Nature is order, and we have to apply it also to us, and organize a day compartments. We need a few hours of action and some rest, perform a few meals to restore us of the energy consumed, and a time of rest to dispose of it as we like. Perhaps in this narrow margin where escape to the obligations and the different daily inertia, is where we have to print distinctive characteristics that also provide inducements as commited in moments of recreation and strenghten the reiteration of daily actions making them with more enthusiasm, attention and appreciation of the varied contributions that we reported each in the form of resources, reffiting of forces, and a life to which we must print meaning, purpose and direction.
We can´t play the same steps in the same way in a mechannical manner, because this minimizes the value of what we are doing. It is desirable to make modifications in order to inject vitality. Insert changes in food, hours, if it can be in the implementation of certain tasks, replace old habits by other new, incorporating attractive facets according to the own character and styles, trying to get rid of sterile occupations introducing edifying activities. We are rid of insubstantial elements while filling various departments with something that really fit to our features.
We must work to have money, eating and sleeping, but with the exception of work, it is a life like the animals. And as a human beings endowed with more awareness and creative faculties, we have to use them, performing the actions into something significant despite the repeatability that we are subject. To forge the destiny with a footprint that reveals individual advances and global between what we were doing and what we do, what we were and what we are.
Through the years we break many previous routines by adapting new, because we can´t be doing the same thing always, and at the same time is necessary to mantain a disciple that consolidates the efforts to achieve the goals. We must find a balance between permanent basis that sustain us, and the introducing of successive changes that provide an utility and motivation within a context of constant repetitions.
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