Friday, 18 April 2014


The dirt or cleaning is one of the factors more clarifiers to show the current status of utensils or persons and to carry out the intervention intended to extract the best profit.
The pure or impure is the intention, the aim. Purity is raised internally to capture elements more subtle to transmit them to other.
Any contact, any exchange, if it is based on the egoical satisfaction behaves impurities if there is not a spiritual goal. The purification in both senses can occur when thinking about who may need help.
We have to observe where ideas come from, if they emerge from the ego or from the soul. If they are from the ego at some point there will be dirt. If are from the soul cleaning is the impulse and the objective, and the result is a stable tranquility.
Cleaning is clarity, understanding. Dirt is darkness, the need for changes to establish the appropriate. Cleaning is to preserve, dirt is to transform in cleaning.
The contrast are an indication to know where we should opt, modifying attittudes correcting the timely if the case requires it.
The cleaning brings benefits, dirt behaves losses. Cleaning is what has always been to seek, develop and strengthen. Dirt needs attention to elininate in us or abroad.
Cleanliness body and the utensils of use is important, but it must be accompanied of the inside cleaning. What emerges from within has to be pure for display as well.
If internally there is dirt, conflicts will be evident in the external. Surface cleanliness will be like having care only by the packaging, not the product that is where the value is.
Purity is the base, without this there is no understanding, and without understanding the actions leads to error.
From childhood that is the beginning, has been to grow and learn the portion to adopt in each circumstance, from this depends on the success or failure.
Dirt can be by carelessly, by frequent use, per incident of external elements. In the strictly personal the introduction of lower forms inside us that disturb the realm of the thoughts or feelings, which will be erroneous, generating discomfort in oneself and where to expand influence. Harmful actions not synchronized properly. Ways of thinking or feel counterproductive by wishes wrongly directed.
Dirty what is disturbing the peace, which breaks the harmony, are spots to deal with the cleaners to retrieve the ideal state.

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