Friday, 29 December 2017


What do we judge ? The fact, the person, the result or both ?  What, how, the background, the form ? Under which parameters can be considered  just the appreciations according to the site, customs, culture, with the peculiar valuations of each idyosincrasy ?
Are there some method that ensures a fair trial ? Why some wants toughness and others are condescending before the same act ? Why were some people see infration others see innocence ? Who is right ? Who  discerns correctly ? Who sees things clearly, without partisan influences and is equitable in the observation and conclusions ?
Everything that happens is exactly what should be at this moment, and based on this premise, what we " see " as punisahble acts, possibly is only a part of a longer plan between an start and an outcome to go to a better context.
Then, we can ensure that the incorrect is really incorrect, and what sometimes can seem unfair is truly unfair according to a larger movie than the simple appreciations of the moment ?
Everyone thinks, everyone criticizes, everyone sees bad things from its perspective, your ideas, criteria, consciousness. How many of these are capable to emit reasonable verdicts, equables ?
The human gender accostumed to move by interests, can be reliable in judging questions that are opposite or move away of your tastes and desires ?
Who don´t preach with the example is not able to judge, only the one that is correct has the moral strength to do it.
Don´t judge and don´t will be judged, is the exponent that we all have to watch over the neatness, and we are all here to correct impurities.
Judging correctly requires three factors : rigor, compassion, and balance between both. If prevail rigor without compassion, in the end it can not be fair.
Judgment represents hiding of mercy. This means that behind the facts there is a purpose that drives to an expansion of consciousness and some changes that provides improvements in the thinking and the action.

Thursday, 14 December 2017


If something is in common between us is the impulse to judge when we hear comments or see certain actions considered from our individual perspective as incorrect.
Why do we judge ? For the desire of perfection. ¿ How someone imperfect can know what is it really correct ? Imbued by the ego who believes to be right, guided by personal desires and interests, limited and conditioned by numerous influences, we dare to issue verdicts of everything when not even we have access to all parties.
Laws, decrees, regulations set up to establish an order, because of the contrary it would be one chaos. However, these same laws they are not totally impeccable, and on several occasions we can check that the writing  on a paper seem right but is not.
We judge by actions or words, which can result in consequences that endangered, cause damage or break the harmony. But, what happens when the judge speculates or distorts the reality according to its visual optics, to your tastes, to your criteria, and instead of being equable is partial ?What credibility can have someone that manipulates the facts and instead of putting remedy to a situation it gets worse ?
How can you pretend to install the correct when the verdict don´t adjust to happened clearly stating  his incorrectness ? How someone who holds a position of great responsibility to distinguish clearly what is an infringement or not, can mistake in a way that the defender of the law breach the same law ?
In a  proven case with irrefutable proofs, the purpose of judging it does not be scorn or revenge, only that the infractor becomes aware and amend in the future to not suffer neither he nor those involved directly or indirectly the consequences of the actions.
The people in charge to impart justice they should have social knowledge to contrast with your ideas and expand the vision about what they have to value to be equitable in the diagnosis.
The laws are written in a general way as if everyone were the same, but each case is different, having to tune on the spirit of the letter with the person involved, circumstances, intention and the result that has behaved. Do not stick strictly to what the law says, but to the true effectiveness of this taking into account all the factors.

Thursday, 30 November 2017


In one way or another the fact of move entails some kind of interest, the question is observe what drives it and the purpose.
It is logical to want to increase the knowledge, better conditions, have more resources. It´s about knowing what will do next once I get the pretense. The aim to want more where will it lead us and the benefit what is supposed to behave.
There are ambitions nobles and ambitions innoble, the procedure and the results with whom you are involved on the way, determine one or another. ¿ The projected and subsequent actions show virtues or defects ? A considered or indignant treat ? Prevails the true or the lie ? Until where we are able to arrive in order to satisfy the interests ?
Really they enjoy intensely these corporations that earn thousands of milions at the expense of some users many of them below minimum and others precariously ? The riches obtained with dishonest means are stained, and in the material plane nothing can guarantee the security to preserve them. Besides, the win with a background of dirt, it leads to losses in some way or another.
In reality those who are enslaved in the pursuit of worldly goods they are prisoners of the same. They can be rich in matter, but if the only thing that moves is that, they are poor spiritually, forgetting the meaning and the purpose of its earthly presence.
Believing themselves clever for the multiple gains, what they are is ignorants, where all the efforts and possessions they will be lost without realizing the correction work which is important and who can give true wealth.
How many human miseries in the manners behind great fortunes. What they believe is a benefit is a hex that at the time the cosmic justice will be invoiced to them in the way it deems pertinent.

Thursday, 16 November 2017


The instinct of survival impregnate the interest in us to acquire resources that facilitate the maintenance and comfortable conditions. It´s lawful and normal that we seek the methods, ways and means to preserve the subsistence.
The desire to receive is a natural fact, and to obtain that we don´t have or increase goods of some kind, we must establish connections. And is here when we are subject to test to balancing in each interaction if the persecuted purposes they make us with equanimity., consideration and dignity towards potential suppliers.
All the chaos that we observe in the world, either for one reason or another is a consequence of a badly focused interest.
When the interests of a country, of a bank, a multinational, politics, end up in mistreat for a citizens, is showing the human degradation when treating people as simple useful subjects for their purposes, and no matter absolutely the consequences of acts or precarious conditions of those that take advantage.
The spiritual precepts says : when we are unable to feel the pain of others or appreciate them, is not possible go beyond a primary stage.
How many people between us are really able to put into practice " love thy neighbor as thyself " or even more difficult for not say almost impossible " prepend the needs of others to yours "
All this wild accumulation of money, the overwhelming material wealth from a minority that exploits a majority, the use and abuse of established power with all kinds of cheats, in the end it will be diluted in nothing, because this is not the aim of life.
The insensibility towards others, disconnects to them, but also of themselves to pursue wrongly interests that sooner or later won´t serve, having missed the oportunity to knit bridges for the common good that is really the interest that we must search constantly.
The gains obtained in bad ways obscure the soul of the individual sinking it in a growing darkness that let him away of the authentic wealth and authentic goal.
If in the intended interest there´s not sensibility in the equation, such interest instead of adding rest, and instead to be a benefit is a loss.

Tuesday, 31 October 2017


WJhat is perversion ?  Perversion is do evil in consciousness, that loves evil, deviating from moral righteousness. Which is the origin ? Extreme focus on oneself and your desires without taking into account nor considering others in order to get his pretensions.
If we stick to the descriptions exposed in the Zohar, which includes the spirituals and physicals laws of the univers, in volume 13 in the section Pekudei tells us the following
Pekudei 9 - God is patient judging the perverse ones because wants a trial loving and joyful. Don´t want the trial of pollution.
When the wicked sprout like grass they will be destroyed forever. They will be taken from their roots.
Pekudei 13 - God  hide the primordial light of the perverse ones, but never retires it from those who walk with righteousness.
In each act of victory over evil achieved a state of divinity. A candle needs darkness to give it value. When triumph over the dark we are strengthening to the maximum potential.
The inclination to evil, to ego, is the foundation of confusion, pain and discomfort. far from providing freedom what it does is to enslave, captive of desires, imprisoned for reactions.
Just like the side of life it strengthens when doing the good,. the inclination to evil strengthens when the wicked listen and master them.
The wicked believe they see but in reality they are blind, they think are smart but in truth they are stupid.
They can will small battles momentarily in order to satisfy the primary inclinations, and in the end are they who end being defeated and sweep by the clumsy of his wickedness.
How much baseness, how much misery can generate ignorance, the rage unleashed to get whatever unworthty purposes that violate all the principles ethics and morals.
The pervers moved by instincts, is convinced of the effectiveness of its methods, and at every step instead of fluttering it close dangerously to the abyss.
Words and actions of the miserables can not offend when disqualifying by themselves, and the desire to humble what it does is to be humiliated the pretender humiliating.
The successes obtained hurting others are counterproductive. The acquired with peaceful means is long lasting.
Who is honorable ? Who treat others respectfully.

Sunday, 15 October 2017


We accept as variations the variables that occur in the personal aspect, in nature, and reluctance to modify structures, conditions, privileges, shows for covardice, closing to knowing situations that may have the feeling of security but is not so really..
Nothing to material level is totally sure or eternal, and cling to a few parcels that provide comfort, deprive the expansion and go into new ways that introduce improvements in different areas.
Change and transformation is that brings satisfaction, because if everything is always the same and don´t change nothing, is live mechanically to not go anywhere, since the projects are going to go just beyond the present context.
The current parameters can not be compared to those of centuries ago, and wanting to stay motionless is an absurd where the environment introduces new tools, tendencies and manners that become part of everyday life.
Stubbornly to preserve the expired, obsolete and unusuable only aggravates the existing one. Life is movement, therefore change, and what stagnates and is stuck it deteriorates and is lost.
Progress is the contrast between previous situation and one later which has led to improvement. If you don´t want to change, don´t touch nothing, then it´s impossible to progress.
The fear of losing, to not have, go to worst, the distrust in which it can come, is a negative thinking arisen from the lack of faith, an spiritual disconnection that ignores the universal order beyond the visible and perceptible.
Nothing is static, pretend eternal the transitory pouring into excessive actions, instead of preserving the desired one is to move away to end it losing.
No matter how much they want keep certain questions, these are to mercy of  uncontrollable factors just like the lives of each one for more defense mechanism adopted to protect us.
Who does not want changes goes against the same flow of life in perpetual movement, where fears and immobility prevent from moving forward, aside from being molded by false security.
The day alternates with the night, action with rest, society is introducing new tools that trasnforms the habits.Before such evidence the refusal to change supposes a maladaptation, loss of opportunities and  decay for incapacity  to adjust to the trends that arise that sooner or later they will put in check a stability which in fact  has never been.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


We are constantly debating between certainty and uncertainty. In the day to day we are linking one action with another for what we learned, facing the next moment that we don´t know will be presented.
We are setting plans a time seen, these are the intentions, but in the way,  we don´t know the situations that will come. These evidences indicates that we must be adaptable and flexible, where a part depends on us, and the dependence of external factors condition the will of what we want.
Certainty derives from verifications, theories experienced in practice, internalized knowledge. Uncertainty are unclear contexts, where there may be several options, where the margin of maneuver is limited and subordinated to uncontrollable elements, and despite proceeding for knowledge, we don´t know what will happen.
There are several precepts to have certainty : what happens is just what has to happen, otherwise it would not be so.
Everything is good and everything is for good although it can not seem, indicating the process to come and subsequent outcome.
Everything in its time. If we plant a seed we know what will be the fruit, and this will manifest at the right time.
What we call casual or random is not such. To every cause follows an effect, uncertainty creates doubts, the separation between the action commited and the result.
Uncertainty is always external, don´t see how the events will follow nor will they report. Certainty always is internal, for the previous findings., for the knowledge acquired, for the confidence that whatever happens it will be the appropriate at any time to follow the individual development.
Discernment, reflection, intention, experience, are pillars that reinforce certainty, Uncertainty is a vacuum pending to fill, awaits some facts, a time to come that depends on what has been done by us, of the surrounding environment and the influence of third parties in the concretion or not of certain pretensions.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017


Contrast involves comparing, and comparing involves more than one component. We are constantly subjected to choose, and do it depends on many factors who intervene in the middle.
Diversity in the unity, join or separate, in one way or another we go looking for harmony and well-being. The question is how you get it. We arre immersed in multitude of polarities, and the goal is to find balance according to a set of individual characteristics.
There are moments that require silence or wish it, and others noise, sometimes pleasant sometimes unpleasant.
A time for a recollection, and a portion for sociability, with strictly personal measures. The character, restlessness and other considerations, will incline to look for the introspection or opt for a superficiality focused on the outside. Some will go looking for internal fullness, and many others disconnected of an internalization will pursue the search for worldly pleasures.
Those who want to accumulate temporary goods for the value that they can grant them, and those who will decant for eternal values through an instruction and spiritual training.
Where is the consciousness, with the capacity of discernment, of amplitude of sights, global focus and no ego. is that will want to decant the balance in one way on another. The quality and quantity of what we do and have is shown by the result that leaves in us and the environment.
The constant observation inside and outside of thoughts, words and actions is the indicator to know if we go well routed or wrong. See the contrasts between some forms or others and triggers, has to clarify what is best to choose to generate the conditions that revert in peace, cordiality and mutual respect and set up permanent improvements in all kind of expressions for the reciprocal good.

Monday, 28 August 2017


We would like to decide a life to measure, everyone with its parameters, but the reality show us that the percentage of decision it´s so small that is impossible to know what are we deciding properly and what´s out of our reach.
Can we decide the height we will have ? the color of eyes ? the color of skin ? the quantity of wisdom that we can get ? the quantity of money that will have ? with how many people will we relate ? the quantity of childrem if you have ? the health that we will have ? the day we will leave this world ?
All these evidences they should make us rethink in depth everything we do see where it leads us a set of banal desires, the unproductive distractions and the inability to restore a guidelines that make us better respect to own affairs and in relation to others.
We don´t really know what proportion we decide on the approaches with the subsequent actions and the triggers. On the way we meet the precise people which will facilitate or hinder us certains questions, but they are those that have to be for our evolutionary process. We all act as intermediaries and we start from a previous script with some backgrounds and goals. The free will depends on the conscience to decant in one way or another before to act, where the midst of each experience it is determined by precedents where the performers on the scene ordered them the individual supevision of the superior world.
Actually it matters little if we can decide more or less, that we must pursue is discover is what have we come to do, for what, for what purpose, and mobilize the right resorts to run it knowing that we are jsut some messengers in the cosmic framed.

Sunday, 13 August 2017


Want what we don´t have or have but with more quantity. Desire to keep or increase. The question is : why to keep ? Why increase ? For what purpose ?
Desire is the energizing boost, but we must know if it is worth the effort depending on what. Desires can be mental, afective, physical, introduce more knowledge, certain links, preserve maintenance. The fund has to get involved or keep or improve, on the contrary the desire would have little sense, it would be rather a whim.
Live is forge new opportunities, and desire is synonymous of life, it´s about printing quality with the optimum proportion of quantity.
We must ask : why we want that we want ? to access a more prosperous context ? because we know we can do more and the advantages that entails ? for a supposed enjoyment or well being based on beliefs, concepts, suppositions, dependent on external factors ?
Without giving value there is no desire, it´s about watching where the base lies of the value given to a thing or subject.
The desire is on the way in search of, and pursues a result that leads to satisfaction. it is therefore about covering shortcomings or have more that we have. It is the mechanism that must be provided of sense and purpose our actions.
In front of the diversity of desires we have to see in perspective if the aim to pursue is convenient or not,  if it fits with us, if is necessary, if it really is worth and the possible benefit.
What kind of desire is ours ?  is healthy ? is selfish or to share ? it is essnetial or dispensable ? can affect adversely to us or someone ?
The values depend on multiple factors, but they are the key of desire, and the result that is what being pursued, it depends on your skills, the balance of measures in each moment, and the interactions that intervene in the process, short or long range.

Monday, 31 July 2017


Instant is transitory, now is now not. The picture is the perpetuation of a fleeting instant which freezes in an image. We can rescue the record, but it can not be repeated in the same way
Many instnats similars but no one totally equal. Instant is like water in the hands, it can not be retained. The rapidity of links between the previous and later dilutes the actions, keeping few images in the memory of what we are doing.
Instant to instant is built or destroyed, let´s go up or down, we improve or get worse. Instant shows that there is not breakdown, which must be left forward. Past holds the present, it´s about knowing with what purpose we want to continue to support new presents.
The values are relatives, it depends of the measure that puts everyone, and exactly  with the instants, some are recorded and others forget quickly.
Thousands of insignificants instants that only serves as a link, and very few remarkables marking important events for us.
A few words,  gestures, actions for a precise moment, forged in the inner, manifested themselves to be edifying the respective particular lives with the relevant experiences in the timely manner.
Always we are in the present, but the present instants are stored in the past, living between the permanent and the transitory. We face the change for eternal precepts that serves from guide, and knowing that the  now is fading immediately, and  proceed according to the longings of perpetuity.
Immersed in duality searchs the unity, and this unity depends to match duality. The instant is always, but never is equal. Between what goes away and what lasts, the forgot and remembered, we try to endow of content the experiences, and of all this there is a minimum that marks the singularittties between ones and others.

Monday, 17 July 2017


Life is an accumulation of instants. Every day we can experience a hundred of small moments, lived mostly in inappreciable form without giving any value, but the entanglement of one with the other is what forge the present existence of everyone.
There are instants like the steam, fade and disappear, there are others like stones, some words, some actions, and what happened in a zig zag, it is recorded for a long time.
The speed of movements it makes us live the moments almost imperceptible. we have not finished yet the executed now, we are already starting new plots.
Of all the carried out during the day what remains in the memory ?  What profit do we extract from the realized ? The processes according to what ii is they can be long or short, but the beginning and the end is only an instant.
The one that goes between the beginning and the conclusion must have a goal, achieve some purpose, and from instant to instant is where we forged all the pretensions. Most of what has been done remain in the forgetfulness, there are only significant fractions according to the assessments and the meaning that it has for us.
Instant is time, and time is measure, limits that frame specific facts, joining constantly from one context to another, where most of times faced in automatic pilot without savoring  each change of decorated, passing over subtle factors  that go unnoticed by the inertia and the focus on the next movement.
We would like to enjoy the moment, but every new now is preparing the after, and with the prevailing superficiality, the goals of low reach an considerable unconsciousness, we are living thousands of instants that remains finally in nothing.
There are situations which are modified with relative speed, others seem unremovable, and is instant to instant where all changes happen. Everything counts, every step, every gesture, every element that intervene is conforming a network which modifies the precedent.
It depends on us to provide the instants of value and profit.

Sunday, 25 June 2017


Why so many people are afraid of change, when this is a natural fact, where there are not two identical days ? We see it in politics, defending bravely obsolete laws, outdated, where the important is remain static, don´t touch anything, that everything keep the same as if were the ten commandments.. Society is transforming and they consider it normal, but modify decrees that instead of being at the service of the people slaves it, this is not possible.
Couples who are staying  without any growth project, with no affinity that hold the foundation of the bond, a crippled immobilism that does not drive anywhere for the sole purpose of preserving an hypothetical security or other reasons.
Poorly paid jobs resigning to take risks, because unfortunately the abuse of the strong over the weak is the generalized tonic, and the powerlessness of varying the rules of the game condemns to unfortunate conditions which are perpetuaded for fear of losing and then it still less.
If there is day and night, the seasons change ¿ where is the fear of facing new trends ? what is the meaning of preserving the old, the one that no longer works, which has become a nuisance for not having replaced it ? Live good or live bad ? move forward or stay stuck ?
The one who is not going forward increasing knowledge, potential, more enriched manners for the benefits, goes back. The fear to lose or get worse it is based on a poverty of inner spirit, where ignorance of a universal plan where everything is supervised in the milimeter to experience the precise at every moment. The progress or failure not depends on specific people. but rather a set of interactions that fit constinuosly. If at every moment we are making the right, everything will be for good, because in the end the events are to introduce improvements with respect to the precedent.However, if we don´t want to let the instated, a part from blocking the entry to other possibilities, the rotting of the useless will end up destroying what we want preserve to cape and sword getting worse to prevent flow the natural order.

Monday, 12 June 2017


Like the one in charge of a factory that have a director, in our particular life we also are a managers with a director who oversees all to produce the lace in the timely.
We live on earth driven by spiritual precepts that have the objective that everyone discovers and make the corrections that correspond in order to establish an harmonious environment. When disonances occur, notes that we don´t follow suitably the supreme guidelines, reverting to afflictions.
We must decipher the reason for the efforts, of our presence here, know how to clarify the further purpose beyond one work and social service.
Our life belongs to us in part, we are a product of a Creator that escapes the limited human understanding with the immense magnitude that represents.
The only task to be done is remove the veils that keeps us in the dark, understanding the individual function with respect to the collective. We are managers of the own life with the responsability that entails, but above all we are responsible of a heavenly project that make sense to the experiences, to relations, changes, seeing the long term purpose from a metaphysical perspective.
Everything we think, feel and do, emerges from us as a distinguishing ? Impossible to quantify, because this is always in relation to external factors. The thought and sense emerge from inside, influenced by previous episodes connected with the outside.
There is free will ? In which proportion ? A great part is preordined by multiple factors. However, decant towards favorable or unfavorable conditions depend on the consciousness level, discernment and will. Before to act we are in disposition to decant the balance, once the action take place, we are in the hands of the supreme guidelines, so we must be very cautious before mobilize certain actions.
We move in limited circles, the room for maneuver is reduced, knowledge are minimum, but the scope of the words, thoughts and actions, affects the whole.
Will honor the work we have been doing fulfilling the cosmic laws ? We are managers and we deserve credit given by the director.

Sunday, 28 May 2017


Each one of us is unique, there´s no one equal, having several tools that confirm that individually we are untransferable.
The manner of be depends on a cluster of factors, but mostly of the developmental level, which allows a broad or restrictive vision, a large capacity of discernment or scarce, a desire to improve or conformism. There are many variants like the same human complexity, as in so many things that share of basis, is about observing the behavior to find out the trends that prevail in us.
Everyone is aware of the body because is the most obvious and has constant demands, but few compared are conscious of the soul. Everyone strives to cover demands on the material aspects, but too little in contrast to cover the spiritual needs.
What inclined to decant in one way or another ? The inner voice. The voice soft and silent of the subtle side, that searchs peace, harmony and concord, or the thick voice abrupt and awkward in the forms.
What indicates that ? If out there is war, tension and conflict, is because has been generated and it finds inside.
If we want to improve the external conditions, first we must improve us in what we think, say and do for the derived consequences
The inner voice should guide towards the best attributes. If it does not, is because we give priority to personal wishes disarranged with someone or the environment, which are due to problems.
The two natures in us are constantly fighting. The lower nature searchs the selfish satisfaction regardless the influence of the commited acts. The evidence of the same manifestations indicates where we decant, either occasionally or regularly.
Many want that " the whole " work for " the parts ", but the parts, often do not want to work for the whole. And is here the origin of the dissonances, and with this blindness of approaches and targets is the result that what happens diary.
Follow the dictates of the lower nature it cost no effort, but we already see the results. Follow the higher nature is a constant work, but is who gives meaning, utility and existential purpose. Before this exhibition we must ask : which voice prevails in us ? the voice that wants move forward and transform defects in virtues ? or the voice that pushes to create a chaotic environment and permanent discomfort ?
Perhaps we stop one moment and see where we are heading.

Sunday, 14 May 2017


What wish ? Is useful ? Is benefit ? The desire is to satisfy the ego ? What is the purpose of what we want ? The desire focuses to reinforce the virtues ? How many people before act think about the desired and all can get involved ?
In an anaesthetized society, focused on the mundane and immedaite rewards, the preponderant desires are of low magnitude, often to short term. Too much lower desires that remain us in a lower stage : greed, desire for wealth, harmful pleasures. The constant contact with matter and the desire of subsistence, diverted of targets more refined unless broaden the perspective.
If the desire always turn around the same, their own self satisfaction, will cut the chances to evolve, to focus on the primary and transient. So can not access to the real purpose that is transform the negative manifestations that causing conflicts, by refined expressions leading to harmony.
Before boost some resorts, we must ask ourselves if the desired will tip the dense or subtle ? to share or receive only us ? to an ephemeral satisfaction or durable ? will create wellness in the collective or on the contrary ?
The desired not aimed to introduce more light in us, fade quickly and we can not keep.
According to the wishes and context we can see the need and the level of consciousness. The surrounding environment, the conditions and the individual peculiarities, make vary and adapt to what we want for a set of characteristics.
Desire is what I don´t have and I want, or even if I have but I want more. The background question is : For what more ? Which outlet can I give ?
There are too many harmful desires and too much little benefit, and if there is not the indispensable discernment, often ends in loss or discomfort.
The desires can liberate or enslave, the results will clarify. We must desire which make us be better, which increases the potential like a self, which generates relationships more satisfactory. What deviates from these purposes, end up being harmful and we must repair the damages.

Sunday, 30 April 2017


How many among us knows exactly what to do and why in this context called " life " ? Where we want to go ? With what target ?
Trapped in the space time, limited  for a minimal knowledge, by cultural conditions, and the resources of our environment, we try to preserve to the max our physical presence with a narrow margin of maneuver by the daily obligations to get different nurtures.
If is mysterious decipher the single function, it is even more when this must join in the collective function. The dilemma of mutual dependence between the parts and all is the key to proper correction.
Discover the origin is reveal the hidden, and this means enter in contact witrh the subtleties, resulting in a extremely difficult task whem we don´t know even develop in the superficiality. Accordingly, we don´t know who we are really and the true purpose giving us time to carry it out.
It says that the physical dimension is the exile, fragmentation, and the aim is to return to "sinus of eternal " unity. The question is : how to break the inertia of the daily voragine as if we were on a boat in an ocean that pushes us forward without knowing exactly where it leads and what outcome will. !
With an egocentric vision and approach, we desire that others can bring what we need,  and that demands links. However, despite the evidence, we spent the day cutting connections with our separative manners causing chaos and disasters of all types.
Our potential is unknown, we can not clarify the scope of what we could get, and meanwhile we are wandering like a boxer that beating in the air.
Mankind can build or destroy, this depends of the consciousness, the key to harmonize thought and action.
Is to find out what we want to build and the trigger, so if we act incorrectly, the supposed construction is a destruction.
What purpose and profit give or will give to learned, work, to the daily staging, the big dilemma !
All the preservation efforts for what ? To a simple subsistence ? To leave without note an evident trend ?
All of us have the dilemma, the question is : We´ll discover the what and how to go to other side passing the test ?

Monday, 17 April 2017


The high level of prevailing selfishness, togheter with the unconsciousness, reverts in a strong callousness to everything that has to do with oneself, and at the same time with extreme sensitivity on questions related to us.
Words and actions is the manner to express ourselves, and if these don´t show a decent treatment, cracks occur that leave marks. Unlike a piece of clothing that removes the stains with soap, or of a recording on another that eliminate the previous, both words and actions never go unpunished. In the etheric plane everything is recorded, and for more that we want, nor are no rubber nor solvent that it can erase.
We can apologize, correct subsequent behavior, but the said and done at the time is indelible, is not possible
reverse and rewrite it. The only thing you can do is noted for not repeating, learn from mistakes with the aim of improving ,knowing that carelessness, ignorance and awkward shapes, have consequences and pass bill.
What measures can we take to show us correct ? Be very careful before speaking, think about what we want say in order to prevail the harmony and the consideration, and in the actions exactly the same.
A wise men of the middle ages says :" whatever you do think about the consequences ".We see it or not everything has consequences, and the worst enemies that play against us, is to think only in our personal affairs with several coarse manifestations.
People can apologize, the affected part say that nothing happens, archived page, but to the subtle level, in the interaction has been recorded an episode stored in the memory that affect thoughts and feelings that condition new interchanges.
The majority don´t realize about the danger and gravity of words and actions executed impulsively. Only is necessary one moment to speak or write and perform and action, but the trigger can pay for life.
All the miseries of the world, derived from not speak and act correctly, and while it not reveals the consciousness to transform the pattern roots, the indelible stains will accompany us always with all the negativity leaving in its path.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017


Mark the difference is leave of the prevailing trend, the predominant, a conformist majority to be part of a minority maverick.
Keep going " because it touches " one day and another, resignedly, without aspirations, limited, conditioned by multiple factors, is desire survive only, disconnected of the longings of the soul, focused only in nurture body requests.
Focused on worldly affairs, it´s not possible to raise the bar of our potential. First should awaken the conscience to wanted to go further of the purely material, and then endow us the tools of education and training to continue immersed in the inevitable routine, but under a parameter aimed at developing the spiritual nature.
Really satisfies us see how the days go covering the expedient of keeping and that´s all ? Or don´t want to give meaning and sense everything we do ?
Mark the difference depends of thoughts, feelings and actions. The quality of these determine results. The basis is the thought, and the will the executor giving concrete form. Without a clear desire, explicit, established within, of want to improve continuosly in all kind of expressions, will be impossible boost the potential, and consequently not be able to mark differences respect to the usual social trend.
We can not remain static in learning neither in how we behave.Conforming in go passing is a slow death with the aim of living one empty life where there are no targets beyond preserve the organic functioning of the body.
This is how we observe diary, a real disappointment that reflects the inability to decipher what is our function, the existential purpose, with poor expressions product of be imprisoned for everything that surrounds strictly material factors.
Only can make a difference with consolidated virtues, exercising ourselves permanently to be, in follow the spiritual precepts; otherwise is just a fight of simple survival.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017


What is the constant that has always accompanied ? Expand the potential. How should we do it ? Instructing in order to get in touch with the surrounding light, internalizing to be part of new knowledges. Theory is the first step, practice is the experienced profit through the action.
Must have ambition to be more, to do more, this is the function to have time. If we settle where we are, can not enter new material, and instead of further progress we will be stuck.
The hidden possibilities to discover are unimaginable, and endow us of more capacities, depend on the desire, goals and accumulated talents.
We can not remain static, we must go forward, searching new materials, new manners, forms more accurately. History teach us continuosly in the desire of introducing optimal instruments in comparison to previous. Without the desire to permanent improve would not evolve, and the simple and the repeatability without modifications, apart from being boring, ended up becoming an automaton live without sense.
Childhood shows with clarity the process to make. Go through successives states of ignorance and unconsciousness to knowledge, from of a great dependence to gradual independence.
The school stage is the base, the preparation to know how to act socially through constant exchanges. And is precisely through relations where we face challenges to fit each individual claims. Here is where it becomes clear the possibilities of growth in accordance to how to make interactions and the results which are derived.
Expand suppose more, uncover the invisible previously giving entrance to elements that already exists becoming conscious, having greater tools at our diposal to combine, introducing variants to provide an strengthened  context compared to the previous.
And evidently, like the multiple inventions happened over the centuries, after expand the vision who is the spark, the utility of this consist in replace which become obsolete by new releases equipped with more features. And which is evident in the environment in everyday utensils, we must apply to us increasing the cognitive faculties to go always further in our manners, more accurate, refined and optimal with no limits.

Tuesday, 28 February 2017


What is the behavior of a child ? What does a child ? Grab, receiving constantly, whether is food, care and all kind of attentions. This is normal when we are children, because the conditions of the early years make us be dependent of others to survive and have the essential resources.
As we grow we have to win independence, and this entails responsibility. Take charge of our actions, earn the acquisition of resources through exchanges.
All very easy of understanding and accepting forcibly we like it or not, the dilemma arises when in adulthood note immature behavior of good part of society.
We can work, pay bills, but if our procedure is not very different from the one shown in childhood, we are stuck. And by attitude mean selfish postures of meanwhile I am well, the others acting by themselves.
To want accumulate without necessity that justifies, the relations regrettable that usually do daily, between couples, from parents to children, in the scope of work.
Of what avail is it the technology, comfort, if you are unable to hold a profound conversation, with sense ? Where is the sensibility to mobilize for needy a part of a few volunteers ? We ask affection but we don´t know give it. We want friends and we don´t know behave as such to receive it. We will want to be happy, but our own incompetence derived from unconsciousness, superficiality, from materialism and prevailing selfishness, away one time and another to experience it.
Surrounded by abundance we live miserably, in accordance the diary news and the chaos in the form of various conflicts and problems.
Only maturing, that is seeing clear what should be the aim, how we act, how replace harmful expressions by the favorable, can change these conditions.Who has already done has been released from the vicious circle.It´s a matter of wanting it and know how to do it.

Sunday, 12 February 2017


One of the more difficult things is to change the root firmly inside, whether convictions, character, cultural sphere or intrinsic capacity.
The thinking depends of  the ability of discern, to know how to be equable, of training, environment and the developmental level. If this set of influence leads to personal harmony and the neighbor, is a good example of reasoning. If on the contrary, it is complicated and difficult be understood with others, where the tension and discomfort is present, indicate that the influences imbedded in us, instead of facilitating fluency cause an obstacle.
How change thoughts, beliefs, interests that lead to prejudice ? The inflexible rigor about limited criteria, with postured closed that not provide solutions, in the end leads to conflict, where the magnitude increases if they are unable to change thoughts and actions aimed at unlocking.
By general rule deal with people short-sighted, egocentric and inconsiderate always is a bad deal. When one part can not understant the other neither effort because only wants preserve their opinion and position, open a crack that distance, and instead to find solutoins generate a problematic persistence.
Lock in hand, encountering with discrepancies defending indefensible arguments, is a lack of wisdom, that only will correct if you are willing to open up, listen, reflect and widen horizons. The only way to be able to issue reasonable verdicts, is watching the set in deep, coming out of the particular maze of ideas to understand the differences.
Who refuse to change entrenched in lifeguard umbrellas, will must assume the result of inflexibility.
Resolute poverty drifting of the argumentative poverty and the ineptitude involved at the hour of acting.
Without internal maturity, with low capacity of discern accurately and correctly, is like a sentence that traps within a limited schemes, that far from behaving salvation will dictate a sentence in a kind of self execution.

Tuesday, 31 January 2017


Cross the border is to change of  landscape ( view ) costums ( attitude ) and the language ( the manner to communicate )
Remain in the current country is follow with the same criteria, schemes, models of thinking and behavior.
Change of country is expand horizons, experience different, note other forms, get out of stereotypes, of fixations. The flexibility is which facilitates encompass larger areas of knowledge and so can access to greater opportunities. The question is : how many of us wants to change of country with the knowledge that can bring ?
The comfortable human nature prefer low risk, ensuring a minimum without adventures to the option of some highs for fear of losing the minimum.
We have comfortable with the near, the known, in which master, limiting voluntarily by uncertainty of a land that can be favorable or unfavorable, and before the doubt opt for conservatism.
In the confort zone there´s no growth, are uncomfortable situations which make us boost several resorts, thinking alternatives, strategies and actions leading to an improvement.
However, like it or not, the risk and uncertainty always are present. We can ask of our own movements and the conequences arising, but not the impact of foreign in our surrounding environment, indicating that of a way or another we must have enough adaptability to cross borders when necessary.
We move between the risk and the caution, and the ability consists in constantly balancing both accordance to the context, objective and leeway.
We must decide if we want follow in the own country confortable but without significant progress, or relying on potential, in the desire to excel and aspire to higher levels of development.
To access a new phase, to new upper step in any area, we leave behind something to acquire another that allowing expansion, a larger domain. Applied to our lives is to opt for remain static without progress, or mobilizing and aspirting to introduce constantly elements more and more qualitative in being and doing.

Sunday, 15 January 2017


To move in the environment it is necessary to identify around us in order to know how to act effectively and harmony. Words are the means that describes situations, objects, people, the near or far, the known or unknown, the concrete and abstract. Without words and the image represented we could not communicate as we do, and evolutionary possibilities would be much lower in absence of enough elements.
Words connect with concepts, and the association of both facilitates knowledge of what surrounds us with the aim of proceeding with ability in the pursuit of purposes. Is a question to fit one time and another in the different context and relationships with the different ends that pushing our movements.
The word is the basis, the concept the intermediary between the name, function, the contribution and the relations that be established, whether vegetables, animals or people. And although vegetables or animals don´t know the words, internally they know what interactions should be made externally.
Action previously should nurture of words and what they represent, without these it would be impossible to distinguish what we want clearly. Could keep trying to differentiate what we need or not, what we like or not,  being an obstacle to organize a social structure.
As it says in the Bible : " At the beginning was the word " If we could not express as we do because there was no name on things ¿ how would we do the exchanges ? Certainly the words are essential,  the point where all movements begin, what allows us collaborate, expand, devise projects, investigate, develop in multiple variants, understand the process of change and transformation, ambitioning the creation of better conditions thanks to the support that represents the meaning and concept of each word.
If there are so many conflicts, tension and chaos of all types everywhere, is by not knowing adjust the words with what represent and the taken action. If instead of concordia generates discord, is the realization of misinterpretaion product of a dark background resulting in harmful actions.