Tuesday, 30 October 2018


We find always between two parts. The one that begins and the one that ends. Between the action and the rest, silence and noise, day and night, give and receive. When we are in one side of the balance the other is not there, but is also a link between what is and goes giving way to a new situation. In fact everything is a link and there is no emptiness but a change. This indicate the transitory nature on one side, and the need to harmonize continuously so that wherever we meet during the day we are coupled in an appropriate way.
Do we know how to extract profit from each part ? When we start a project we are well enough ready to get a profit in a short or large term ? The end of a stage, a cicle, of a job, of a relationship, have they brought some kind of expansion and improvement ? The daily occupation is driving me wherever I am supposed I have to go there for my peculiarities, talents and purposees ? Or I simply try to survive without any other defined objective ?
The words, the conversations in which I participate, are edifying, inspiring, or it´s a simple talking to talk ? Is it better what I say or what I don´t say ?
We often do not know how to be comfortable neither in a side nor in the other if we have acquired before an inner tranquility that is accompanied by an uplifting project of personal and social implication. The dilemmas between what we do or not, what we take or let, what we want or what we reject, it submerges us in this going forward unavoidable but not satisfied and disconforme powerless to straaighten out the general context as we would like to being immersed in the immediate with a narrow margin of maneuver to reverse it.
We  will never develop the potential in full, why in the way the own shortcomings and those who cross in the way, they keep us in lethargy of not being awake as it would be necessary nor complete asleep. And so, if we don´t know to take advantage of what each part of the polarity offer, we will remain incomplete with the feeling of unsatisfctory void that accompanies us continuously.

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