Thursday, 19 May 2022


Everyone would like to design a tailor made life, but it is not possible due to the constant fit the internal and external, the particular and the social.                                                                                                       What does mean resignation ? What we  wanted some events and others happened. And it is not a question of longing for what satisfies the ego in many ways, but of wanting situations that push us to overcome ourselves in order to gradually replace primary forms of expression with refined ones.                                We have to set goals, and we will only know if they suit us or not based on focusing on them over time. There will always be questions where we have to resign ourselves because it depends not only on our will, ability and actions, but also on the interaction in the environment and what we should experience from our evolutionary position.                                                                                                                                       There are personal and collective assignments. In the collective the room for maneuver is minimal or non existent and it is better not to revolt no matter how much we insist on petitions, claims, strikes or other methods of pressure if none work. There are mobilizations that can take decades or centuries to bear fruit, and many more that preserve the established in eternum.                                                                                 Why is so hard to change ? Why do we want to preserve what has been proven harmful ? Why should brute force prevail over intelligence ? Should we content with the degradation of forms knowing that this will make it even worse ? We want to improve and we can´t. The people are majority in number but do not have the capacity to reverse the various tentacles of power. We are trapped by mediocre leaders in some cases, perverse in others, and meanwhile stuck forever in unresolved situations.                                           At every moment what is right happens, and the governants  are the relevant ones according to the citizens, which indicates the low level of all of us where we attend a daily pile of nonsense with impotence and incapable to install well being because with a narrow view of selfish interests what is established is discomfort.

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