Thursday, 25 August 2011


Many people are confused about  what they believe certain items. The approach worldly, selfish, along with the parameters prevailing, limit the vision of various aspects. It is necessary to create a breadth of vision click connoisseurs situations that viewed from a reduce optics do not treat them as such is not because we know extract the enjoyment and desired benefit, living it sometimes even as adversity.
The capacity of understanding is the key in the treatment and experimentation of the various items we may have disagreements, I have chosen three to exposure mode and synthesis : solitude, wealth and relationships.
Loneliness does not exist as such, we are always with ourselves and surrounded by the universe. It is impossible to be alone, that the nature is always present here. Life in society involves exchange that we do to other people, and to survive we have to work, and although we live of income it is essential to establish relations to provide us with goods that we want to achieve.
We can be alone momentarily from human conpany, but equally we continue our own company that never leaves us. When people say " I am alone" relates only to the type of company, for it has other, and the only thing it is to be aware to come into contact.
A feeling of solitude in reality is a inner emptiness, a lack of connection with oneself, that in the absence of seeks to find externally through others, but this is a tast strictly personal it depends on us.
Material wealth desired by the majority, not provides us all. You can buy many things, access to more quantity and quality, but only in external elements.
In the wilderness, in the forest, richer than we are, all the money in the world does nothing, only we can do so in the so called civilization. The amount accumulated in the form of possessions, we can not carry on the whole, and in the time of pass away we have to leave. In contrast the inner riches earned through time with a work of spiritual growth in the form of love and wisdom, always accompany us, they are ours and no one can steal. These are the real wealth.
Also, for money that one have, if there are a faulty health, scarce intelligence or frustrating relationships, they are connotations of poverty, and the wealth be relative. The relationships exercise of intermediaries they make of bridge between our position and the claims to achieve. Thanks to the relationships, next to the own values and efforts we throw ahead.
We will not see the other as subject to gratify the desires of the ego. Relationships are the medium of exchange by excellence, where the objective is not to focus exclusively on the advantages to be gained by the contributions of others. The approach has been on " how can I serve, how can I help " because if everyone thinks in this way, will vanish the selfish formulations and would disappear losses thanks to the helpful spirit.
The others are not means of exploitation nor assumptions providing happiness. We must have our clear concepts, see them for what they are, not by what we think, we assume, we imagine or want.

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