Thursday, 30 November 2017


In one way or another the fact of move entails some kind of interest, the question is observe what drives it and the purpose.
It is logical to want to increase the knowledge, better conditions, have more resources. It´s about knowing what will do next once I get the pretense. The aim to want more where will it lead us and the benefit what is supposed to behave.
There are ambitions nobles and ambitions innoble, the procedure and the results with whom you are involved on the way, determine one or another. ¿ The projected and subsequent actions show virtues or defects ? A considered or indignant treat ? Prevails the true or the lie ? Until where we are able to arrive in order to satisfy the interests ?
Really they enjoy intensely these corporations that earn thousands of milions at the expense of some users many of them below minimum and others precariously ? The riches obtained with dishonest means are stained, and in the material plane nothing can guarantee the security to preserve them. Besides, the win with a background of dirt, it leads to losses in some way or another.
In reality those who are enslaved in the pursuit of worldly goods they are prisoners of the same. They can be rich in matter, but if the only thing that moves is that, they are poor spiritually, forgetting the meaning and the purpose of its earthly presence.
Believing themselves clever for the multiple gains, what they are is ignorants, where all the efforts and possessions they will be lost without realizing the correction work which is important and who can give true wealth.
How many human miseries in the manners behind great fortunes. What they believe is a benefit is a hex that at the time the cosmic justice will be invoiced to them in the way it deems pertinent.

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