Sunday, 28 June 2015


What has real value ? What is indestructible, which always accompanies us and no one can take from us, which expresses virtues, what makes us better as individuals, the careful manners that never expire, treating everyone with dignity, watching the common good instead of being selfish, seek help if we can. be attentive, helpful, all that generate harmony.
We can measure the visible and pesable, but not what is visible by expression and form part of the abstract values such as intelligence, kindness or generosity. The values can be ethical, moral, without rigidity or driven from the religiosity, simply as the need to adopt a behavior intended to establish good ways for a optimum coexistence.
However, in the name of a doctrin, of fanaticism, of a few political ideals, homeland, enlarge some peculiarities of a small collective, is an exaggerated self assessment, and in reality an inferiority complex that wants to be compensated.
Who is strong, sensible, fair, respectful, don t need extern instruments that reaffirm, because the value of someone, don´t lies either language, the flag or the hymn; but in the dignified behavior toward others and constant humility..
Each individual or social level, has a few peculiarities, resembling to some and differentiating from others, and does not make us better or worse. What we are capable of transmitting and the footprint that leaves, here is where are elements of value or absence of them.
Think we are big is the clearest signal that one is small, because the greatness is simplicity, being aware of their own limitations, and the consideration toward everyone, weaving close connections, valuing the contribution of all,  without being more than or less than by any specific reason.

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