Tuesday, 3 September 2019


If the events are leaving the archive on a daily basis ¿ Why do we want to take some contexts that have already made their service ? ¿ Why do we want to turn the transient into eternal ?
The subject to duality is transient. Eternal is part of the unit. What can you see, weigh and mesure is subject to fluctuations. The intangible can not be see and measure, but always can access in form of inspirations, virtues and expressions that manifest sensibility and intelligence.
We are here to learn about the envioronment, and if the conditions changing constantly, pretend not to change is like to want stop the water that flows into the river.
How is fear forged of think that the different that can come may be worst or deteriorate the existent ?
If the kept it up asks for a transformation, preserving it will lead in a progressive degradation for not act when the situation he required it.
The experiences and its result, indicates if is necessary some adjustment or not, what preserve or what leave. The one who has already done its service is a referent, and from here we can build new contexts in the same manner that we coupled the day to day and the change of seasons.
The crowd of all kinds of conflicts that accompany us dairy, have the origin in no want to let go. Economic interests, boast power, always falling in the same groups, in those who are weak because don´t have enough strong to fight against the arsenal of resources that the leaders have. The strong of a minority with huge tentacles, it imposes a defenseless majority which is exploited to satisfy the voracity of those who control and made a measure the one that suits. And even if it envolves confrontations and constant tensions, while they are imposing they do not plan to drop miserable profits by how much they can be.

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