Sunday, 12 July 2015


The questions that made to us, not depend on us, but we have full freedom in the response. The external situations presented through other people, are not in our control, the reaction, the decision to adopt, is strictly according to the election itself.
The detonated what comes from outside, respond to a series of factors far from our reach. The strategy to outline for what can trigger, requires capacity of vision, discernment and ability to establish harmony.
Words, attitudes, generated by others, are simply messages that bring us in the right moment to reflect, realizing of certain things in order to deepen in some aspect.
Each event is an opportunity, it tries to observe and decrypt the contents with the aim of improving personal issues and links to establish.
There are moments of high tension that can shoot us, where is always best appease, leaving it to flourish the clarity at the time to decide what is the most appropriate.
The uninitiated or generated individually, but affecting directly, are the collective interactions aimed at awakening an echo in the evolutionary process those involved.
We can adopt different postures before the facts, and is here where the free will has to decide what, how, why, and deal with the consequences with determination.
The answer has to be in line with the values, ideals and response capacity. Before a question of importance, some can grow, and others sink; demonstrating the response the overall quality of the individual.
Each moment is unique, and what now may seem valid perhaps tomorrow is not it. The circumstances, and with them the perception, the priorities and pretensions. It´s about being open, responsive and adaptable, to choose the proper response to the fate presents us a constant challenges.

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