Wednesday 25 September 2024


Assiduous repetition is inevitable to being caught in a continuous chain of beginnings and endings. Where and how can we forge licenses ? Facing the new day with care so that the repetitions show us new visions and opportunities. Automatisms are used to act effectively, being receptive to novelties and unforeseen events that expand the solving skill. Assiduous repetition and boredom is talk always the same, be predictable, monotonous, with a feeling of being stuck that is not going anywhere, limiting and impoverishing exchanges.                                                                                                                               Repetitive acts, topics discussed until exhaustion turned into useless chatter, Dragged by an inertia where the lack of ideas and renewal inevitably leads to boredom.                                                                             Regular relationships need space so they don´t become monotonous. It is better to space the contacts and that they are of a short duration, because catching up takes a few minutes, and if we don´t have interesting material to pass on next, then boredom makes an appearance.                                                                      What nourishes, what pleases, for repetitions carried out does not tire because there is a fund of value and benefits. We can repeat actions an infinite number of times and not get bored by their content.                    To be attractive we must offer solid or subtle goods that captivate the senses, that vibrate. Introduce in the usual or similar differential factors.                                                                                                                 We need quantity but is the quality that cheers up, and is hard to find because it´s a question of selecting the best ingredients treated with care to extract the more precious. In what we say and in what we do is where the difference lies to bring us closer or further away from boredom or enjoyment.

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