In everything we do there is a bipolarity. Open / close ; start / end ; up / down ; go / return ; full / empty ; do / undo.
The plot take place in the middle between a beginning and an end, which is where we are pursuing some kind of objective, which impels us to move. Get a benefit of the action is the vitaliser factor. The desire, the need or the commitment is the one who keeps all the movements of the diversity of fronts where we are immersed.
Of all actions only remains synthetics memories and a substance that nourishes in occasions the thought, others the affective part and some to the physical body.
We must put the marker continuously to zero on a daily basis in the dual constant situations that are part of a unit.
We start with a point and we headed to another, the process necer changes, going to the search for a purpose, because without the claim of achieving anything we don´t move. There is a need for a lack, a yearning, essential for the effort and overcoming.
The question is : we know take advantage of the potential of what experienced ? the constant daily repetitions we do with inertia empty of content, without taste or increasing the potential ?
Limited by the obligations, it works fairly automatic. What we manipulate, the resources that we have , serve as intermediaries in the varied claims and demands to cover.
Often we have not awareness of the wealth that surround us, that constantly receive through third parties, and this reduced vision makes us think in a small, and consequently so is received.
The beginning and end are constant, we are pursuing all sort of purposes, but focusing on the result, in the finished task, we don´t plunge in the development of the process that is the builder of the eternal present.
In the middle pases the history, the trigger of what entails losses or gains, comfort or discomfort, where we play the conditions of immediate future.
Problems, conflicts, many issues to resolve at the individual and collective levels, we have to observe the cause, discover the origin, and do everything possible to reverse the chaotic situations by establishing the order.
Of what we do and how we do between the two extremes depends on absolutely everything, in favor or aginst, for good or for bad.
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