Friday 28 June 2024


Demand is squeeze, indulgence is loosen up. Demand is rigor, indulgence is clemency. Demand is ambition  to do more  and better. Indulgence is lower possibilities by indolence for lack of enthusiasm opting for inaction. Do we have to be demanding ? If we want quality provinding us with more optimal benefits with increment of resources, is indispensable. Demand is to maintain or raise the level. The action has a purpose aimed at a profit, and the result will tell us.                                                                              The idyosincrasy and aptitudes of each one raise or lower the bar with respect to the claims of what we pursue. Giving more or less importance to the objectives will determine the involvement and intensity. To preserve and continue to advance in the field that entails a demand of attention, specific actions and have the appropiate instruments. It´s all a matter of measurements. Demand is to add up, to overcome, and according to the context and the person it can end up being counterproductive. Indulgence tends to subtract by inaction or indulge in excesses, but it can be useful in specific situations to relax.                       If we want more we must do more, but more is not always synonimous of more satisfaction. Win in certain respects at the cost of losing in others, does not report well being. Is here where we have to know what the priorities are so they end up flowing.                                                                                               There are those who are demanding towards others and indulgent towards oneself. The good posture is show understanding and benevolence, and demand when it is precise.                                                           There are moments to be demand and others to be indulgent. Harmony lies in make the relevant choice in every situation, and this it depends on the perspective of equanimity and knowing how to value the presents factors that enter in scene in each case.

Friday 14 June 2024


Nothing is casual, everything has a reason, and although we do not see the motive of the experienced, it obeys some purpose that we may or not discover. Every cause will have its effect, and the trigger can backfire on us to a recent or remote past about certain behaviors. Hurtful words, dishonest actions, swindlers, aggressions, mistreats, they are for reflection and show us the ideal forms to proceed instead of discomfort with well being.                                                                                                                              Even if we see that they are signs, warnings, messages of learning, the imprint generated in us will remain impregnated in the more deep as indelible stains. The words are not carried away by the wind, they are remembered, they are perpetuated. The intensity of the wound due to incorrect behaviors can be minimized, but the memory is mantained and the loss of quality, trust and closeness that we had is fading away. We must think very well what we want to say or what we want to do for the later consequences. Everything counts, and once it has been externalized there is no going back and it is recorded with the impact it has left.                                                                                                                                               The egoistic and insensitive forms are the origin of all indecisiveness coming from actions or words. When someone must ask for forgiveness it is the recognition of an error, and the best thing is to try not to have to get here. We say we forgive the offender, but the fact leaves a lasting memory and it remains as a stain on the file and a deterioration in the relationship according to the magnitude of the fact and the result. Disappointments accumulate over the years, when it is not one´s are others, When they are not close relations, others are, and in the end, the intensity and the enjoyment is losing in the way.