Wednesday, 18 April 2012


The true satisfaction is not focused only on the external, in physical pleasures or in obtaining some objectives, goes beyond. Feel satisfied must be the result of having fueled a potential achieving, a significant result according to the personal code of values.
Most believe that the satisfaction will come from having a lot of money, comfort and feel loved. This helps to provide conditions more comfortable, acquire an increased quality, but as it is not something material itself created by us, cannot generate true and lasting satisfaction.
We would like to receive samples of attention, warmth and affection, it is normal. However, there are many relationships poor or very poor, and then what we receive is an assiduous disenchantment. What we are looking for is not what makes the neighbor by me, because it is not up to us, but we can do, what we can to give to be useful.
When we turn to the others by offering our contribution with our skills and resources is when really experience satisfaction, the rest are simple attempts that we never will vibrate with the same intensity.
If the surrounding environment is what it is and the prevailing conflict by all sides it is because the selfishness, looking only in their own self interest, and the extend of generalized form are always producing conflicts of interest that separate themselves. Ourselves with our attitude and proceed generate the dissatisfaction we feel and accompany in all areas, and will continue to do so while not to change the trend of thinking, feeling, and acting only pending of the particular benefits to do so by engaging the needs of the individual with the collective.
We are too outstanding of the own self satisfaction, leaving aside or treated badly to the other, when the reality is just the opposite. The more we are outstanding to the other and better treat them, automatically we feel better. If the people are unaware of this is because of the awkwarp shapes in themselves and by the sloppy forms of behavior that originate from deteriorating conditions present in many areas.
If we want experience satisfactory situations, we have to create avenues of understanding and willingness to collaborate and help, seeing things in perspective where the unit in harmony will prevail over the separation in discord.

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