Sunday, 10 July 2016


All have a specific time to make our particular function in relation to collective, we need to know which is and prepare to execute it.
There are obstacles in the way, dilemmas do not understand, situations of appearance absurd, complicated relationship. inertia pushes forward with a narrow margin to maneuver according to their own conscience, global resources and abilities. The basic substance occupies most of the day, not thinking in the spiritual needs that give meaning to our presence here.
Live means in the mainstream conception enjoy material pleasures, and provide with objects of selfesteem. However, many confuse the instrument with the target due to strong internal disconnection.
Profit time is one that expand horizons, where we see the lace of several pieces in all, and instead of repeating obstructive patterns sine die, we introduce the appropriate changes to access a higher level of development.
In what we do, how we do it, in aims, in the established connections, is where the real challenge is. The constant attention of all movements the own and the others, with its impact, are evidence to decipher, but this asks preparation and desire of permanent improvement; otherwise we don´t see why and the advance won´t be possible,
Proceed always in the same way, without the desire to progress, stagnate in a narrow context, and this consume time without profit.
Throughout the years is much more the time wasted that the profit time. Insubstancial activities, entertainments that don´t satisfy, useless conversations, potential untapped if not increase knowledge nor new skills, criteria that don´t change, limited understanding and the access to different possibilities. Thousand of days lived and probably only some doxens have been profit, because the rest is mere repetition, routine and boredom if don´t want the desire to transform the inferior nature in higher nature, by an objective and spiritual work that catapult beyond and above all the executed.

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