Sunday, 11 February 2018


We have what we have for a purpose. The atrocities, savage, brutality, insensitivity, criminal actions carried out in multiple variants, they are a kind of detonator before removing a transformative desire to pass from the revulsion and prevailing malaise in its various expresions to a well being after gradual purifications in the way of thinking, feeling and doing.
The bottom question is : How much time do we need to modify the status quo ? What purge and where is the origin of which ethnic minorities, linguistics or others, have to experience continuous ill-treatment of all kinds ? When they will be able to treat with dignity and respect for women ? The primary behavior, selfish, ignorant it only generate clashes, and in order to satisfy inferior desires, the own person it deteriorates and becomes entangled to make it unbreathable. The question to discover is : which objective is beyond the visible one that leads to a new context of more favorable and refined conditions ?
The precepts say that everything is for good, but while aggressive dynamics do not change the good can not be implemented, and the way between the beginning of a dispute and its solution it can be extended forever.
Current afflictions have a seed near of far, what we seem to look like " unjust " in appearance goes back to a previous cause. Find out why what happens is what happens it should lead us to ask ourselves :  What sin have been committed by ethnic minorities,  oppressed of multiple variants, the women, to receive this constant mistreatment ? And what right have the oppressors, making use and abuse of force and the power to crush those who bother their interests ?
Why we have the links we have ? Family, friendships, neighbours, work mates, they are all the ones we need to strengthen virtues and transform defects.
The social dirt of capitalists, politiicians, and a few more, have the objective to awaken the consciousness and replace blister patterns by progressives. The subject is : How do we do it and how much time will have to pass to turn the trout !

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