Monday, 12 November 2018


Not to do what we have to do how many things we have to do ! Want to preserve the privileges obtained with bad manners damaging a large part of the population, generating considerable conflicts, where far from solving the problematic background it gets worse by shielding the established position with the means of indispensable force without the slightest sensibility or consideration, exercising power without ethics or moral, manipulating laws and what is convenient to perpetuate.
Only is good and valid the one that suits and interest to the stablishment, and if they are threatened don´t doubt to act with all despotism, lies and perversions, imaginable and unimaginable, turning what can be solved in sensible form and longing for justice, in a nightmare and permanent revulsion with the purpose of maintaining wicked interests.
Affairs that can be solved with dialogue, with respect, follow without finding an exit for years or decades because they are imposed over and over again the brutal forms that don´t have any consideration  using all means at their fingertips to preserve petrified conditions that are rotten from the root spreading increasingly to all areas.
These few dominators get dirty and dirty the population with primary approachess and the bestiality that show the words and actions.
Those who believes themselves great they are portrayed with their smallness, preventing the advancement of those who have progressive projects because in the society continues imposing the rudeness to the intelligence, the violence to the peace.
And so the time goes by, those who try to live like deads in perennial immobility, and those who want to move forward and they can not because again and again the aggressiveness and barbarism still prevails unfortunately paying all us the consequencees.

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