Monday, 17 December 2018


What drives to criticize ?  The eagerness of perfection. ¿ How can we know what is appropriate in each case taking into account our shortcomings, ignorance and imperfections ? In the background  most of times, it is because others say or do what we do not like from our ideal perspective according to the idiosyncrasy forged over the years.
There are occasions where criticism has a foundation for its evidence, but in these cases it should be more an observation, a reflection, to correct what damages.
How is possible that in front of the same fact someone criticize and others defend it ? Who is right ? If one of the parties expose irrefutable arguments, how can the other misrepresent the happened before the evidence ?
Everyone criticizes and everyone has been criticized. We are sure that we have the possession of the truth, but this is an ego product. To know where the corect or incorrect one lies requires a consciousness in constant expansion, to instruct spiritually, do not let yourself be affected emotionally to preserve the equanimity, and leave personal interests out of context to issue the fair verdict.
Criticism is a judgment, fixing ourselves in a small portion. We don´t know what is the hidden trigger of why are occurring certain facts, why have been pronounced certain words or performed actions and the echo caused.
If at all times it happens what must happen, which seems incorrect from a superficial observation and lack of referents, it´s correct from subtlety.
If crticized in principle according to our beliefs, tastes and convictions, after a while it becomes a profit ¿ was it citicized or was it an opportunity ?

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