Sunday, 1 May 2022


 Fear is a defense mechanism to take protective measures against situations that may overwhelm us.            In animals the instinctive part warns of possible dangers, where fear serves as foresight and protection. In humans with reasoning ability, we face what can generate fear with a mental and emotional component.     What awakens fear in us ? Fear. Fear of suffering, which is manifested in different aspects, essentially in the physical aspect and also at the economic level. And why does the fear of pain, of deterioration, of loss emerge ? For love. If we were indifferent to self esteem, would we suffer for what might happen ? Love and fear they are the foundations of spiritual work. Heart and mind are responsible for energizing and forging projects from childhood to old age. The fusion of love and fear is fundamental to establishing harmony.Knowing how to express the right for the consequences, this is the constant work that if it not done can cause situations that put us in danger.                                                                                               There are three types of fear : real, health, unfounded. Real fear is when we face the elements if they run wild, be for fire, water or air. Depending on where we are can be trapped by its influence with a real danger. It is also a real danger to be in a context of chaos and riots with minimal room for maneuver. About to run over, slip on a slope and fall down a precipice, a real dangers that cause fear of possible suffering. Ilnesses due to felt pain, loss of autonomy, limitations, loss of autonomy, lack of essential faculties with the economic damage it can cause the dependence of third parties.                                          Unfounded fears about assumptions or imaginations about different issues personal and resources. Most of time are pesimistic speculations of outcome that either do not pass or do so in a much lower proportion.     Fear put us at the crossroads of courage and prudence. Leaving well standing requires sometimes courage and others prudence, and we must know when and how, that will tell us love and fear.                                 Constant security is a utopia. If the intention is to be fair at all times, we will forge protection and avoid risky situations. The external affectation is not accidental, they are warnings of previous actions with the message to act differently.                                                                                                                                 Should we afraid inevitably ? Only if we trasnsgress the eternal laws by breaking harmony.

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