever it is the age through the history, we have always been immersed in some kind of madness, when not in one way or another, and for more social advances over the centuries, never disappears this clumsy behavior in the form of chaos, malaise and constant controversy.
In this context of Sodoma and Gomorra where the good is bad, and the bad is good, where the righteous pass throug unjust, and the unjust for just, where the innocents go to jail and the guilty are out, where the gangsters act with impunity restored in places of power, and those who should protect us become a danger, where to contradict the master exposes to a via crucis which can turn into a nightmare, it turns out that this is seconded for thousands of people that they find it totally normal and consider these dislocations they should still be bigger.
A madness that spreads progressively without stopping, where its creators they seem totally rude fresh to increase until getting ecstasy. Universiy people that they should manifest consistency and training, and when observe what they say and do you ask yourself it they have drunk the understanding.
The silly has arrived at that level, that a common delinquent beside him is an authentic aristocrat. Once lose the sanity is how to open the gate of a swamp, and it is no longer possible to return the water back, and takes everything forward with force.
The inept is the one who commands when should be backwards. The one who has talent is rooted, and the mediocre occupy positions for which is not ready. Honest people are observed with magnifying glass, and turn a blind eye with the offenders. The good ways are under suspicion, and aggressiveness is reward.
The executioners distort the facts becoming victims, and the real victims become guilty in order that the free bar does not have a breakdown. The mighty ones act as they want, and any citizen that does not combine with their postulates better prepare us in this context of abuse and permanent defiance.

Monday, 30 April 2018


It´s funny to listen the statements of some people with a tough tone, angry, totally convinced of what they esposes as the only truth, where the rest represents that they are wrong, and they are the ones who are always right, always the best, they should never apologize, never admit errors despite multiple evidences being presented. Who do they want to convince ? They really believe what they say ? And if is so where is discernment, equanimity, the good sense ? What the rest of the world sees an outrage, they see it normal. Those who think differently should be redirected, while they have the right to all kinds of aberrant behaviors.
They disqualify those who don´t say and do what they want, because only they are convinced that theirs approaches and objectives are the valid and the only ones that count.
Disqualifying constantlly those that not belong " to yours " with arguments that are not held anywhere, in his blindness, they only cause them to disqualify themselves.
They ask every second that must be comply the law, and it turns out that they permanently violate it. They can make and undo everything they want, wherever they want and whenever they want; others can not even decide what they want or they would like to the house itself.
The absurd becomes a norm, and what should be normal it becomes utopia, where the delirium it grows steadily in more and more areas, but it´s clear, this is the more normal for they, with such to impose its will.
How can qualify someone who believes to be always right and the rest wrong ? They never have to apologize for more sawy than they commit. However, if someone says or does the slightest thing which they consider offensive they should retract immediately.
No more exhibitions, the same facts are clear that is correct and not, what is truth and what is lie, who is civilized and who does it as a madman.

Tuesday, 17 April 2018


Where is the origin of conflicts ? In the expression of clumsy forms. Words or actions that instead to resolve dilemmas enquire these, instead to seek distension increase the confrontation, instead to alleviate the sittuation is getting worse.
What is the fund that causes this type of harmful conduct ? Selfish interests. Cling instintively to satisfy personal desires proceeding despoticly where everything goes with it in order to achieve some ends, passing over moral and ethical principles, where the adversary, the one who bothers, what is an obstacle, it should, be flushed, open the blade to commit all kinds of savagery and brutality of a range of indescribable consequences while impunity is normal and do not intervene external forces to stop it.
The lack of vision in perspective of those who let themselves drag for viscerality instead of reason, with arguments and pretensions  totally unpresentable, they show the low level in what they say and do. They believe they are smart with their strategies, when in reality is the opposite, being just a matter of time that the perverse plannings they end up turning against.
Clashes are always due at least one of the parts is short, bad or has power. And the worst is that someone has the three components together, then it´s a watch bomb.
Someone who is short does not discern with clarity, don´t see the context with amplitude, many details does not know how to distinguish them, for this reason is mistaken in the approach and in the attitude.
Someone who is bad, is fixed in your self satisfaction, and from there he only make mistakes they are getting dirty until the final fail.
Someone with power, if have a distorted view ot the environment, of facts, who wants to make use of the position to impose itself on the force, and there is also a bottom of internal evil. the crisis is served.
How to get out of the dead end ? Going to the opposite terms. From short to clever. From evil to kindness. From abusive power to respect for others whatever they may be the characteristics of these.

Monday, 26 March 2018


The conscience reveals our individual existence, and this generate a longing for subsistence, and from them all the movements aim to perpetuate to the maximum the continuity. The question is : for what purpose and for what ?
The day to day breaks down like water in your hands, no matter how much we got to do the profit is insignificant ¿ What´s left of the day, of the week, of the year ? What do we remember about a year ago ? From the learnt at the school what percentage is used to apply in the day to day ? What we contribute to others in meetings and the others to us ? What we remember for each decade lived ? What benefit have we extracted ? Do we notice ostensible improvements over the years ? The defects continue to show repeating the same mistakes as always ? If so, what´s the use of time ?
Physical subsistence efforts which are diluted, while the indigence in attending the spiritual needs persists, and then we must ask ¿ why do we do what we do if it will remain in ashes ? Accumulate money, possessions, destined to lose. Materials pleasures that depends of material factors, always ephemeral, destined solely to satisfy physical desires; and meanwhile the internal void can not fill for more wealth than you have.
We must ask : ¿ Why do I what I do ? Where it takes me ? Why do I want what I want and not something else ?
Fledging experiences, resources that go and come. We would like stability, security, durability, but is not possible in the transient.
Focused on satisfying the immediate way, there is not enough perspective of which we can build for our development as being.
Immersed in the immensity, moving in small parcels and with minimum knowledge. From all this we use very little, and from this very little.
We must not confuse the tools with the goal. Study, learn, work, are intermediaries to wake up and know who we are and what we have come to do really.
The only way to live is to be connected, if not not live. If we don´t ask who I am, what I do, what else can I do, it doesn´t matter what I do and experience if in the end everything will remain in nothing. Academic knowledge, years of work, if we have not advanced in our behavior, if we have not acquired virtues, if we have not left a benefical social contribution, we will have lived more or less years, and this life it will have been in vain, leaving only smoke.

Monday, 12 March 2018


The dictionary defines antidote as a substance that is used to combat the action of an ingested poison. and that does not apply only to the physical consequences, it covers any area in order to restore an optimum functioning.
If we observe what surrounds us in everyday life, it´s a non stop of hindrances, impediments, difficulties, a lot of effort that seem useless before social obstacles of all kinds. These conditions are imposed for those who have power, where it is repeated permanently the priority to guard for personal interests to the detriment of  collective interests.
In everything that conditions freedom, the well-being, dignity, it´s essential to find antidotes to pass from a dirty society to clean society. The fight is endless, it seems impossible to leave us, because when there are not wars are dictatorships or if not other factors.; for this reason we are always in tension, inequalities and abuses, and if we are not capable to find antidote and apply them we are condemned to live the human misery on the multiple sides that this manifests.
Are we tired, helpless, defeated, resigned ? Surely yes, because the technology can change constantly, but the essential remains evidenced by primary behavior stagnant for centuries to pass.
Focused on subsistence, to accumulate transient goods, we lose sight of the goal to guard for trascendence, and blind as we are in daily battles we don´t even think about it and even less we consider it.
Everything that not work in harmony it´s because of the failure of some component, actions or approaches, having to observe what is the case to pass from the stagnant to fluidity. very easy to say and difficult to apply because we don´t advance spitirually worried only in primary interests which is the origin of all the conflicts.
What antidote can we find when most of those affected have the same behavior that the generator of the problem ?  Until don´t modify the objectives there will not be an effective antidote.

Sunday, 25 February 2018


We are immersed in a framework between impositions and freedom. Our capabilities can be unlimited, but always are showing our limitations, moving in a restricted field  of operation.
We have some skills and shortcomings. The shortcomings arise determined impositions, and the skills the freedom to restore the correct one.
The scope of action contain several impositions. Nature, climate, offer us some benefits, and we have to match to these we like it or not. Impositions come from abroad in relation to the collective, freedom resides in the inner in relation to individuality, and in this duality we must find the optimum measures to not be subordinated  to excessive impositions that condition the free choice.
There are general impositions addressed to the common good for the purpose of an order, a concord, a provision of services. and there is also personal impositions with an eagerness of domination over others, and here is where conflicts may arise. Wanting to satisfy desires based on ideals, interests, in beliefs, making use of force instead of dialogue and the respect to install a model, guidelines diluting those of the opponent because don´t like and bother, never is effective.
All these dogmatic dictators how do they know that your criteria are the good ones ? Can they be demonstrated in practice ? What is the purpose to get ? It is necessary and truly useful what it´s intended to impose ? Will it provide  more fair conditions ?.
Immaturity, incivility, the vandalism of some it only makes to reduce individual freedom increasing more and more the impositions as a prevention method for the inability to afford them. and the states with their leaders in command, take advantage of the awesome to go cutting rights by virtue of various excuses, where the margin of maneuver it´s subject to a rottenness bigger.
Those who impose are like fathers that called to their children what they have to do and where they should go, when the evidences show up that these supposed " fathers "rescuers show constant inconsistencies, a lot of incompetence, and a lot of blindness, but disgracefully that´s what there is, assisting with impotence in absurd situations unable to redress them from the citizenship.

Sunday, 11 February 2018


We have what we have for a purpose. The atrocities, savage, brutality, insensitivity, criminal actions carried out in multiple variants, they are a kind of detonator before removing a transformative desire to pass from the revulsion and prevailing malaise in its various expresions to a well being after gradual purifications in the way of thinking, feeling and doing.
The bottom question is : How much time do we need to modify the status quo ? What purge and where is the origin of which ethnic minorities, linguistics or others, have to experience continuous ill-treatment of all kinds ? When they will be able to treat with dignity and respect for women ? The primary behavior, selfish, ignorant it only generate clashes, and in order to satisfy inferior desires, the own person it deteriorates and becomes entangled to make it unbreathable. The question to discover is : which objective is beyond the visible one that leads to a new context of more favorable and refined conditions ?
The precepts say that everything is for good, but while aggressive dynamics do not change the good can not be implemented, and the way between the beginning of a dispute and its solution it can be extended forever.
Current afflictions have a seed near of far, what we seem to look like " unjust " in appearance goes back to a previous cause. Find out why what happens is what happens it should lead us to ask ourselves :  What sin have been committed by ethnic minorities,  oppressed of multiple variants, the women, to receive this constant mistreatment ? And what right have the oppressors, making use and abuse of force and the power to crush those who bother their interests ?
Why we have the links we have ? Family, friendships, neighbours, work mates, they are all the ones we need to strengthen virtues and transform defects.
The social dirt of capitalists, politiicians, and a few more, have the objective to awaken the consciousness and replace blister patterns by progressives. The subject is : How do we do it and how much time will have to pass to turn the trout !

Sunday, 28 January 2018


What have in common some kids, businessmen, politicians, various authorities, dictators, mistreaters ? That justify the unjustifiable.
The child who make mischief and gets angry when call it attention. unscrupuluos businesspeople contaminating air or water with an unbridled voaracity to get benefits. Politicians that in the name of law they have white letter to apply his will leaving away those who can bother to their interests. Authorities supported by the position that they occupy, do and undo to their taste with impunity or at most with insignificant consequences about the actions commited. Dictators where there can be no detractors, a unique pattern to impose on strength although it harms many people. Mistreaters with all kind of excuses that validate the aggression, abuses, humiliation.
None of these examples, of these people, can justify the unjustifiable. The kid must learn, be warned and take responsibility. The business men don´t have the right to damage collective spaces that they are not of your property, and the solution is modify it thoroughly the carried out procedure, or receive fines millionaries that force them to do it. Politicians not must reign in the laws as if they jokers to dilute or prevent different alternatives. The laws must be at the service of the people, and if those involve slavery, must change. Authorities covered by the charge, with the support of decrees, regulations or whatever, often move by their own interests becoming a detriment for those who are splashed for your decisions. Dictators and mistreaters only want impose your desires with any looking nor treat it worthy in order to satisfy interests and instincts.
Is not valid to excuse on clumsy actions why everyone is responsible of what says or does. The typical one " by your guilt "  " it has caused me "  " the bad is the other, I´m good "These childishness are unacceptable because don´t solve the fund of the cause, and sending balls out not modify the effect.
Is time to assume the consequences changing criteria, discern with equanimity, and act searching the final harmony thinking in be just and as correct as possible.

Sunday, 14 January 2018


Action follows to thinking, and the outcome will be the consequence. The interesting would be to go to origin from a specific thought has been formed because this derives from previous knowledge and differents links  rational and emotional.
When the time between cause and effect it´s lengthy diluting in the memory, many people think that nothing will happen if they transgress some guidelines despite de warning of danger. The desire to satisfy some wishes, often harmful in more ways than one, lead to behave imprudently, and maybe the impact of the facts don´t notice immediately, but sooner or later the message appears.
In the background is always the same : consciousness it will determine the possibilities of success or failure in the approaches, the staging and the trigger.
Consciousness must be understood as seeing, know, understand. This give us resources to proceed skilfully placing us in the right place in the correct manner.If on the contrary the unconsciousness is notorius, and there is not enough knowledge we don´t see clearly nor have the proper understanding.
Unconsciousness it also carries to irresponsibility, whilst the person aware is responsible for knowledge implicit and experience.
The case of that people where they are always perfect and think the others are wrong, it´s an immature attitude focused on an excessive ego.
When someone is unable to recognize errors will not be able to correct them, will not regret it which is the step to rectify and transform., and not modifying in  any way words or actions, if it caused tension and blockage will continue until there is no change.
Every day listen and see news of the different chaos happened everywhere, product that is scattered in various disagreements generated between each other. If we want to revert the trend so that in its place become the harmony, we have to replace the egotism by altruism, and prepend the collective needs to the pure individual interests.