Friday 16 August 2024


Within the immense universe of which we only know  a tiny part, we are surrounded by various kingdoms with their evolution and contribution. Each one has a function that participates in the exchange for retroactive feeding. How the peculiarities and benefits of each species have been forged is a mistery like many others, but looking into an unknown immensity, we see that our shortcomings and dependencies which we can  not cover individually, we get them thanks to everyone´s contribution.                                 Personally we are only able to offer minuscule donations, because the rest depends of multiple connections that nurture us in obtaining resources. To mantain ourselves physically and act we can only do it for ourselves, but breathe, eat and drink we get it by the environment. We do the minimum effort, because the maximum in our continuity it comes from outside.                                                                                         We are like a drop of water in the middle of an ocean, showing that our pretensions of greatness are a sample of ignorance and unconsciousness to inflate the ego. We should realize what we do, what we want, and when drives, realizing how little we are able to achieve going after banalities while the substance of what will have to look for escapes us.                                                                                                              Our insignificance in the immensity is showing in our incapacity to evolve gradually. Investment time in task empty of content we don´t expand knowledge, preventing improvement in the needed areas. And so accumulate days that has the goal to replace the prosaic with the refined, it does not even enter the plans of the majority. We are contributing to maintaining the presence, but is only the external part.                         The purpose is the qualitive transformation using the resources and the executive capacity that reveals the content the efforts of our peculiarity and function among the rest of the various contributors, where everyone plays their role and service whether we see or not.

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