Saturday, 24 January 2015


What pushes us to search ? The lack. In what we do not have lies the key to our function. To advance and make progress, we need some resources in the form of knowledge, money or some type of material possession.
We are going to the search for primary goods and also to intangible assets. The first have to nourish the body, the second the spiritual part. Our desire is to want the best, what happens is that we don´t know attract it due to ignorance and unconsciousness, that make us act so clumsy.
We desire many things : health, money, love, wisdom, satisfying relationships, overall quality, various pleasures. Come into contact with these aspects require appropriate guidelines, and in addition has to be taken into account the individual karma that can facilitate or impede certain areas.
Satisfaction in what we do, as experienced, this is the objective to pursue. The question is : what and how focused on the external, in transitional matters, depending on third parties, only is possible to obtain a temporary enjoyment, in a constant dynamic of insets and offsets of short duration.
Most of the things that we want to achieve are ephemeral. Fill briefly and we have to start from zero again and again with the sensation that the " yearning joy " goes and come always sporadically.
With a materialistic formation and strictly wordly goals, the possible satisfaction always be partial and oscillate, because the focus is outside in a context of dependency.
If on the contrary we have a spiritual training and the purpose is transform us from inside to improve our behavior every day, the satisfaction will increase when replace the obstructive manners for the new ones with more fluidity. An unattainable task,  infinite, and wihout knowing where are we going, but stating the welfare in ourselves through successive changes, this is the research with more sense and profit derived from the action.
Tune us with eternal values in the temporal, this should be the main purpose, otherwise we are wandering around in experiences of small fractions that pass to increase the memory, but that does not behave a benefit of growth as self.
Accumulate internal treasure continously for that everyday life is lived with intensity and the satisfaction will be permanent and not at times.

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