Tuesday, 18 March 2014


The objective of what has been accomplished and of what we want is to proceed with success to obtain a favorable outcome, but we are not in a position to know everything, nor have the same skill in different facets. Know where is the right and the wrong is a job that always accompany us, because here lies decant the balance in favor or against.
In a process there may be several stages, a predictable and unpredictable. A party depend on us, and the other external factors not controlled. To achieve the purpose we have to be prepared, but there is always a start where we are starting from zero, and the errors occur because of ignorance, lack of attention, or not synchronized movements.
The fact of stumbling can suppose serious consequences, mild or without effect, it tries to observe the detonator and take appropriate measures to correct what we can from a situation in the past or future with similar characteristics.
Both individually and collectively are repeating ancestral useless patterns.. Behaviors that have caused discomfort, frictions, loss, and by more repetitive that it has been will continue to maintain the same guidelines. Instead to stop, reflect and  see where occurs the disjoint, pushed by the selfish desires and a limited vision will perpetuate useless procedures. - These people really want welfare ?
With interested approaches, pending own benefit, the stumbling can not be correct because all interactions involves the intervention of two parties giving and receiving, and if there is an inbalance in this sense the harmony and the fair treatment will not be possible.
The basis of errors has several vertents. Conscious mistakes recognizing them, or unconscious for whatever reasons. Honest mistakes where the situation beyond us,  and bad faith where the person thinks should say or do certain actions by their concepts, ideas and values, where the negativity and the injury caused to third parties clearly show the incorrect.
The passage of time should serve to widen the panoramic and act much better, but the reality show us that not profit the experiences.
Stumble is an opportunity, and extract a benefit the objective. See without seeing and hear without hearing, act without foreseeing the consequences, here is where we will find the key to be perpetuating errors, and so continue until not pass to the other end of clarity.

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