Sunday, 18 June 2023

Man and woman they have been created back to back. Will they turn ?

We are all the product of the union of the two male and female principles, therefore although externally in the physical aspect we distinguish ourselves by a certain sex, the other principle is also in us.                       Man and woman have been created back to back. Everyone looks in opposite directions and they can´t see each other faces. The work of both consists of turning around and seeing each other head on, to identify and establish agreements based on implicit differences and that they work for unity in diversity.                  Be the same in essential but different in the rest. Fit the differences is a constant task taking into account the respective code of values, criteria, and quite opposite conceptions on several significant fronts. What is needed first is to acquire deep archetipal knowledge of the same gender, and then do the same with the other opposite to ours. Know why we are the way we are and the cause, giving us much greater and more satisfying possibilities..                                                                                                                                    Men are transmitters at a mental and physical level, and receivers in the emotional aspect. On the other hand, women are emotional transmitters and mental and physical receivers .Aware of these basic points, it is a matter of good disposition arising from a coherent broad discernment and the indispensable affection  it brings to establish links.                                                                                                                                The challenge is to internalize the qualities of the other polarity in us to not have external dependencies. And because this task is difficult and requires great effort and discipline, we hardly incorporate the attributes of the other sex in the optimal magnitude. Hence the majority look for the supplement that they believe will cover gaps or deficiencies.                                                                                                           Love binds, wisdom unties. What do we want ties for ? For love of someone or for own because of what the bond may imply. To bind oneself is to limit, and there must be a compelling reason and one purpose. The social evolutionary level in all cultures, is not enough developed to establish a couple relation that is the more demanding, and allow both individual and collective progress as a whole due to personal interests in oneslf and the interaction and one refined sensitivity to express altruistic love.                           Before conditioning ourselves with the responsibilities that will be incorporated we must ask ourselves primoridial questions . Why want this relation ? Can drive to show the best ? There is authentic enthusiasm in what I feel ? What I can supposedly earn can have more value tha what I enjoyed before the engagement ?                                                                                                                                                    There is too much fantasy, supposition and imagination over the idealization of what may lie ahead to fit in all areas. Choosing a partner in the west is usually for love, but this must be guided for wisdom, and fit both, because is the only manner to understanding both and have possibilities in the continuity that it will have to be constantly monitored.

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