Contrast involves comparing, and comparing involves more than one component. We are constantly subjected to choose, and do it depends on many factors who intervene in the middle.
Diversity in the unity, join or separate, in one way or another we go looking for harmony and well-being. The question is how you get it. We arre immersed in multitude of polarities, and the goal is to find balance according to a set of individual characteristics.
There are moments that require silence or wish it, and others noise, sometimes pleasant sometimes unpleasant.
A time for a recollection, and a portion for sociability, with strictly personal measures. The character, restlessness and other considerations, will incline to look for the introspection or opt for a superficiality focused on the outside. Some will go looking for internal fullness, and many others disconnected of an internalization will pursue the search for worldly pleasures.
Those who want to accumulate temporary goods for the value that they can grant them, and those who will decant for eternal values through an instruction and spiritual training.
Where is the consciousness, with the capacity of discernment, of amplitude of sights, global focus and no ego. is that will want to decant the balance in one way on another. The quality and quantity of what we do and have is shown by the result that leaves in us and the environment.
The constant observation inside and outside of thoughts, words and actions is the indicator to know if we go well routed or wrong. See the contrasts between some forms or others and triggers, has to clarify what is best to choose to generate the conditions that revert in peace, cordiality and mutual respect and set up permanent improvements in all kind of expressions for the reciprocal good.
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