If we are entering into a dark area, dirty with innoble materials, we will not see clear, we deface and we can hack. That is what happens when we fall into the inertia of the easy way out, to be seduced by the temptation that satisfy in a first, but instead of filling empty.
With the limitation of thought and perception, focusing solely on the mundane, we are convinced that the pleasure is found in a set of activities and experiences, designed to meet the physical desires. Accordint to the case and measure will be good, but is important to know that really matters, in what way have an impact on us, and instead of seeking what is unessential find what is of primary importance.
We are dissatisfied when not by a reason by other, when it should be otherwise. And the dynamic only can be broken through change. This means moving modifying ways of thinking/feeling for the action into another direction with some different patterns. Without movement there is no change, and without change there can be no progress.
It is basic wonder and observe what we do and where that leads us. If we don´t like the current context assumes that there is any factor that does not work or does not do in line whit what should or would like. Then the question is : Can I leave this dynamic ? It is so only lack the strategy planner, and abstract the initial idea into practical reality thanks to precise efforts to configure a new context. If there are so many paragraphs that do not go well is by the unconscious, which cannot even imagine the consequences of laughter next and distant that they have forms sloppy, and if not, why does it cost so much evolve, not in terms of technology, if not us individually ? Why we stumble repeatedly ? Why the desire for transitory goods leaving aside the eternal values ? Why there is so much global mediocrity and so little brilliance ?
Everything lies in the approach and in the vision. Approach toward the mundane, seeing only the external, thereby having a part of the whole, and with a reduced vision results that we can get will be reduced. Driven by the need to cover the basics we are conditioned in the margin for maneuver and if the desire to go beyond not arises from inside, will never be possible to exit from the limitation.
Many people have intellectual knowledge, with a fantastic analitical capacity, but will remain in their appearances if you do not cultivate something more in them. A go circling, the same topics without finding real solutions because the answers may not come from a stratum where there are shortages, it has to go to the source from which springs up life.
Widen the perspective requires rise to the next level, must tune with what you are requesting. More preparation, more far sighted, more resources and more quality in the think, feel and do. Each new promotion is to move from a density to subtlety, opening us to greater opportunities not imaginable until we come into contact.
We live in stratums very low of consciousness, and thus all that revolves around is limited. Expand as be, requires instruction and training increasingly broad, more wide and intense, because it is here where lie the opportunities for progress.
We have to be clear where is the aim of the claims, if to the higher or lower. If you are toward the higher then attract the media to generate the optimal conditions for ongoing development in all areas, and the results will be more obvious in the form of new blessings and general welfare.
If the approach is toward the lower, we shall live what this is able to offer, with doubts, tensions, problems, controversial, upset will be the companions, where from time to time we will feel well, but it will only be an oasis in the desert.
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