What do you want to oppress ? The dissidence, the difference ? Why the oppressor believe as the possessor of the truth ? Where does its supposed superiority come to dictate the appropriate or incorrect ?
To want impose some conditions to the force never can be lawful it that implies violate elementary rights.
The laws are to serve and install an order, but if these laws prevent the population the free exercise to give opinion and change a context that instead of favoring is an obstacle, then the law does not work.
Want to keep the power anyway makes the most deplorable human beings rise up. If every day is different for more similarity than there is in the activities, if we we are not the same through the years ¿ How can pretend to preserve an status quo installed centuries ago with the constant social changes ?
In a network of partisan interests, we see how the states are covering the shame of each other to go making cheats, where the dynamics is always the same : put on the movement the established power with the means that are needed subjecting those who are not " the ours " and at the same time extort them as much as possible, because the objective is to extract a benefit.
Territories invaded by force that don´t want to lose. Ethnic minorities with constant mistreatment. Male privileges in all areas constraining constantly the freedom, the security, the opportunites, the dignity, the respect towards the women, that as in all oppressive factors pervertedly achieved by the brute force, they keep us perpetually in this daily fastic atmosphere, incapable of straightening civily while barbarity continues to enjoy the impunity.
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