Thursday, 14 December 2017


If something is in common between us is the impulse to judge when we hear comments or see certain actions considered from our individual perspective as incorrect.
Why do we judge ? For the desire of perfection. ¿ How someone imperfect can know what is it really correct ? Imbued by the ego who believes to be right, guided by personal desires and interests, limited and conditioned by numerous influences, we dare to issue verdicts of everything when not even we have access to all parties.
Laws, decrees, regulations set up to establish an order, because of the contrary it would be one chaos. However, these same laws they are not totally impeccable, and on several occasions we can check that the writing  on a paper seem right but is not.
We judge by actions or words, which can result in consequences that endangered, cause damage or break the harmony. But, what happens when the judge speculates or distorts the reality according to its visual optics, to your tastes, to your criteria, and instead of being equable is partial ?What credibility can have someone that manipulates the facts and instead of putting remedy to a situation it gets worse ?
How can you pretend to install the correct when the verdict don´t adjust to happened clearly stating  his incorrectness ? How someone who holds a position of great responsibility to distinguish clearly what is an infringement or not, can mistake in a way that the defender of the law breach the same law ?
In a  proven case with irrefutable proofs, the purpose of judging it does not be scorn or revenge, only that the infractor becomes aware and amend in the future to not suffer neither he nor those involved directly or indirectly the consequences of the actions.
The people in charge to impart justice they should have social knowledge to contrast with your ideas and expand the vision about what they have to value to be equitable in the diagnosis.
The laws are written in a general way as if everyone were the same, but each case is different, having to tune on the spirit of the letter with the person involved, circumstances, intention and the result that has behaved. Do not stick strictly to what the law says, but to the true effectiveness of this taking into account all the factors.

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