Sunday, 12 February 2017


One of the more difficult things is to change the root firmly inside, whether convictions, character, cultural sphere or intrinsic capacity.
The thinking depends of  the ability of discern, to know how to be equable, of training, environment and the developmental level. If this set of influence leads to personal harmony and the neighbor, is a good example of reasoning. If on the contrary, it is complicated and difficult be understood with others, where the tension and discomfort is present, indicate that the influences imbedded in us, instead of facilitating fluency cause an obstacle.
How change thoughts, beliefs, interests that lead to prejudice ? The inflexible rigor about limited criteria, with postured closed that not provide solutions, in the end leads to conflict, where the magnitude increases if they are unable to change thoughts and actions aimed at unlocking.
By general rule deal with people short-sighted, egocentric and inconsiderate always is a bad deal. When one part can not understant the other neither effort because only wants preserve their opinion and position, open a crack that distance, and instead to find solutoins generate a problematic persistence.
Lock in hand, encountering with discrepancies defending indefensible arguments, is a lack of wisdom, that only will correct if you are willing to open up, listen, reflect and widen horizons. The only way to be able to issue reasonable verdicts, is watching the set in deep, coming out of the particular maze of ideas to understand the differences.
Who refuse to change entrenched in lifeguard umbrellas, will must assume the result of inflexibility.
Resolute poverty drifting of the argumentative poverty and the ineptitude involved at the hour of acting.
Without internal maturity, with low capacity of discern accurately and correctly, is like a sentence that traps within a limited schemes, that far from behaving salvation will dictate a sentence in a kind of self execution.

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