Sunday, 29 December 2019


In the universe nothing is forgotten, everything is recorded in the akashic register since immemorial time. Which tell us that from the most insignificant to the most relevant is important. That should make us sprout an immense prudence before saying or doing according to what for the subsequent consequences. Is the unconsciousness and the ignorance who makes us reckless. Just have to check the day to day to find out insignificant affairs ending in authentic barbarities.
We have free will before to execute an action or pronounce some words. Once expressed or mobilized is no longer possible to reverse neither is returning the water where it was if the floodgates that contained it have been opened.
The robbers, scammers, assassins, they can be calm before acting, but once the events have been triggered, the peace is over.
If those who want to commit crime know perfectly well to what they are exposed ¿ is it worth risking or damaging the life in prison ? 
It is said that is a spirit of madness to be installed in the person the one that impels to transgress, and it is true that if we compare how little can be gained temporarily and how much to lose in the long run, it is certainly product of imbalance.
In a matter of seconds we can go from normality to nightmare, all for one impulse and hurtful desires.
We are responsible for what we do. The manifest has consequences and must be assumed, and knowing it we have to think well what we will say and what we will do because it will leave its mark, and this will affect positively or negatively

Sunday, 15 December 2019


Surrounded by immense possibilities it turns out that milions of people are living precariously or in poverty. Eqquiped with highly sophisticated tools, we use them in many cases for nonsense  wasting time.
Some with excessive greed wants to live with the maximum pleasures and comfort, endangering the planet, and those unbridled longings can become in their destruction.
Everyone wants a well being, and this demands a balance between action and the result. We want one thing and generate the opposite because the approach is wrong from the beginning. Think and do focused only on one´s own particular benefits has been and is the cause of misunderstandings and problems of all kinds.
Each age has had its difficulties, we were able to polish certain aspects after many years, because humans are specialists in repeating mistaakes to the point of extinction.
Resources that degrade, and meanwhile the predators are struggling hard for material goods that they will to leave, malaise reigns in all areas because we don´t know how to behave properly.
The governors are chosen by the people, and what is the prevailing level ? Of mediocrity , which is the reflection of the electors, with a few exceptions. If from the base is so that prevails, we should not be surprised by the leaders in line with the electors.
We protest, complain, feel victimized, make claims of all kind, and is useless or in any case in a very long term after a persistence insistence. We must be clear that there is a cause and effect, and if we don´t go to the root modifying the precise, we will only put patches which is the usual option.
We don´t know how to find the optimal measures for personal interests, for the unconsciousness, for not realize of the consequences in oneself and in the environment, and therefore is not surprising that we go from conflict to conflict.for disability due to limited and narrow vision focused only on the material side.
A society in check if we don´t wake up from the illusion that keeps up in the lethargy. Some may not be part of it, but the rest are doomed if the essential changes are not made to come out of the vicious circle.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019


The intolerant is authoritarian, he wants to impose his criterion rejecting peculiarities of others who annoy him. The intolerant raises his ideals, its identity in an excessive way because of having an inflated ego that make him believe that it is very important, and in consequence everything that elevates itself decreases the value of the opposite in equal proportion.
The intolerant can not live in peace because always is pending of what they say or do who are opposed to him to censor, forbid or lean on laws that limit in one sense.
The intolerant is a bitter one that bitter others with their constant pretensions of domination and imposition. it only has to prevail their position, their manners, and that leaves of this script is attacked and persecuted.
The intolerant with his microcosm and its delirium of greatness, has a close mind which does not accept differences or discrepancies. It goes against the very evolution that is to expand knowledge and consciousness, and the immobility petrifies him preventing advance, where the stagnation accumulates impurities that sooner or later will behave negativity.
The intolerant believes that he is the possessor of truth, when its narrowness and behavior show exactly the opposite.
Who is pending constantly of others who can not stand, he is mistaken in the purpose and in the behavior. We are not here to generate discord and conflict, but just the opposite, to find the right way in order that concord and cooperation prevail.
Those who use bad manners they must learn from the considered adversaries, peaceful and open to rational, coherent and just solutions.

Sunday, 17 November 2019


What is tolerable ? What is intolerable ? Without a doubt, it can not be objective when it comes to valuing various factors that depend on some ideological, cultural criteria, desires and convictions. What is normal for some is detestable for others, and vice versa the same. ¿ Who is in the possession of the truth ? Whatever is equitable, respectful, considered, who treats with dignity who is different.
What must be intolerant are all those actions that generate personal injury, in the physical or in urban goods. Now, catalog it as intolerable certain words, some songs, some colors, some flags, certain pretensions, it is own of dictators.
The intolerant is the one who can not bear anything that is not to his liking which is diametrically opposed to their tastes. But which refers to their identity, to its features, is intolerable and it can not be questioned, it comes to be as it is possessed of a divine grace, that indicates what is good and what not, what is acceptable and what is not.
The intolerants are extra super sensitive with their distinctive peculiarities, and in the same proportion extreme hardness for those who do not conform to their canons.
Sickness sensitivity versus maximum insensivity.
When the freedom of expression is threatened, the problem is not what is said, the problem is for those who want to plug mouths, who wants to close someone in a room so that it does not bother, who want forbid everything that does not plead to him. And moved by an irreflexive visceral emotions, they don´t realize that a more oppression more insistence and desire for freedom ot those who are opposites.Unable to see clearly and in perspective, each step leading to the imposition by force it turned against him, because this attitude goes against establishing harmonious ties. And is only a matter of time that the clumsy forms increase the chaos that forces to change the imposition because follow in the same way it only lengthens dilemmas that they can only be solved with an attitude and civilized disposition

Monday, 28 October 2019


The failure of the humanity is pay attention to materials goals that generate one part against other for the lack of consciousness which prevents to realize the wrong approach and the negative consequences that arises from it.
We are here in this planet to decrypt the individual function aimed at implanting neatness and harmony, and the ignorant forms create separation, conflicts and numbness.
What we note diary ? A defenseless majority battered by a prevailing power that instead of guarding the people they have immersed in multiple difficulties in any cases, and in others when they think that it can stagger the status quo, goes directly  to prosecutions, threats, aggressions and imprison dissidents, using all the mechanisms at their fingertips based on manipulating, falsifying with imaginable and unimaginable perversions in order to satisfy some low passions of domination, control and subyugation in search of some miserable ends.
The materialistic focus has allowed  to restore tools and conditions that facilitates the work and provide comfort. And the imbalance between having and being keeps unconnected the majority of their center and true purpose. Pending of volatile we lose the solid. In search of the ephemeral lose the eternal. From here originate all tensions and disagreements.
Years go by, centuries, changing clothes and instruments of use, but if if we don´t change the internal essence we continue commiting the same atrocities of always.
We are trapped by the stablishment that acts like gangsters lack of scruples where they can do all kinds of dirty game, traps, skipping ethics and moral codes leaving unpunished. While the street citizen is defenseless and in danger even don´t commit any offense.
What´s the use be surrounded by sophisticated devices when the behavior does not differ from the Middle Age immersed in various precariousnesses in an environment of discomfort and gripped by feet and hands to reverse the established power ?
The degradation of forms it derives from the spiritual poverty which makes being blind, deaf and dumb, and with the feel disabled, the inability manifest irself in actions that worsen without stopping the current context without expectations of improvement while the brutality continues imposing itself on wisdom.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019


What do we have to conform to ? Why ? What do we have to inconform ? Why ? 
To conform is accept the existent. Inconform is to want change the existent. The limitations and dependencies forces to conform with a series of conditions that for more than we want to modify we don´t have the ability to do it.
We can conform voluntarily or by force. If we have the ability to choose or not. To conform is synonymous with sufficient, to agree.. Not be conform has n implicit fund of improvement, otherwise we would be conform.
We must conform with the individual supervision that everyone has for the purpose of fulfilling our individual function in the collective according to the abilities, to the corrections to amend in the place, time, relations and particular circumstances. But we must be not conform in accomodate to a simple go making  it prevent us from evolve.
We can conform in material questions if we have the necessary that report a certain quality. On the other hand, we always long for a constant, spiritual development, because this is where the root of everything.
In the limited and transitory we must conform we like it or not, to accept that it is not in our hands model the stage, actors and the durability.
Is in the unlimited and eternal where we have to be non conformed, in intangible goods which are the basis of support where ideas, thoughts and desires born, that we later channel into actions in the surrounding environment.
The more we increase the consciousness level, the more we will know the optimal measures where we hve to conform and where no. The training is constant, having to fit us to the changes to increase or dicrease the inclination in one way or another depending on how the results are produced.
To mantain or change. Caution or risk. Stagnate or progress. These dilemmas will always be present, and we will have to decide where we stand up.

Thursday, 3 October 2019


What is left of what happended during the day ?  What is left of the week, of the month, of the year ?
Does anyone remember significant facts of a decade ago ? of all the actions, of all the experiences, what percentage have we been able to take advantage of for a continuity ?
Over the years we can know dozens or hundreds of people. Of these how many have been significant ? How many have they inspired us ? Surely the majority were insubstantial as usual it´s going to be doing routines because is the custom.
What do we remember about what we did a year ago, three or five ago ? How many days have we vibrated, have we got excited ? 
The desire is to live exciting experiences, but the truth is the obligations limit us for the dependencies of resources, and without high ideals that they print another vision, a different approach and other posibilities, the day to day is reduced to work, eat, have the house in conditions and rest. And so the days and years go on, pending for subsistence we don´t overlook the cause of existence.
People need set goals, but these must go beyond nurture and physical desires. If we live just to have we can not discover our particular specifity in the collective. Decode the function of relationships with which we have to teach and learn reciprocally immersed in the immensity and having only small knowledge. With great development potential, we take advantage of the minimum of the minimum.
What have we retained from the study as a permanent knowledge ?
In all areas, the background content is reduced to infinitesimal portions. After listen a lecture remember only a tiny percentage. Of daily food take advantage of the synthesis and eliminate the useless. From work, several activities, of a conversation, in the end everything is compressed like a capsule.
In front of this evidence we should rethink ourselves in what we invest time and effort, because in what must be edifying  there is almost nothing left, trivial occupations derive directly from the embezzlement.

Sunday, 15 September 2019


What is an error from our limited point of view ?  A mismatch. Put or do what does not correspond. The obstruction, what does not fit it indicates that at some point in the way the required mechanisms are not being coupled to achieve the proper functioning of the claim.
There are no errors in the universe, simply cause and effect. Nobody wants to err on purpose, What we don´t know is whether the "supposed error " was indispensable to force us to observe, reflect, rethink objectives, see where you can improve and correct. because in the end the purpose of the errors is to lead to the right.
What can cause mistakes ? The lack of attention, neglect, impulsiveness, ineptitude, not have enough information. What does not fit appropriately is not knowing to combine several factors, where the goal of a purpose is some kind of benefit or satisfaction.
The concept of error does not frame in machinery only, also in the behavior, in the relations. The intent of desires channeled into actions it´s getting an amazing outcome, and if in the end is not like that, or the process still has to cover stages, or there is not harmony between subject and object.
Error is synonymous of lack which must be covered with the relevant one in each case. Replace the inappropiate one for what is harmonic.
Error is disconnection. Success is connection. Everything that generates chaos, conflict, tension, suffering, has the origin in some wrong movements. When generates wellness, abundance, health, peace, is an obvious sign of coupling between an initial thought and a final result.
The universe constantly warns us of the revolt of the elements the dangers that we are forging with our actions. Are opportunities to stop us, amd measure pros and cons, to learn from the experiences and correct. The alarm signal should be taken advantage of to convert the so-called error in a bigger benefit that it would not have been possible of not having commited certain actions and triggers first.
When the error ends up turning the background context in something better, has fulfilled its purpose.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019


If the events are leaving the archive on a daily basis ¿ Why do we want to take some contexts that have already made their service ? ¿ Why do we want to turn the transient into eternal ?
The subject to duality is transient. Eternal is part of the unit. What can you see, weigh and mesure is subject to fluctuations. The intangible can not be see and measure, but always can access in form of inspirations, virtues and expressions that manifest sensibility and intelligence.
We are here to learn about the envioronment, and if the conditions changing constantly, pretend not to change is like to want stop the water that flows into the river.
How is fear forged of think that the different that can come may be worst or deteriorate the existent ?
If the kept it up asks for a transformation, preserving it will lead in a progressive degradation for not act when the situation he required it.
The experiences and its result, indicates if is necessary some adjustment or not, what preserve or what leave. The one who has already done its service is a referent, and from here we can build new contexts in the same manner that we coupled the day to day and the change of seasons.
The crowd of all kinds of conflicts that accompany us dairy, have the origin in no want to let go. Economic interests, boast power, always falling in the same groups, in those who are weak because don´t have enough strong to fight against the arsenal of resources that the leaders have. The strong of a minority with huge tentacles, it imposes a defenseless majority which is exploited to satisfy the voracity of those who control and made a measure the one that suits. And even if it envolves confrontations and constant tensions, while they are imposing they do not plan to drop miserable profits by how much they can be.

Sunday, 18 August 2019


Subject to factor time is not possible to stop it. We can not escape of the conditioners that surround us where the machines allow repetitions, revisions, but us only can project only forward.
From this evidence, pretend to freeze or perpetuate situations is go counter current. Each fact, each episode is unique, by similarity that exists between certain experiences, there is always some difference, and therefore is absurd to want to remain anchored in a context that is always changing.
From children we have passed to young people from the student to the working age, it is inevitable and inescapable, and in the same manner that we accept it because it can not be otherwise we also have to get rid of it of everything that has already done its process and its specific contribution.
Why do people cling to a charge ? To a couple ? To certain material goods ? Why some countries maintain obsolete structures, that instead of progress lead to moral and economic poverty ?
Activities and hobbies of a past they stop meaning and importance when we expand perspectives. Related relations of an age they are no longer when the path of growth diverges among the members.
Tools of use maintained maybe for decades, they comer when a substitute offers better benefits.
Really those people who don´t want changes want to petrify themselves ? Life is movement, if there is not movement there is not change, and if there is not change  why do we want to perpetuate ourselves ?
Fear to the unknown, comfort, keep privileges, it indicates cowardice and poverty of spirit, because every day is new and we don´t know where it will take us.
To want to know more, act better, generate more satisfactory conditions, that´s we must yearn for. And if we are not moving forward in this direction we will go backwards. Is this what these conservatives want ?
Knowing to let go is to flow naturally. Those who commit to retain are collapsed because it goes in reverse direction, and to preserve selfish interests other things get worse by not accepting new trends, new manners they must be implanted to evolve, and so it can be done intelligently, because if it is done with idiocy we will know when the complications will begin but not when will end.

Tuesday, 30 July 2019


Between drinking and drinking it becomes the plot of everything we do and experience. Each new day we put the marker to zero that we have to fill it with activities that will make us consume time, money and foods with the aim of continuing our earthly presence.
Everything revolves around having resources, the key to establish an autonomy of movements and freedom of choice and possibilities in our pretensions.
The dependence of others and the nature is the driving force to dynamize the aptitudes to be able to carry out approppriate exchanges aimed at covering shortcomings.
We acquire skills through study and actions for the organization and function of the daily events. It´s about having the necessary to face the day, where everything immerses us in a wheel of constant consumption. Only need to see the advertisements where every purpose is to attract buyers, therefore to consume.
At this fantic pace from one place to another, from one activitie to another, to send or receive messages ¿ anyone is asking about what are we doing, what profit do we extract, and all that what is really useful ?
When we get to retirement, of all kinds of consumptions ¿ what percentage will we take advantage of to be better people, more intelligents, more sensitive, kinder, considered, generous ?
The limitations, needs to be covered, the widespread unconsciousness leads to living by inertia.
Everyone is agree to preserve the physical continuity, but if we unknown who are we, the social contributions to be transmitted, if evident evolutionary improvements are not observed in our expressions, is a consumption by consumption, and when something is to do for to do it becomes an absurdity.
We want quantity but there is not quality. If each new day we don´t use it to fix new seeds of development and progress, we are misappropriating time and effort because we are not going  where we are supposed to go : to a constant expansion of knowledge and refinement in all senses.

Monday, 15 July 2019


What comes out of us is what we offer. The stored in the inner is the latent, which can be both constructive and destructive, favorable or unfavorable, and we will know it as we show ourselves and its impact.
We are product of multiple influences, of constant exchanges, and what we are offering through words and facts, is a compendium of received and processed through thoughts and feelings.
Sometimes we can be kind, friendly, and others not. With some will be related and divergent with others.
The tuning or discrepancy it will influence in the expressions. In comfort or discomfort, and so while we can feel inspired according to whom, we also can experience the emptiness according to the environment and the captured by the sensory devices.
If we want the best in the interactions we have to install first in us. We can not pretend that others be impeccable and we transgress laws, regulations and norms of coexistence.
What we offer is product of the intelligence or its lack. Of the sensitivity or insensitivity. We just have to look at the environment to decrypt where the balance goes
To offer the best virtues must be acquired, which facilitate the acquisition of resources, and between the purpose and the tools, contribute quality by sharing it between giving and receiving.
The personal idiosyncrasy, the one of the countries, show us how they are in accordance with the expressions and what they generate.
All must be for the best, is the purpose of creation. If we assist to chaos, disorder and endless conflicts, it´s because there is not the ability to see the connections between emissions and receptions between each other.
The obnubilation of the material deviates from the path of righteousness, and pursuing insignificant gains we can not access to immense benefits.
The footprint of what we leave with its consequences is our letter of presentation. ¿We want offer wellness or discomfort ? ¿ Generate prosperity or adversity ? ¿ What we offer today we have to offer it tomorroy or should it change ? We are responsible for what happens at every moment. Going towards progress or degradation requires 100% consecration.

Sunday, 30 June 2019


Formalitat is that everyone desires, but assiduously is not present if the conduct don´t adjust to the canons of good manners between each other.
Formality implies the behavior, that through words and actions must find the right fit of the personal pretensions and of the interlocutors.
Each relation is different. With some there will be more afinity, with other less, and also those that will be impossible for background divergences.In any case the intent to show itself correct must prevail always, because we have to guard by the order and the harmony; otherwise it is chaos and discord what will prevail, and this always leads to losses.
Get out of us approaching to our neighbor to carry out exchanges requires consideration and respect. The treatment we want to receive is what we have to give.
Only we can offer, what we have learned, internalized, the aptitudes, and this means don´t exercise domination or abusing for what we have, because the personal goods they are only the means of individual expression to contribute to society through offers and demands that facilitate cover deficits.
To show us formal we must acquire a global maturity. Be organized in the tasks to be carried out, accomplish commitments, prepared and responsible.
Consider and respect others it means sticking to the pacts, promises, being puntual in the meetings. Repeat I´ll write to you, I´ll call, we´ll stay, and then after weeks or months everything has remained in empty words of content, it´s a saying to say to stay well that in fact is indifference and informality.
Postpone meetings repeteadly with excuses of bad payer or because they consider us secondary or expendable apart from the disinterest is an egoistic example of the posponer that is not responsible nor confronts with sincerity what don´t want to do, and avoid with evasives.
If so many things go bad, if so many relations are a disaster, is the predominance of darkness over light, of ignorance over knowledge, of inconscience over conscience. Only exchanging this order we can substitute the informality by formality  with the integral benefit that it must represent for all.

Sunday, 16 June 2019


Moment to moment forge new presents that are modeling us with the intention to achieve some purposes that for more durability that we want, always are temporary.
There are tasks they can have a long term projection, with the aim to set solid bases to build personal or social works that endows of content and meaning the efforts to our physical presence in here and now. The value that we grant to such or such thing, is the driving force, and therefore is fundamental to have motivations that push us to overcome ourselves from this constant relativity of what accompanies us.
The eagerness for subsistence is the first dinamizing resort of latent faculties. The question is : What do we do with this subsistence ? Just keep us or discover the indvividual purpose of each one ? Unable to go beyond superficiality because we are trapped in the daily vortex of occupations and limitations, or have the ability to trascend with the due instruction and yearning difficult to express in words ?
Of all the experimented in the memory remains a very small part. From today´s fact we can have the tomorrow basis, where the most of the little moments they are like water escaping in our hands.
We should ask : where do I carry what I do, what I intend to achieve, is important or dispensable ? Why is it important or why is it dispensable ? the day to day is uplifting, I learn new knowledge, expands the conscience, improves my behavior, treat better the others, do I take advantage of the experiences refining the expressions ? Or on the contrary is doing without rhyme or reason repeating the same errors indefinitely stumbling with the common defects, in the problems, tensions and conflicts is that prevails incapable of transforming it ?
How do we live every moment ? Do we increase the potential or do not get out of the crash ? At the end of the day, how many of us can say it has been profitable or beneficial ?
Covering needs and desires, beyond the physical side, does it take us to be better now than years ago ? Lenghten the earthly stay will it have served to the society and to our evolution ?
Before doing depeding to what, maybe we ask some questions.

Monday, 27 May 2019


Who wants to feel important ? The one that is insignificant. Who is strong ? He treats everyone dignily. Who represses, threatens, violently, attack, is showing its weakness.
Who is ostentatious ? Who is empty inner. Who needs to demonstrate that has a lot : a lot of cups, a lot of money, a lot of titles. Who believes himself unique creator of what he does inflating the ego. Who is great is humble.
Who abuses, despises, mistreated, and has an unfounded pride, who never asks for forgiveness, in reality has a great complex of inferiority who wants compensate make up for the hard, the important. Who is strong don´t needs to violate the peace nor oblige others to obey nor pretend to sugjugated them.
Who needs feeling important is that is not. Who is simple is transparent, clear, not contaminated.
Want to be, to have, using disturbing methods , breaking the harmony invading the area of the other, indicates strong shortcomings ethical and moral, a low intellectual level and a predominance of lower forces.
Who is really great don´t need make ostentation. Who is little self praise continually to cover the emptiness of his claim.
Who is great respect who is different. However who is small uses the worst to achieve his desires.
Who is rich ? He who has wisdom and makes an optimal use generating good conditions for the individual and for the influence in the environment. Who through mental resources achieve to nourish the different aspects that bring a balance.
The internal shortcomings are moved to the outside, preventing and appropriate lace between me and you.
If we are rich materially but poor spiritually, it´s like a nice envelope with an empty content background.
Hurry up for temporary goods is a useless effort that will culminate with loss.
To watch to improve continously as being, they are cumulative riches that no one can snatch us. Opt for the emptiness or the fullness is the decision and the action to take it daily.

Sunday, 12 May 2019


Threat is a possible danger that alters some type of existing condition. Quietness, tranquility, through external movements, it can be disrupted by the incidence of factors not controlled by us.
If we look at the many personal and social fields where the obstacles prevail more than the fluidity, must find out that we don´t have the ability to plan and act harmonically, otherwise on a personal or social level, the effectiveness would be reinforced instead of the obstruction.
Do you know how to lead the leaders ? Do they provide more solutions or problems ?  The mixture of  human stupidity derived from a senseless ego and a considerable ignorance, together with the mental narrowness, it derives later in erroneous pretensions and clumsy actions that they get upset the stability, peace and others factors.
When the look up is reduced, try to impose on the environment in the form of prohibitions, repression, control and punishment. Who occupies a relevant position don´t want to be overwhelmed for those better prepared, more intelligent, and if don´t have enough size, the more easy is cover mouths, separate the dissidents so they do not bother in order to preserve the status.
In too many countries apply laws and codes that go against dignity, respect and consideration through any person. Eliminate what don´t like, the one that bothers, either murdering journalists, imprison adversaries, executions that should no be carried out, or ethnic or gender abuse.
We are immersed in an environment of permanent crisis, and if we are able to create tools that offer incredible contributions ¿ how then are we so useless about not knowing  how to solve conflicts encased ?
Why cosmic order allows these situations and what lessons what must discover for what we provoke ? Does anyone ask ? Most focus on the effects, but if don´t go to the cause transforming it, only we will put patches.
The constant threat is believe that we see when is just the opposite. Be convinced that we will win and then lost. That we must go against of  when what we have to do is go in favor of. Darkness, internal dirt is the origin of what we experience externally, and the solution is in its opposite : in the clarity of ideas and the cleanliness of feelings.

Sunday, 28 April 2019


The good work of an appliance, health, link, occupation, ask for attention and some appropiate manners to maintain an optimum level.
When there is a abandonment, deceit, indifference, the context that had existed so far, it will begin to deteriorate. If you force someone to do who does not want, to submit it, conditions its movements, the unnatural imposed by decret, maybe it will cause a certain scenario to occur, but the relation it will not be able to flow, and the pressures of the strong about the weak, will create an artificial context, that far from diluting certain background conflicts will increase,because you can not force anyone to be what is not, because a part with power executor pretend it. What could you face with dialog, respect and good manners, it is degraded to each imposition, to each abuse and to every injustice.
The similar attracts the similar one, the different one separates. If there are some ways to think and to make antagonistic, there is no similarity, and therefore the distance is inevitable. And in front of the evidences, when there is not proximity possible, to want to assimilate the opposite, and in the case of not being able to annihilate it, obviously there will be a degradation, because this one in itself already is because you want to train who is not like you to make it to your liking as if it were a puppet.
Oil and water can not be mixed, and for more than insist certain leaders with all kind of wickedness, it will not change that reality.
Governors should examine before to say or do if will create harmony or discord. If they will generate peace or more tension. If they focus on particulars interests or collectives. If they are aggressive or polite.
Go against a part of the population because they have a different culture, striving to reduce or settle it directly, imposing forms of ancestral domination, it is a delirium of greatness of an ego trapped in the darkness.
Who is big down ( to material level ) is small up ( to spiritual level ) Who is small down ( to material level ) is big up ( to spiritual level )
So many traps, dirty game, and misery scattered for nothing.

Saturday, 13 April 2019


When one thing no longer offers a useful service and we resist to leave it for whatever reason, if there is no change that causes a breakdown to which is obstructed, the fact of clinging to it ends with a degradation.; because is what happens when you want to extend what can no longer give you more.
This applies to any field : keep a company, a friendship, a couple, or an expired government system that bring more losses than profits.
We live dictatorial times and the so called democrats, with the support of the means of power,  pervert with great ability the language doing to pass the honest by bad guys, and gangster apprentices are dressed to suit wherever they need.
To built unit energy it must be appreciated with tolerance, respect and dignity. And these that fills the mouth with the word " unity " behind this word in reality is " interest " with intolerant discourses, insults and humiliating  treatment, the opposite of what they pretend to make us believe.
Unity is wake up the energy of love in all things, and if these are impregnated with aggressiveness and contempt, there can never be unit, because that produces an immense distance.
Confucius in one of his essays said that the good man must guard the people, a fact totally remote from the present day, where the governors or aspiring to be only look for their own personal interests.
The empty or negative words generate fragmentation, the opposite to unity, evidencing the falsehood between what they say and what really is.
You will not do injustice in the justice. Rightly you will judge. The goal is to open channels of mercy. The reality is absolutely different. Opponents are treated as criminals because do not think or desire the same purposes. It´s not about discussing ideas and find arguments intended to improve several conditions, is simply harassment and demolition, where the viscerality bought by milions of potential voters is what sell.
 " For your actions you will know them " and watching this dirt we can deduce the type of  characters they are portrayed with what they express and pretend. an indicator of the idiosyncrasy of a country and of the cititzens that they make it up.

Saturday, 30 March 2019


The facts do not happen as we would like ? Nothing happens, reverse the order and make a custom script to continue coming up with ours, using all kinds of guilts, passing from the manipulation, to misrepresentation, the thousand and one cheats, and especially many many lies, repeating them until exhaustion so that it works as a truth.
These apprentices of serie B does they think that the population does not see the brass ?  That we are incauts ? The more pushy is that in the contaminated society that surrounds us, the force is imposed on intelligence, the darkness to the clarity, the interests of the elite to the majority, the dirt to cleanliness.
Just like that Sodoma and Gomorra, where the wicked lived freely and good people had to loose them, only the decorations and the clothes have changed, conserving the fund with the same intentions.
It´s about inventing fake news, by the way, discovered at once. The attacked ones must be pass by aggressors in defense of the cause. The guilty ones with irrefutable evidence become innocents. And go inventing fabulous stories adjusting to wicked interests which are the trigger for the constant transgressions.
They can be authoritarian, impose to the force, and when you simply defend yourself  to want to live dignified in the own territory, then you are a supremacist, while they can do and get rid to your liking with contempt arguments which oblige them to comply with decrees and norms scattered in all areas.
The clinging defense of some material privileges it raise the most miserable human expressions. It´s not worth the bit they earn for how much they lose spiritually. The predator instincts swallow the ability to discern, and moving by instincts no good can come out in the long run even though they are believed impunity forever. 
Cosmic justice is going through accounts, and sooner or later everyone must respond for the fact paying the bill that corresponds to you.

Friday, 15 March 2019


What do you want to oppress ? The dissidence, the difference ? Why the oppressor believe as the possessor of the truth ? Where does its supposed superiority come to dictate the appropriate or incorrect ?
To want impose some conditions to the force never can be lawful it that implies violate elementary rights.
The laws are to serve and install an order, but if these laws prevent the population the free exercise to give opinion and change a context that instead of favoring is an obstacle, then the law does not work.
Want to keep the power anyway makes the most deplorable human beings rise up. If every day is different for more similarity than there is in the activities, if we we are not the same through the years ¿ How can pretend to preserve an status quo installed centuries ago with the constant social changes ?
In a network of partisan interests, we see how the states are covering the shame of each other to go making cheats, where the dynamics is always the same : put on the movement the established power with the means that are needed subjecting those who are not " the ours " and at the same time extort them as much as possible, because the objective is to extract a benefit.
Territories invaded by force that don´t want to lose. Ethnic minorities with constant mistreatment. Male privileges in all areas constraining constantly the freedom, the security, the opportunites, the dignity, the respect towards the women, that as in all oppressive factors pervertedly achieved by the brute force, they keep us perpetually in this daily fastic atmosphere, incapable of straightening civily while barbarity continues to enjoy the impunity.

Thursday, 28 February 2019


The cross is one of the simplest geometric figures : one vertical and one horizontal which are in right angle. The horizontal direction is one of ostentation, the dispersion like the water that spreads on a surface. The vertical is that of unification, like the fire that is thrown towards the sky.
The horizontal line is that of matter, the vertical the spirit. These two directions are complementaries. The symbol of the cross invites us to continue doing the work on the subject, taking the vertical direction to return to spirit.
We have to understand the need to enlist the two principles that accompany us continuosly to develop and carry out any objective. The emitter principle that you want to express from a conception of linked ideas through the receiving principle what does of channel to absorb the messages that it captures and must know how to decipher to boost the relevant resorts that give practical precision in the surrounding environment.
We can not set aside one of the principles, because there is no movement at that time. The task is harmonize constantly the function of each one, active and passive, male and female to generate the base that serves as endorsement where to carry out the successive plans that allow us to move from one abstraction to concretion.
The vertical line is hierarchical, indicates the need of respect not only in relationships, but in resources which offers the universe so that from the highest ones going down to the matter to shape our pretensions.
The horizontal line are the established contacts, the dependence we have of nature and other people to cover demands, and in these needs lies the efforts that we make. The evolution, the improvement, it will depend on the appropriate lace with the environment and the established links.
Vertical and horizontal, time and space, combined with the objective of a movement that gives sense to existence with one purpose. Each one of us must find out its specific function in the place it occupies with the characteristics that have. Link the two lines so that our presence in this plan accomplish the objective for which we are precisely here.

Monday, 11 February 2019


Everything is a question of proportions. ¿ Based on what ? to a context, a singularity, some needs, some objectives. The application of such proportions it will be based on criteria that may be ideal or not, where everything is a matter of experimenting and seeing results.
When someone says I am happy or sad what determines it ? To what facts, sensations ? Which marks the fact of seeing or feeling like that ? What happens between being content or displeased ? What I like or not. What do you like ? What you see, hear, listen ? What makes it nice ? Some sensations. Do these sensatons come from ? Someone fall good or bad. What is the balance in one sense or another ? What he says, what he does, how he says it, how he does it ? Of all people we have known how many have impacted us strongly ? How many have we found interesting ? How many have we found sympathetic or unfriendly ? How many have we had an easy or difficult link ? How many have we learned ? Of all of them in what proportion have we enjoyed the transmitted ?
We are measuring a lot or little depending on multiple parameters taking into account the idyosincrasy itself, which implies the formation of a code of values, which can be diametrically opposed by someone else.
In the subjectivity of what surrounds us, observed from a limited vision, we tend to exaggerate or dispise, raise or reduce, often with a partial view. We believe that we are in disposition to make equable verdicts seeing only small fractions impregnated with preconceived  ideas and sensationallism.
The desire to experience vivid apotheosis they are latent in us, and at the time of truth, the routine, the boring repeatability, the low quality relationships, the mediocrity prevailing in everything, submerges us in a disappointment that we are unable to transform because we don´t know how to do it. And that´s when trivial facts we give them a category of fantastics, because our level does not give form more, and the middle range we raise them to excellence to not collapse in the bleak panorama that accompanies us daily.

Thursday, 31 January 2019


What we want to gain / to obtain ? We pursue a noble or innoble purpose ? The focus is only thinking of the benefit itself or to generate balanced exchanges ? With an impatient projection in the short term, or a gradual solidity pointing to the long term ?
What we want and how tell us our character. Achieve new goals is the dynamizing engine, but we need to know what and why, having to guard for the demands both material and spiritual.
We must ask : Which are the most important gains?  What do you really value to get involved with ? The considered relevant if we get it will report an improvement in some sense ? Will we move forward in some area ?
At every moment we have what we need, if we want more, if we notice shortcomings ¿ Does the voice come from some worldly selfish desires, or of the inner voice that yearns expand the virtues as being ? What we can gain now quickly with unethical maneuvers, becoming loss in time view ¿ is really worth a momentous enjoyment and a long dissatisfaction with discomfort and tension in the way ?
The excess, the abuse, with an incorrect proceding generator of short circuits, satisfies temporarily and disconnects from the abundance to end poverty. The lack of initial clarity in the purpose and in the process with the subsequent consequences, ends up converting the desired welfare in discomfort, and the supposed gain in loss.
If the achieved is with illicit means, taking advantage of others, creating seeds of discord, perhaps the instinctive inferior nature will be satisfied, but in the way we will lose the virtues, deep wound will occur, and the potential light to generate splendor in our lifes it will end up empty for being driven from the dark.
It is wothwhile to move away from eternal value pursuing ephimeral values that sooner or later will dilute ? Sacrifice the highest by the lowest ?
Where we intend to project interests, towards what uphold us or towards a degradation for what has been done and caused ?
We must desire to win for improve the external conditions from the internal improvement, From the abstraction to the concretion to engage body and soul in a way of constant progress.

Monday, 14 January 2019


How can the concept of happiness be defined ? Probably the thing that can merge connecting the inside and outside with a sensation of welfare.
Everyone follows the happiness so it´s supposed to provide pleasantly through some facts, of experienced ones.
Each one is different, and therefore the conceived as happiness by someone it will not be for another. Many factors come into play, from personal evolution and goals, until the means of action, circumstances and execution possibilities.
The imagined as a source of enjoyment, once experienced can be a disappointment, a kind of balloon that is deflated by placing expectations on oscillating external factors.
What is to be happy ? Why ? What are the codes that incline in this regard ? What do we have to notice to make this statement ? How can be happy if what surrounds us constantly hangs from a thread ? What can do happy ? Have brilliant ideas ? The result of certain actions ? What difference of parameters is there between the materialist and some with spiritual restlessness ? What is the difference between happiness and joy, satisfaction and content ?
The " sensation " of happiness must be combined the one that flows from us with the field where we are located. A combination of thought and feeling with an emotional component that grants value to certain characteristics considered important or significant for us.
Why someone is happy and why someone not ? For the capacity or the incapacity to cling to the surrounding environment.
Because of being rich must be happy ? No. Because of being poor must be unhappy ? No. The fact to have only means greater possibilities to get resources and choice. What we means by happiness is a rewarding sensation product of a combination of factors that vibrate with our kindness.
We can not be happy if we are selfish, if we are indifferent to the suffering of other people or animals, if we don´t know to treat correctly the neighbour. The longed for happiness only can come from sharing, giving and serve, to worry sincerely for others. The ability to create union nexus to facilitate the best of each one through intelligence and sensitivity.
For more different than others, this must be the way.