Saturday, 24 December 2016


The mediocre show shortcomings, inefficiency, instead of being efficient is awkward, instead of a benefit is a prejudice. Lose time, work must be repeated, don´t know to be to the height of what do to not have resolutive capacity necessary.
The world is full of mediocres, with low education, an inadequate domain of commited actions, don´t know harmonize with effectiveness subject and object., the mediocre forms slow the pace, which can be resolved quickly with them is slowly. low vision, short preparation, consciousness reductionist, the actions of the mediocre reduce the quality in all matters which influence.
When you deal with someone mediocre always go out scalded, instead of increase the level lowing. Stuck with a narrow margin of maneuver, low minded, must do everything possible to avoid contact, because their limitations deprive to broad possibilities, and who is not like him, impoverished with their influence.
Mediocrity is not be in tune, a shortage of harmony, what is incomplete and requires mature and improve.
Lack of virtue, of refinement, of beauty, clumsily, little value. The things that don´t like due the expression, which entails, to its inefficiency, the bad vibrations left in atmosphere for the expressions of defects.
Excellence is simply all the opposite to mediocrity. The person who excel in life, for profession, abilities, for good manners, manifest quality in the actions, giving an extra value to the creations.
Excellence is synonymous both purity and wisdom. Purity because not be strained alien elements to the essence, and wisdom for the domain of movements and ability evoking beauty.
The mediocre is a work that requires adjustments, the excellence is the culmination of a sublime work.
Mediocrity is immaturity and little domain. Excellence is maturity, a high mastery in what he/she does.

Sunday, 11 December 2016


Life happened and diary actions were diluted, there are only memories and the rest is lost in oblivion.
Food nourishes only today, tomorrow will need new foods, and what remains is the organic permanence to continue making new actions.
The fact yesterday created the basis for support, and what we do in each new present is the desire to perpetuate an existential continuity. The question is : Why we want this continuity ? To do what ? If the assignment keep only small portions, ¿ Which service had provided the diluted ?
We splicing one context with another, work, rest, moving, eat, sleep, and all these situations ¿ what advantage really extract ? Now this now that,  by inertia we linking one activity with another without stopping to think we really need, what we want, what we are doing with the time given to us, and so one day and another, from childhood to old age, where the consciousness barely increased, because instead of aspire to spiritual growing only aims to stay enjoying material contributions, and how these are transitional, for more experiences that we have, in the end everything is diluted and reduced to a minimum rememberings in the memory. Of everything, ¿ what learn ? what improve ? Our function consists in remove the veil of appearances to see the hidden motive beyond the visible and perceptible, and so, while matter provide with tools of learning and organization,  is discovering the real purpose striving to achieve new levels of refinement where will see that the diluted in the physical density serves of fuel to increase the subtlety of manifestations of our higher nature. Then the diluted is not lost, be served of sacrifice for a higher cause.

Sunday, 27 November 2016


In one manner or another all is an investment. Not only in terms of time and money, but how to live life.
We have a narrow margin of maneuver that is influenced by developmental level, social status, knowledge and resources. This is part of our have, the question is what we do about these goods. What approach give, what purpose, on what reasons, and according to development can establish whether investments are profitable or not.
We are in an environment where information is immense, but we have a minumum storage. We can live thousands of days, but only few really take advantage. Relationships covering only tens, and very few of these are really significant and inspiring.
Environment offers the maximun possibilities, and we just take a minimum, whether by slavery time of daily obligations, for conformity, by inertia or unconsciousness.
We should ask : I´m investing well today ? Since the beginning of the day until closing, there are a number of activities to address, many routine, but we also have free time, the moment to make a difference.
Where brings me what I do ? Me like it ? Is what must I do ? My potential is expressed highly, moderately or barely ?
Immersed in covering the case file of subsistence, there´s not time to observe, reflect and make the appropiate changes for a more fulfilling life. In this way  have gone through life, but life would not happened for us, without discovering why have to come, if we did or not and if we leave being best.
We must invest in our spiritual development, this is the only thing that lasts, that is not so will be lost along the way. Material goods, money, effort to hold positions, work responsibilities, these things are only simple intermediaries in order to show the true potential of self through personal values indestructible eternal like how to love, by generous, kind, attentive, helpful, help the needy. Therefore,  we want invest in what will end up losing ?  or we want do it in what persist ?

Sunday, 13 November 2016


See clear, have it clear, is crucial to the idea and action reports the implicit profit pursued from the emerged movements, mental o physics.
The first essential factor is cultivate purity in us, because is the basis that we must express. The fire and the water are debuggers elements respect desires and feelings, essentials points,  putting up either desires or feelings.
From the start during the way until the final execution, we need to know the appropriate steps, between beginning and end the vision must be the most crisp possible, coupled with the unforeseen and external situations, which depends on the clarity.
Success or failure is a matter of precision, tune up, and to be precise and to know tune up, we must be clear  between the action to perform and the target, who requires indispensable knowledge and mastery of instruments to be used.
Between the known and the unknown, the realized and slope, is the testing ground to clarify if we are on the right way. Each new day is a blank page, having the resources already known to face the unknown that should serve to careful planning on what we get.
We must clarify continually the situation of the moment, the impressions, sensations, decrypt messages of experienced. Locate in the right place in the correct manner is a constant, and this asks capacity of clarify.
In a process in construction we see only what has been developed until the present, and in accordance to happened we can decipher what has been amend and what has been done well, and with the support of the knowledge, skills and resources, make again and again the precise movements leading to the alleged.
Clariffy what, how, when, both in the current and occasional, must broad the field of view to know the appropriate or inappropriate, the suitable or not, ensuring at all times to introduce optimal conditions reverting to benefit, correction forms and harmony.

Monday, 31 October 2016

Performance is one of the main challenges to face continuosly. All existing in nature fulfills a function and must do one service, otherwise it would be usselees, and nothing is created at random, there is always an explicit purpose. In any action there is a claim, something that moves us in search of obtaining a result, an advantage. Strive knowing that will be in vain will be an absurd, one way or another, in greater or lesser extent, behind every movement there is an end to be achieved. Either studying or working, we do to preserve or increase resources. The action with the executive capacity is the basis, performance is what will sense to previous preparation. The operations center is mental. From an idea we put in motion, interacting in different ways as appropriate with the aim of achieving a result. The performance is the coupler between the offered and obtained, the given and received, applying to any field of our interest which give value. We are designed to improve without limits within individual leeway of each respective peculiarities. Physically there is a small percentage, but thought is free, and from there is where we draw strategies to extract maximun performance of the talent powers in own benefit and the society. If we settled the rhythm slow, and at the same time the realized possibilities. Nonconformity must be the dynamic engine to go a little further each day. The performance not applies only to tangible factors, is also extensible to intangible, improving the attitude and forms of expression leading to an increasing harmony.. Stagnate is becoming stalled, and to be stalled is an obstruction that impedes progress, and if we don´t advance there is not performance, therefore we must search the fluidity in all areas, and the best manner is set the bar higher acting accordingly to make it so.

Sunday, 16 October 2016


The level of exigency is high, medium, low or nonexistent in us ? What is necessary to demand ? Tend we more to exigence or indulgence ? Why often we are more exigent with others and more condescending with us ?
The exigence must have a goal to do it well, improve, introduce quality, overcome. The development in any area must take implicitly a degree of exigency, so learning more effort is what bring results, and that can be more optimal if  goes  accompanied of exigency, ultimately discipline and perseverance.
We don´t have right to demand impeccable ways to others if our attitude is lax with mediocre expressions. If we want neatness of outside towards us, the first to create it must be just in us.
The exigency is like a string in tension. The flabby string will not service, but the excess of tension can break it, and that means finding the optimal measure between the litlle and much that serve to desired target. There are lazy people and also volunteers, conformist and nonconformist, leaders and followers. For everyone the term exigency is relative according to its own nature, tastes, aptitudes and aspirations. The difference between people successfully and not, a part of the talent that is essential, is the exigency of introducing a constant refinement in what we do.
The exigency is a natural fact. When children we were gradually educating, first we are very tolerant by the immaturity and unconsciousness of childhood, and as we grow in years, certain prior consent, can no longer be maintained, going to be held accountable, which demand some manners of harmonious and respectful behavior.
Without exigency would do nothing, it would be not ambition to renew ourselves, to introduce new slopes with best performance. Want more, be better, must always be present, becoming extensible in all areas, know how to feed, helathier methods in all senses, fit mental and physically, instruct constantly, and replace deificits by surpluses, vices to virtues.
According to the exigency, coupled to the skills and resources, we endow to the benefits that accompany. The quality or lack of them in what surround us, is closely linked of the exigency applied in each case.

Monday, 26 September 2016


Comunicate is the ascertainment of accumulated experience and how it is affecting us. The combination of our character with the singular peculiarities, contrasted with the impressions that we receive from outside of all types, makes feel, think and act according to our own parameters to be displayed according to each context and circumstances.
When we communicate, whatewer way, we are demonstrating that we are. Greatness or lowness, the quality or lack of them, manifested through ideas and actions. The question is : what do we communicate ? why ? is important ? is primordial ? is useful ? is necessary ?
Through interactions learn, we join the environment, acquiring resources, and by experiences we internalize impressions that influence in thought, in feelings and approaches. The prominent, valid at a time, it can be stopped according to the changes, producing different criteria and new trendings.What pleases before can not do it now, and consequently how to relate to them will change, and despite the same fund the communication from outside neither see nor feel like.
People associates communicate to exchange words, but communicate is all that surrounds the own idiosyncrasy. The set of various factors that externalize, indicates the stored inside in us and how has been modeling.
We should wish to convey the best, because if everyone they did so, instead of conflicts will reign harmnony, instead selfishness will prevail the desinterest, instead of set up strong inequalities would generate a fair deal and more favorable conditions. And if this is not so is because prevails the ignorance over the knowledge, hence the clumsy behavior, generator of constant controversies. When note the society that we created, the prevailing conditions and imbalances, reveal that thoughts, feelings and actions are incorrect, therefore there is a serious communication problem that needs solve if we really want change the situation to the best; because the good communication is understanding how activate the optimal functioning in the target to pursue.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016


Discover is get in touch, and the beginnings of anything means approaching, investigate, and between the known and the unknown expand the existing.
Each one is in a particular developmental level, with specific conditions to be able to perform its function facilitating gradual progress in the manifested expressions.Move from unconsciousness to consciousness, from ignorance to knowledge, signifies discover what was veiled and make it evident. Uncover the invisible making it visible.
Our work consists in discover who are we, what task we have to perform, with what purpose, and with the means at our disposal ensure the conditions that revealing the potential and accomplish the objective why we are here.
What is behind we are thinking, feeling and want ? How many people ask about their intentions, and if they are well designed or not ? Immersed in the surrounding, with the desire of obtaining rewards of some kind, much of the framework remains hidden, and not noticed us from the consequences seeing only a small part a much bigger picture than we think.
Discover the real reasons that drives to think in the manner that we do. Discover what causes the feelings of proximity or rejection towards certain people or certain things. Discover in depth the foundations of certain actions with the scope that can have in us and the environment.
Discover ourselves each time with more width, in all areas, is a necessity, because we are responsible from what we leave enter and from what choose out through words, actions and the relevant consequences.
The chaotic society around us is the reflex of selfish approaches, with limited vision and misleading, and transform it into order and appropriate conditions, requires indispensably discover ourselves to know what we really should do and bring it into practice.

Saturday, 27 August 2016


When more are absorbed by the ego, the possibilities to show incorrect attitudes increasing. Lock in hand to listen different criteria to obnservations that others can make, to reflections that could profit to expand opportunities, is limiting useless, because only have access to a minimum, while the ignored is immense.
A closed mind is unclean because don´t let flow, and the impurities create vulnerability, which means experiences of chaos in our life.
The unconsciousness and the delay of the consequences of what is said or done through the time, suggests to many people that can say or do what they want, driven by egotical desires that disconnect of the inner and outer harmony, and instead of generate satisfactory conditions it is rather the opposite, impoverishing spiritually giving way to adversity.
If we want resources, health and good relations, we can not do that we want anarchically. We must lock on constantly between the given and received, stocks and shortcomings, and if we do it correctly then will access optimally to precise.
When there are money problems, health, and the relations are conflicting, the situation is warning us at some point of the journey that we acted incorrectly, and therefore if we want recover whealthy conditions, we must know where we failed and correct. If this approach is so easy to understand, ¿ why so many people can not support be in evidence about previous actions ? Make a mistake is not ashamed, this is normal, because is not possible be always flawless, and only have a small domain executor. The mistake is don´t want to be warned by a cumbersome ego, making impossible the apprenticeship, a different approach and future transformation.
Not wanting to hear certain things, offend by insignificance, is a children reaction, regardless of age. Maturity is be responsible, assume the consequences of the actions, be willing to listen everyone, learning of all, and desire improve constantly, conscious of and endless journey that is done with the personal contributions and also other people.

Saturday, 13 August 2016


Are we masters or slaves ? Dominate the situation or this dominate us ? How many things do forced by necessities ? How many addictions have us subjected ? How many things would like change and we can not for not activate in us the mechanims that make it possible ?
Master is who knows and applies the theory to practice with a best result. Slave is who is dominated by the desire, that pushes to eat, drink or smoke and other questions without having control. As well as being at the mercy of conditions that would like different and for various reasons can not escape. The ignorance is also a determinant factor in adopt certain postures, product of the unconsciousness in what trigger in one form or another.
Be master requires time, to pass for many experiences to differentiate between what is appropriate or not. Is a compendium of knowledge and action perfectly linked to obtain a good result.
Everyone will be master of himself, for the advantages involved, and if there are so few is by the lack of prevailing depth due to the worldly goals of short range.
Society educates to be productive, but not to reveal the full potential. And the cosntant externalization, deprives to be in touch with our center, which enables us to understand the reasons why things happen as they pass and the impact on how we receive them.
There is little expertise when the person is involved regularly in problems, where shortcomings and setbacks prevails. When the circumstances have us trapped, we are slaves of the same.
Be master is to have self control, answer carefully in every context, be free of dependences and limiting factors.Goals that everyone should yearn, and in reality incline by the slavery tendencies, where the alleged satisfaction is an unsatisfactory illusion, the price to pay for not devote efforts to acquire expertise.
Be slave is dependence of external elements that drag to desire of make things usually unhealthy and harmful. To direct our lives we must know what we want, for what purpose and if is convenient. When we are the drivers, dominate the situation, and the process between the start and end not involve danger or damaging risk, although it can be unexpected mishaps.
Be master of ourselves is the desire to cultivate, to pass from ignorance to knowledge to establish the correct to all levels, for personal gain, for others and the environment.

Sunday, 24 July 2016


In decisive moments is where we must show the potential, what we can do when the pressure push to make determinations that will have its impact once moves to the action.
Accustomed to face routines and affairs of low flying, when we are in a situations of all or nothing, we need to have several factors as allies : discernment, see in perspective, pose, and especially not leave that emotions clouding the reasoning in order to proceed with wisdom. nor rush nor ankylosing up, be accurate, adapting to the context to speed up or reduce it.
Reach at the end of a cycle, couples in crisis, health in danger, forced to reflect about the fact in the past and the current state. See the reasons that triggered consequences, and being decided to eliminate what does not work and don´t have solution, or transform other previous forms more appropriate if this is possible.
Who is decided, trust in their possibilities and have clear objectives, faces the challenges with  courage, convinced that the evidence of the way are to reinforce and acces to better conditions. Is a question not pay attention to small fragments, simply deal the present as is, forming the basis of a context more favorable if you decode the complete picture acting accordingly.
Those who scared in front challenges would not can demonsrate their ability if they are cut by doubt or fear, depriving to act with intelligence and efficiency.
Is in crucial moments where show the virtues or weaknesses, greatness or lowness, generosity or stinginess, the best or worst in us. If we want progress like beings we have to test that pushes to leave the comfort, because the internal and external forces, acquires overcoming obstacles.
People wrong when want all easy, with little effort, this is the fastest way to failure.
The discomfort and nonconformity is what allow progress. In this dynamic when decisive moments are coming we will be ready to face them and overcome them if we are strong with clear ideas and effective action.

Sunday, 10 July 2016


All have a specific time to make our particular function in relation to collective, we need to know which is and prepare to execute it.
There are obstacles in the way, dilemmas do not understand, situations of appearance absurd, complicated relationship. inertia pushes forward with a narrow margin to maneuver according to their own conscience, global resources and abilities. The basic substance occupies most of the day, not thinking in the spiritual needs that give meaning to our presence here.
Live means in the mainstream conception enjoy material pleasures, and provide with objects of selfesteem. However, many confuse the instrument with the target due to strong internal disconnection.
Profit time is one that expand horizons, where we see the lace of several pieces in all, and instead of repeating obstructive patterns sine die, we introduce the appropriate changes to access a higher level of development.
In what we do, how we do it, in aims, in the established connections, is where the real challenge is. The constant attention of all movements the own and the others, with its impact, are evidence to decipher, but this asks preparation and desire of permanent improvement; otherwise we don´t see why and the advance won´t be possible,
Proceed always in the same way, without the desire to progress, stagnate in a narrow context, and this consume time without profit.
Throughout the years is much more the time wasted that the profit time. Insubstancial activities, entertainments that don´t satisfy, useless conversations, potential untapped if not increase knowledge nor new skills, criteria that don´t change, limited understanding and the access to different possibilities. Thousand of days lived and probably only some doxens have been profit, because the rest is mere repetition, routine and boredom if don´t want the desire to transform the inferior nature in higher nature, by an objective and spiritual work that catapult beyond and above all the executed.

Saturday, 25 June 2016


Most of us are stagnated, when not in a field in other, and often in several areas. The stagnation is a bad business for us and also for our relationships and the world, because offering always imperfections is a dead end.
Our employment it has nothing to do with our true mission. The services offered to obtain resources only means, behind this is where everyone has to decipher its uniqueness and existential purpose beyond the daily work.
Immersed in the more basic to preserve the physical presence, we had disconnected from inside and the goal of our earthly stay. Limited in our capacity of maneuver, to focus in the most elementary, limit further the potential that remains to discover and develop.
We act equal for decades without introduce guidelines that provides a major quality deep inside and in the form. A lifestyle apart from subsistence leads nowhere. Stopped in time with parameters acquired in a past time, without expand horizons, always with the same points of view, repeating patterns that determine the possibility of advancing. To be closed to new ways, to try different variants.
Have done a little learning process until the youth, and don´t move from here, where the environment was being reconditioned. The fear to prove, to risk, to experiment other sensations.
Say the same repetitively,  notes the lack of nourishment, have remained at a point without entering new references, a mindless wandering, unsatisfactory, sad, where only aspires to whet resignedly.
We complain, criticizing everything, ¿ but what we do to enter conditions more optimal ? ¿ What we do to correct the defects ? ¿ What we do to proceed with a best behavior ? ¿ What we do to have relations more harmonics ?
If nothing significant changes in us, in what we think, feel and do, we have remained stagnant. And unfortunately this panorama is present everywhere. But the time passes fruitless, because the opportunities don´t stop to appear to go a higher level, where the lack of consciousness, the bondage to maintenance conditions and a short overview, perpetuate inevitably in the individual and collective, remaining stagnated by the disability to break the inertia.

Sunday, 12 June 2016


Can we prove that the criticism iis better of what is said or done ? The desire of perfection must always be present, never we settle on the level where we are, because we don´t know the possibilities that we can reach and awareness.
The humans, with often clumsy behavior and ignorant, we dare to censure a lot of factors when ourselves make huge mistakes.
The criticism seems to say this is  good and this not, as if the critic have the absolut truth, where often the expressed don´t leave to be one of several egoical expressions.
Why we fall ? Why we mistake ? To be disconnected to the light. The darkness brings near chaos, the light brings near order. The most heavy however, is that many part of critics, often are near the darkness instead the light, and so their opinions are doubtful and not credible.
When everything is alright there is not criticism. And how can we know that everything is alright ? Observing its effect on the parties and in all.
What is the difference between an observation or a critic ? The observation would be like a warning, some times of prevention as they had reached the facts or not yet. The criticism is about facts which are considered to have commited an error.
What is the difference between censorship and criticism ? The criticism is usually by discrepancies at the bottom and form without claiming that the autor do what we want. Censorship, apart from not liking the content, want remove it, cutting or manipulating, and remains like a dress tailored to the tastes of censorship.
With the prevailing inconsistency around us, there are plenty of criticism factors, and is so because we only can offer that we have, and if the quality is tiny will be shown in the statement.
Innately the desire is to establish the appropriate at all times, for this reason there are laws, regulations and fines in search of the right.We need to fix the attention steadily to predict the consequences in us and others with words and actions, because here is the key to everything to lean the balance in one sense or another.

Saturday, 28 May 2016


Who criticizes thinks that something is not right, is not correct or is disagree. The question is, considering our individual gaps, the prevalence ot the unknown over the known, can we be sure that the critical is not alright ? Based on what parameters ?
Ctiticism is to look at the imperfections, however the critic knows the perfection that which aims ?
See things badly done or they are not for us, is the oportunity to strenghten certain ideas and attitudes. We must be open to hearing who criticizes us contrasting with our criteria to know if are right and if the comments are true, learning and do it better in future attempts.
For every praise there are infinity of criticism, either the human nature, or because abound much more blunders and the mediocrity than genius.
People with many defects, where their conduct is not precisely exemplary, criticizes a lot, and this lack of equitable manifest folly of its position.
We do better what criticize  if we are not specialists ? Anyone dares to say their opinion, and the truth is that the quality in what we say or do, usually is quite low.
The error or alleged error is not casual. Each event  it seems logical or not, has a purpose, and we must see the outcome to extract conclusions.
Before to release verdicts we must ask ourselves - Is really important that we criticize ?  Influence negatively or is only a reject ?
If they are so much criticism facts is the ascertainment of level of individual and collective development. To more selfishness more ignorance, and to more ignorance more danger of making erroneous actions.
Move from chaos to order, from unconsciousness to conscience, to safeguard the personal interests exclusively to do it for the common good, we will overcome the darkness, entering the light that guides to behave at all times and in each area with the indispensable harmony and there won´t criticism, because the correction will be present all time.

Saturday, 14 May 2016


Thera are two sides of criticism : with the goal to improve, or by one disagreement that brings to glisten shortcomings, inaccuracies, or by the contrast of desires and contrary ideals..
Criticism to an end uplifting should be done through expeience and careful discernment, with the purpose to correct actions replacing them by others more optimal. This happens mainly from parents to children or teachers to students, where the best preparation allow indicate more appropriate guidelines for a later profit.
Then there is the criticism according to their own points of view. If someone makes a gesture which does not fit with our singularity, is rejected with words that can be more or less hards.
The criticism involves judge of an attitude, facts, and in each case, must see the impact to check if the person who criticizes it does with foundation, or simply but not fit to personal code of values.
On what basis is criticized ? To an ideal of purity, harmony ? Who criticizes is perfect ? If the critizer is not enough correct, has no right that others do what he is unable to accomplish. We must be consistent, fair and equitable.
Before this, considering several inaccuracies that we show together, nobody should criticize. Besides, the purpose of our existence is able to see the function exerted by successive people that intersect along the way to learn what behavior we adopt in every area. Offen see things as provocation, rudeness or similar, is where must decrypt the message to a higher level of understanding. We are all intermediaries, and behind that we see " reproachable " a potential information is hiding to understand what happens and advance evolutionarily.
Everyone wants the correct, but according to the degree of consciousness and cultural influence, everyone will interpret in their own way, thus can be criticized the considered incorrect when in reality can be correct.
The egocentric approach, makes see the things according to our own desires, criticizing by interest, by acts or words, and disliked, showing in several occasions a children postures.
Show disagreement continuosly by the most insignificant, is the ascertainment of the prevailing low level, where all we get is tension without solving anything.
The criticism must be to improve, to advance, expand horizons; otherwise is useless, and in this case is better the silence.

Saturday, 30 April 2016


Whatever happens is always the appropriate. What we experience now is just the precise according the conducted previously and the framework caused. Nothing is casual, everything is part of a successive link of events, among the originated by us, and the lived through contribution of other.
The evolution of each individual placing us in the optimal place to follow the task of development. Relationships play the main role to extract the potential. The different contacts established teach us guidelines, ones to follow, others to avoid, and those difficult people for us by their expression, contain a vast information with the purpose to learn certain things for our progress.
There is nothing that clash to the whole vital process happened until the moment. The opening of consciousness will show what we take advantage of to enter general improvements, and if we stuck at various levels, is the signal that not having understood  the role of events nor specific relations.
If we make changes the situations will present according to achieved new levels. To more positivism, thinking, feeling and acting, more harmonic possibilities.
Conflicts are the warning that we must correct things, and if they maintained show that we don´t see the background that causes to solve it. Are messages to decrypt, but if we don´t know unclog them,  we can not leave from the sterile inertia.
Complain, criticize, is to see only one part. The facts as occurring are as it should be according the previous, but we have the free to choose towards where decanting the present context. Whatever we decide will be the appropriate, because the cause brings the effect. If was necessary stumble many times to modify the behavior, the fact to err will have been appropriate by the back triggering.
Live is be in process, ones have more way done and they are more matures in terms of attitude and understanding, others go more slow and needs more time, being all in the appropriate context to lace actions and consequences.
If we want being surrounded by good conditions, we must express the appropriate in order to attract it.

Saturday, 16 April 2016


Relationships are as varied as different at not be anyone alike. The thinking, assess individual interests, the character and a set of external influence, creates a microcosm in each one, and being self centered we are convinced that our arguments and manners are optimal.
If there is something really complicated is to know interact with others ensuring the best possible understanding. The approach of what we want, the consideration towards people involved directly or indirectly, should always be clear for the words and movements to generate the maximum concordia. If is not so is due to focus disproportionately in the own satisfaction, and from there start all kinds of conflict.
There are people who tune with us and others no, it´s a question of affinity, and within the affinity there are also differences in ideas, in the tastes or proceed. The relations don´t maintain a straight line, there are oscillations because the same members modify criteria, trends change and the evolutionary process is different for everyone.
The claim of any relationship is the harmony, either sporadic or assiduous, harmony for meaningful exchanges, profit and purpose in more or less measure. For this is a confluence is primary, one nexus that approach the both parties where everyone provides part of its resources, be money, knowledge or others.
In the different interactions established there will be links with who feel  comfortable,  where understanding will be effortless. Others, by difference of interests, character, training, will cause tension. And the third group that we will neither cold nor hot, where we don´t feel closed nor distant, simply by not having connection points to facilitate some kind of exchange.
In the same relation, depending on the season or time, we can experience with harmony in occasions, with tension in others and also with indifference.
The different changes in each one over time, discrepancies, the manner of feel it, determined the proximity or distance.
The tension is the result of divergences and the indifference an emotional absence. If we want preserve links, regaardless of personal transformation, we must observe the virtues of others, and so the harmony can be created by a constructive vision imbued with a sense

Sunday, 27 March 2016


We must act at all times with responsibility and consideration towards others, close or distant people and the surrounding environment if we want create optimal conditions of coexistence.
We must be responsible about what we say and do bearing the consequences, because this is the manner to reflect before to express words or actions that can trigger then.
Responsibility like a sign of maturity, be able in the conducted movements. Consideration ensuring not only by their own interests, consideration toward others by the influence of our decisions. This creates responsibility, the acts themselves in the personal incidence and outer.
Unfortunately too many people are considered thinking only in its individual plot of several interests, thoughtless the needs and the careful treatment to be dispensed to everyone.
Driven by a desire for quick satisfaction, without perspective about what can lead some actions, the persecution of certain sensations end up being more harmful that charities by lack of responsibility, and that they believed consideration is actually a disregard by don´t see the outcome later.
What complain often many people ? Lack of responsibilty and consideration through service of  low quality, and what happens at a professional level is a personal reflection.
When people don´t excuse of repetitive errors, late arrival rule for exemple, don´t finish works at time, pay bills later of their expiration, return things left after months, are clear signs of  not responsibility and desconsideration,  which can be acceptable in the chilhood by lack of training, but it can not be at adulthood.
The degree of civilization ascertains by the overall volume of responsibility and consideration of the citizens in the research of harmony in the expressed respect us and others. The different dissonances of the environment indicate a deficit of responsibility and consideration in some party or in the totally of the executed.
Until don´t appreciate the environment and others with the same measure that we do with us, the lack of responsibility and consideration will prevail with discomfort, jams and fatigue that entails.

Saturday, 12 March 2016


What does mean short gains long losses ? Think of a quick profit without look the ways to proceed or foresee the consequences which can trigger.
The materialist focus is reductionist, limited, unable to see the impact of several interconnected factors.
The desire for immediate profits or in a short period, can not last, because all that is solid and endures in time requires a long process.
If commited actions, although reporting earnings initially, if not fit harmony of the universal laws, sooner or later there will be a price to pay certainly much higher than the initial benefits.
All mismatches that we see are the expression of clumsily, ignorance, thoughts, feelings or actions poorly focused, erroneous claims thinking in egotistical terms, and then disconnections occur with diversity of problems.
The short gains acquired with shenanigans and bad manners, in time ends with lengthy losses. Either in disease, conflicting relations or even in jail.
You can earn money and wealth, but if the methods are ignoble is a moral misery.
Wealthy but poor spiritually. an ignorant bet, because all that is from material order is a loan from the universe and never we can keep. The only really our is the spiritual development with the virtues that will increase by a dapper behavior in all areas.
Thinking only in oneself  it pays off. Live with a quality is not a question to have a lot of millions, the real wealth is that which is eternal, indestructible, that is always with us and no one can steal. Is what creates peace, concord, attention and consideration towards others offering the best version to share and establish warm ties.
The obtained with falsehoods, with abuse, excess or some kind of mistreatment to people, animals or nature, is a gain that end in loss.
It´s worth it a quick profit with an unstable base and with the latent danger of regrettable consequences for an unconscious self satisfaction ?
Is best seen in perspective and act to generate internal and external peace, and so training the patience pending of results.

Sunday, 28 February 2016


Error means run an action in no correct manner. Not have made approppriate movements, not having pressed the code, the corresponding key; thus instead of accessing to desired produces a blockage.
What happens in the everyday life when explodes in conflicts of all kinds ? The words or actions have not been the best, and instead to solve or acquire the alleged, a stoppage occurs when we must insist again to undo the controversy.
When everything is right must not amend anything, but the slightest blunder forced to retreat and correct. Sometimes requires little time, and others quite. The question is : why commit errors ? By lack of knowledge, lack of attention, negligence, by excessive ambition; definitely a mismatch between subject and object.
All personal and collective problems, is by not thinking, feel or act according to each situation requires to establish an harmony. And how we know the appropriate manner ? Before mobilize desires in facts, see in perspective the possible consequences, see pros and cons, the impact on us and the environment, and with previous experience and results, decide the strategy to implement the benefit or at least not harmful.
How many people thinks the harm can cause the words or actions ? How many people before saying or do take into account the fair treatment towards those who can influence ?  How many people show respect by the nature, animals, human beings, objects ?
There are constant conflicts because the creators of them don´t know how to behave, don´t know treat with respect, with education, with consideration, and when instead of civilty prevails barbarism, only can rise tension, problems and jams.
Repeat the same positions for an intellect that not discerning with clarity,  by counterproductive feelings and clumsy actions, is remain trapped in error by a global ineptitude. And so is reflected daily, personally and in the relationships, in the disability to extend the conscience to replace outdated patterns harmfuls for those who frees us from suffering.
Break the vicious circle requires raise the evolutionary level to pass from the constant jams to the fluiidity.

Saturday, 13 February 2016


How many conversations are really inspiring ? From all is talking what percentage is useful ? What drives people to talk compulsively ? From what it says we learn,  motivates us to improve ourselves, or rather indifferent or boring ? The reality that surround us is a constant chatter useless, that does not bring knowledge by general rule neither serve for any practical application later. We transmit according our own capacity, to the personal interests, to some fixed ideas, and above a limited instruction to muddle through, focused on survival but not in transcending.
The lack of continuous nourishment without expand the perspective, repeating the same behaviors without asking how can improve, what we need change and how to access to higher levels of awareness is a limitation.
Very few people know that we have a certain number of words to pronounce in the life of everyone, and once pronounced is the final. Days go, months and years, unconscious of this existence of remaining words to the counter,  wasted time and opportunities in banalities.
Say the rules : if your words are no better than silence, it is better to say nothing.
How many people ignore this postulate ? Seems only dedicted to monks, yoguis or people with spiritual concerns.
The reality is that there is too much noise,  too much unsubstancial speeches, repetitive, in one sensation of comunication incommunicated. where neither approaches nor satisfy nor edifying.
Through words we are reflecting our potential, and the functioning of society it highlights. There is an immense communicative poverty, a great limitation in many conversations in what it says and how it says. Worried basically by mundane questions, targeted on prosaic topics with a high degree of ignorance, where everyone thinks they know a lot and can talk of everything despite not having idea.
For more resources to our disposal, this does not mean a quality in our interactions, because the quality depends of training, the type of ideals, of aims, and especially of the integrity that dowry thoughts and feelings of cleanliness in the background and form.

Sunday, 31 January 2016


Inside out, outside inside. We interact with the outside with the stored inside, and through experiences and relationships happened externally, we can increase internal resources.
We receive the nourishment physical and mental through others, of nature, with the aim to contribute to the society from the respective individuality.
First we receive and then give. First enter and then leaves, constantly striving appropriate terms for the normal development in the several fronts, needs and the alleged purposes.
We are all very dependents to establish connections with constant contributions ones toward others.
The get outside is to maintain or increase according to each case, either eliminate or transform, and after a process we revert back to the outside.
The learned in school through memory,  we must match in one activity, acquiring resources outside for the accumulated inside.
In a conversation the words leave from the inside and hearing outside. Our global experience is expressed with facts and words.
All saved in our inner have value when it express outer. Study for study or eat for eat, acquire sense when we pass on others with words or actions.
We nurture in one way to share after in a different form that results productive and useful for the giver and receiver.
We are assisting continuosly to situations of filling and empting, enter and exit, in a movement who adapt to the circumstances, needs or desires.
The time squandered in futile acts is not recoverable, however, the everyday  transfer maintain an unstable balance between loss or gain that depends from the harmony between give and receive.
The continue vital movement involves transfers from all types, having found the ideal  proportions in each case for a favorable changes.

Sunday, 17 January 2016


Be aware or not, all around us is a question of measures. There is nothing at random, synchronization is  present continuosly, we see it or not, we feel it or not, and for every piece of gear fits has a size, design, measurement and weight.
During the day go through different stages, and in each we know finding the appropriate balance for our welfare.If it is working we don´t do it until be exhausted nor do make the minimum, discover the individual rhythm to print that facilitates performance, regularity and satisfaction. And so exactly equal in the rest.
There will be people who sleep a few hours and will be enough to recover;  others need more than most, the important is adjust to what better works in every one taking into account the multiple complexity of factors and variables that can occur.
The day is varied within the repetitive routine, because the needs are different, and between the different starts and finals of every activity, the dedicated measure to work, eat, sleep or recreation depends the capacity of maneuver and circumstances, but even a limitation or condition,  it is essential to find the measures more optimal in all senses to balance the inner and outer.
Imbalances entail complications.When someone is overwheight or lack of him, we must think in the health. The excess of exercise or insufficient also have consequences. Drink in excess, a food mess, ends in pay bill.
From small to bigger things, from the insignificant to the obvious, the optimum measurement must prevail to ensure our own interests. There will be people who will need more silence and loneliness to thinking; other more sociability and relations, ones suitable to direct and others to follow the dictates. Dynamics or leveraged, fast moving or slow, effusive or colds, enthusiastic or indifferent. Whatever trend, in what identifies us, in the expression, the appropriate measurement in more or less, is fundamental to development of every day life, in the received of outside and in the transmit from the inside to the outside.