Tuesday, 8 April 2014


What has value ? What are the parameters to measure and decide ? The values are subjective because they are depending on each one, its uniqueness, position, resources and many different factors.
All can be of value and all also not have it, and choose the listing of the important things is strictly personal, because we can not put inside of anyone, only in us.
We are accustomed to magnify ideas, possessions, situations that we consider appropriate, and then watching it note that none of the alleged externally is the philosopher´s stone. Of course we need to preserve the basic goods of subsistence, where a part of this should investigate each case to elucidate the value contained in specific aspects.
Someone with many knowledge is not the same as someone iliterate. Very rich person is not the same as the very poor. Someone with a good health can not be compared with a patient. The individual development, training, context of action, are decisive in the respective code of values., because the characteristics and circumstances determine the belief of what is valued.
There are tangible and intangible values. What we see like material objects offering benefits, and not seen in the density which are evidenced through words and deeds.
Transient values have a relative value, often cover a plot, make a temporary service, and once the potential had exhausted repaired if is possible or replaced by others in good conditions.
Personal values are the qualities that we acquired and facilitate the exchanges and provide opportunities in various levels.
Collective values is the sum of private contributions for the common good, where the dependence need to create conditions for the global nurture.
The materials of use, the diverse relationships with the many singularities and what we give and receive in the interactions are values that help us to live in the daily construction.
The value has to add by the result that behaves. If the supposed value implies losses, dangers of upset, if don´t extract then a benefit thanks to an expansion of consciousness and the modification of obstructive factors, is not a true value.
The only indestructible values are spiritual, always current, always favorable, always with us to generate peace, harmony and welfare without distinction of any kind.

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